2024-2025 / LOCO0532-3

Multidisciplinary approach (pathology - physiotherapy) to the musculoskeletal system - Practice

In-depth physiotherapy

Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb

Dissection and functional observation


In-depth physiotherapy : 30h Pr
Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb : 9h Pr
Dissection and functional observation : 3h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in physiotherapy and rehabilitation4 crédits 


In-depth physiotherapy : Jean-Louis Croisier, François Delvaux, Bénédicte Forthomme, Didier Maquet, Camille Tooth
Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb : Stéphanie Grosdent, Didier Maquet
Dissection and functional observation : Valérie Defaweux, Didier Maquet, Thierry Thirion


Jean-Louis Croisier

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

In-depth physiotherapy

This course concerns the reeducative techniques related to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (superior and inferior members), included the previous basics of physiotherapy check-up.

Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb


Dissection and functional observation

Anatomy practical work is part of the modular training of the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

In-depth physiotherapy


Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb


Dissection and functional observation


The learning objectives correspond to a visualization in the dissection laboratory of the main anatomical structures with a view to better integration of the learning objectives of the anatomy module of the musculoskeletal system.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb


Dissection and functional observation

The knowledge of the theorical anatomical data related to the concerned module is required before entering the lab.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

In-depth physiotherapy

Presence is required.

Mode of delivery depending on color codes COVID-19

Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb

Mode of delivery depending on color codes COVID-19

Dissection and functional observation

Each practical work takes place over a period of 1 hour 30 minutes and includes phases of dissection and observation on the human body. Before the first session, the student must carry out remote work on the computer (introduction to dissection). Remote work on e-campus must be carried out before the first session.
Access to the dissection room requires acceptation of the the "règlement" by an on line signature. Wearing specific anatomical overall is mandatory

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

In-depth physiotherapy

See timetable board.

Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb


Dissection and functional observation

Blended learning

Additional information:

Workshop on line and on the dissecting lab combined with digital anatomic ressources available on-line.

Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb

on myULg.

Assessment methods and criteria

Any session :

- In-person

oral exam

- Remote

oral exam

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

In-depth physiotherapy

Any session :

- In-person

oral exam

- Remote

oral exam

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb

Any session :

- In-person

oral exam

- Remote

oral exam

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Dissection and functional observation

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Obligatory presence

Work placement(s)

Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb


Dissection and functional observation

See vademecum and on-line informations.

Sign the reglement acceptation on line !

Wear adapted clothes !


Enseignant: Prof. JL CROISIER - tél. : 04/366.39.32 - 04/366.78.25 jlcroisier@ulg.ac.be
Coordinateur pédagogique : Sébastien Wolfs 04/366.35.77 (Sebastien.Wolfs@ulg.ac.be)
Secrétariat : Mme A. DEPAIFVE (adepaifve@ulg.ac.be) 04/366.38.90 et Mme A. HANSSEN (ahanssen@ulg.ac.be) 04/366.38.97

In-depth physiotherapy

CROISIER, Jean-Louis - ISEPK, Bât. B.21 - C.H.U., Médecine physique et Kinésithérapie - Réadaption, polyclinique -2 Tél. : 04/366.39.32 ; 04/366.78.25 ; Fax. : 04/366.29.01 ; E-mail : jlcroisier@uliege.be

D. MAQUET - ISEPK - B21 - Tél. : 04/366.39.27 - Email : d.maquet@uliege.be

Assistants :

F. DELVAUX, 1er Assistant - 04/366.38.95 ; fdelvaux@uliege.be

C. TOOTH - A. GOFFLOT 04/366.21.93 - ctooth@uliege.be 

Coordinateur pédagogique
S. Wolfs - 04/366.35.77 ; sebastien.wolfs@ulg.ac.be

Secrétariat : Mme A. DEFAIFVE adepaifve@uliege.be - 04/366.38.90, Mme A. HANSSEN et M. S. JASPAR 04/366.38.97

Palpatory anatomy of upper limb and lower limb

Prof. Didier Maquet - ISEPK - B21 - D.Maquet@ulg.ac.be - 04/366.39.27
Secretary : Annie Depaifve - ISEPK - B21 - adepaifve@ulg.ac.be - 04/366.38.90

Dissection and functional observation

Dr Valérie Defaweux Anatomie humaine, Pathology Tower 3, level -1, CHU Sart Tilman, Building B23 

Tél.: +32 4 3665174 +32 4 3662858

e-mail: Valerie.Defaweux@ulg.ac.be


Md Denise Ernst: denise.ernst@ulg.ac.be

Secrétariat : 

Jessica Thys

Pathology Tower 2 - Bâuilding B36 +1

4000 LIEGE

Tél: 04/366.51.91

Fax: 04/366.59.53



Anatomy Prosectors: Mrs M. Wouters, Mr G.Dessers, A. Botte 

Pathology Tower 3, level -1, CHU Sart Tilman, Building B23 (Tél.: 04/366.51.52-3)


Prof Th. Thirion

Secrétariat accessible du lundi au vendredi de 8h00 à 11h00 :
CHU Sart-Tilman, BC+2 Route 388 - Porte 85
Tel : +32 4 3237222
E-mail : chirortho@uliege.be


Prof. Didier Maquet - ISEPK - B21 - D.Maquet@uliege.be - 04/366.39.27

Secrétariat : Annie Depaifve - ISEPK - B21 - adepaifve@uliege.be - 04/366.38.90

Coordinateur pédagogique : Sébastien Wolfs 04/366.35.77 (Sebastien.Wolfs@uliege.be)

Secrétariat : Mme A. DEPAIFVE (adepaifve@uliege.be) 04/366.38.90 et Mme A. HANSSEN (ahanssen@uliege.be) 04/366.38.97

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