2024-2025 / LOGI0022-1

Strategic Supply Chain Management and Sustainability


7h Th, 60h AUTR

Number of credits

 Master in management, professional focus in MBA (MBA)5 crédits 
 Master in management (60 ECTS)5 crédits 


Célia Paquay, Willem Standaert, Didier Van Caillie

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course offers a perspective on the main models and tools used to model the global functioning of an organization, both at the internal organizational level and at the strategic level, whatever it may be, and to associate a system for optimizing its logistical processes, allowing it to be managed in the short, medium and long term with a view to creating permanent value for its stakeholders and sustainability for its external environment.
It is structured in 6 components:

  • Value Chain Optimization: key principles (Prof. D. Van Caillie)
  • Retailing and marketing (Prof. W. Standaert)
  • Location and transport strategies (Prof. Th. Pironet)
  • Balancing supply and demand (Prof. V. François)
  • Inventory management (Prof. Y. Arda)
  • Sustainability (Prof. C. Paquay)

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The Intended Learning Outcomes addressed by the course are :

  • Strengthening knowledge and understanding of basic management disciplines in order to use them to perform a rigorous analysis of a management situation and provide pertinent solutions, including the appraisal of information flows.
  • Gaining the knowledge and understanding of the following fields: management control systems, business information systems and risk managementapplied to logistical processes and being able to mobilize them in order to solve concrete management problems or cases.
  • Capacity to research autonomously and methodically the information needed to solve a complex, transversal management problem linked to information flows and their impact on performance, to perform a rigorous analysis of it and to suggest pertinent solutions
  • Understanding and being capable of using modelization methods in the fields of business information modelling, performance management and risk management when seeking a solution for a concrete management problem
  • Providing concrete solutions to a management problem, integrating a dimension of technology & innovation
  • Being capable of professional team work
  • Developing leadership through the group work
  • Developing a critical sense (arguing)
  • Developing a transversal, global vision
  • Creative conception of solutions
  • Professional capacity for oral and written communication
  • Faced with a management problem, suggesting solutions that are ethical and socially responsible and that respect the principles of good governance

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The course is taught in English.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The students, individually, discover, from podcasts, book chapters and scientific articles, the concepts and tools that allow the implementation of the following 4 successive steps:

- Identification of the basic principles of the topics discussed in the course: modeling of the functioning of an organization and then modeling of the value chain

- Highlighting the key logistics processes of an organization, including their interrelationships with those of its main customers, suppliers and control bodies and modeling its operational functioning via the Double Bell Model.

- Modeling of the main physical and information flows linked to these logistics processes and their contribution to the value created as well as the risks linked to them, in connection with real "problem-issues" for the managers of this organization (agility, reactivity, customer proximity in particular).

- Presentation of tools, procedures and controls to optimize the internal control system of the studied logistics processes in a perspective of continuous improvement of their performance and sustainability

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Remote course

Additional information:

The practical arrangements for each session are adapted to the Covid context of the moment.



See http://obmba.hec.uliege.be/course/view.php?id=41

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Practical details regarding the organization of the exam will be communicated to students according to the Covid context of the moment

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

All necessary supports are available on the Lola platform


Contact : Mme Charlotte Maron


Association of one or more MOOCs