Physiotherapy: Mobilisation : 20h Pr
Physiotherapy: Muscles : 5h Pr
Mechanotherapy : 15h Pr
Number of credits
Bachelor in physiotherapy and rehabilitation | 3 crédits |
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation : Jean-Louis Croisier, Bénédicte Forthomme
Physiotherapy: Muscles : Jean-Louis Croisier
Mechanotherapy : Jean-Louis Croisier
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation
Practical work sessions will enable the student to train in the techniques developed in theoretical course.
Physiotherapy: Muscles
Practical work sessions will enable the student to train in the techniques developed in theoretical course.
Practical work sessions will enable the student to train in the techniques developed in theoretical course.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation
- To learn manual muscular testing techniques of musculo-squeletal system.
Physiotherapy: Muscles
. To learn re-education techniques related to muscular system.
- To learn therapeutic indications and limits of mechanotherapy.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation
- Previously: Anatomy, Biomechanics - Later: Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy: Muscles
- Previously: Anatomy, Biomechanics - Later: Physiotherapy
- Previously: Anatomy, Biomechanics - Later: Physiotherapy - Previously: Anatomy, Biomechanics
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation
Sport clothes necessary.
Presence is required.
Physiotherapy: Muscles
Sport clothes necessary.
Presence is required.
Sport clothes necessary.
Presence is required.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Student participation in practical work sessions is obligatory. Any absence must be explained. A student who is not present at a minimum number of practical work sessions (a minimum of 75% of sessions) may be refused access to the practical exam.
See timetable board.
Mode of delivery depending on color codes COVID-19
Physiotherapy: Muscles
Student participation in practical work sessions is obligatory. Any absence must be explained. A student who is not present at a minimum number of practical work sessions (a minimum of 75% of sessions) may be refused access to the practical exam.
See timetable board.
Mode of delivery depending on color codes COVID-19
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
Student participation in practical work sessions is obligatory. Any absence must be explained. A student who is not present at a minimum number of practical work sessions (a minimum of 75% of sessions) may be refused access to the practical exam.
See timetable board.
Mode of delivery depending on color codes COVID-19
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation
on myULg and/or ecampus (LOCO0004).
Physiotherapy: Muscles
on myULg and/or ecampus (LOCO0004).
on myULg and/or ecampus (LOCO0004).
Assessment methods and criteria
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
- Remote
oral exam
Additional information:
General notation calculated following this ponderation:
- Mobilizations : 50%,
- Mecanotherapy: 38%,
- Muscles : 12%.
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation
Oral exam following color codes COVID-19 in January
Physiotherapy: Muscles
Any session :
- In-person
oral exam
- Remote
oral exam
- If evaluation in "hybrid"
preferred in-person
Oral exam following color codes COVID-19
Work placement(s)
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation
Physiotherapy: Muscles
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation
Physiotherapy: Muscles
Prof. JL CROISIER et Prof. B FORTHOMME (ISEPK, Bât. B21 et C.H.U., Médecine physique et Kinésithérapie - Réadaption, polyclinique niveau -2 ) Tél. : 04/366.39.32 ; 04/366.78.25 jlcroisier@uliege.be - bforthomme@chuliege.be
Secrétariat : A. DEPAIFVE adepaifve@uliege.be - 04/366.38.90 & A. HANSSEN ahanssen@uliege.be 04/366.38.97
WOLFS Sebastien (ISEPK, Bât. B21) Tel 04/366.35.77 - Coordinateur pédagogique Kinésithérapie
E-mail: sebastien.wolfs@uliege.be
Physiotherapy: Mobilisation
Coordinateur : Prof. J.L. CROISIER - 04/366.78.25 - jlcroisier@uliege.be
Secrétariat : Annie DEPAIFVE adepaifve@uliege.be 04/366.38.90 - Annette HANSSEN ahanssen@uliege.be 04/366.38.97
Coordinateur pédagogique : Sébastien.wolfs@uliege.be
Physiotherapy: Muscles
Coordinateur : Prof. J.L. CROISIER - 04/366.78.25 - jlcroisier@uliege.be
Secrétariat : Annie DEPAIFVE adepaifve@uliege.be 04/366.38.90 - Annette HANSSEN ahanssen@uliege.be 04/366.38.97
Coordinateur pédagogique : Sébastien.wolfs@uliege.be<br /><br /> Coordinateur : Prof. J.L. CROISIER - 04/366.78.25 - jlcroisier@uliege.be
Secrétariat : Annie DEPAIFVE adepaifve@uliege.be 04/366.38.90 - Annette HANSSEN ahanssen@uliege.be 04/366.38.97
Coordinateur pédagogique : Sébastien.wolfs@uliege.be
Coordinateur : Prof. J.L. CROISIER - 04/366.78.25 - jlcroisier@uliege.be
Secrétariat : Annie DEPAIFVE adepaifve@uliege.be 04/366.38.90 - Annette HANSSEN ahanssen@uliege.be 04/366.38.97
Coordinateur pédagogique : Sébastien.wolfs@uliege.be