2024-2025 / LANG1965-1

English 1


72h Th

Number of credits

 Bachelor in business engineering6 crédits 


Céline Leroy, Fanny Novakovic, Martin Polson, Julien Stevens, Andrea Tudino


Nathalie Schraepen

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This 80-hour course is based on the "Level-1 Business English Course" (which includes a few exercises adapted from Market Leader Intermediate and Business Partner B1-B2), on some chapters from Murphy's Cambridge English Grammar in use and on some interactive Grammar and Vocabulary tests. It includes the following:

  • Further study of everyday English vocabulary and introduction to business English vocabulary (Topics = business organization, brands, entrepreneurs and working abroad)
  • Review and study of grammar basics
  • Developing reading comprehension of business-related texts from the English-speaking press
  • Communication practice in everyday and business English: short presentations, discussions, dialogues, role-plays based on case studies, etc.
  • Developing writing skills in everyday and business English: descriptions, business emails and letters, short graph descriptions, etc.
  • Developing listening skills thanks to listening comprehension exercises based on audio and video recordings related to business or economics

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

As this is a B1/B2-level course, the key learning outcomes, consistent with the programme, are:

  • understand the main points of a speech or conversation or of radio or television programmes on current events or topics of personal or professional interest, as long as the language is clear and standard.
  • understand articles about contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular viewpoints as well as the description of events, feelings and wishes.
  • communicate with a degree of fluency on topics that are familiar or of personal or professional interest and present and defend their point of view, taking into account the multicultural and international features of their environment.
  • write simple and clear connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal or professional interest, describe experiences and events, explain the advantages and disadvantages of various options and give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
The course will also encourage students to be creative and self-sufficient and demonstrate scientific precision and a critical and ethical mind in the analysis of complex situations.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

This course is not a beginners' course. It is an intermediate-level business English course that corresponds to Council of Europe level B1/B2. Therefore the level required to take this course is a good basic knowledge of English (secondary/ high school level or Council of Europe level A2/B1). This course can be complemented by an evening class or an @lter course. For more information go to www.islv.uliege.be.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

This class uses a dynamic, interactive and efficient approach to learning business English and is based on the "Level-1 Business English coursebook", interactive grammar and vocabulary tests and a grammar book. In class a variety of activities enable the presentation, assimilation and practice of the language material from the book, such as PowerPoint presentations, role-plays based on case studies and debates.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Further information:

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

The in-class course is taught to a maximum of 45 students for three hours every week.

Students are required to prepare the units from the coursebook every week (two units per term). This preparation work varies in time depending on the students' previous knowledge. Regular work is essential as students are expected to participate actively in class discussions and debates.

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Platform(s) used for course materials:
- LOL@

Further information:


  • "Level-1 Business English coursebook" (ISLV): programme & requirements, useful tips & pronunciation, writing exercises: available on lol@
  • "Level-1 Business English coursebook supplement" (ISLV): 4 units (Organisation, Brands, Entrepreneurs & Travel) available on Lol@
  • Readings file for the oral exam: available on lol@ in the 2nd semester
  • MURPHY, R., "English Grammar in Use" (intermediate), 4th or 5th edition with answers, Cambridge University Press

  • "Grammaire anglaise de base" (with exercises and key) (ISLV): available at the "Editions ULg" and the "Point de Vue" (Sart Tilman).
  • ROBERT & COLLINS Dictionary.
  • "Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English" or "The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English".
  • "Oxford Business English Dictionary for Learners of English", Oxford University Press.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Further information:

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Additional information:

1. Continuous assessment:

  • Assessment test at the beginning of the year: Wednesday, September 22nd from 2.45 to 4.15 in amphi 050, N1a (Louvrex)
  • Regular interactive in-class grammar and vocabulary tests
  • Written assignments
2. Written exams (16/20):

January written exam (5/20)*

  • Exercises on the vocabulary and grammar seen in Q1
May written exam (11/20)*

  • Exercises on the vocabulary and grammar seen in Q2
  • Reading comprehension exercises based on an unseen text
  • Listening comprehension exercises
  • Writing exercises
*Students who do not pass the January exam (i.e. who obtain less than 50%) will have to retake the January exam at the same time as the May/June exam. Students who do not pass in January and who have a second session in English will have to sit the January part in addition to the examination covering the second part of the year in August.

3. Oral exam (4/20):

  • 15 to 20-minute discussion based on 25 pages of texts from the British and American press in a readings file. Please note that students must register for the oral exam (in class or by e-mail) before 30 April for the first session and before 31 July for the second session. After these dates, no more registrations will be accepted.


Important notes:

1. The pass mark is at least 10/20. Marks between 9.5 and 10 will not be rounded up.

2. Absence from any part of the examination will result in an attendance mark (0) for the whole course.

3. In case of a second session, the student may be exempted from the oral exam and/or "Janurary's part" of the exam if he/she has obtained a minimum of 10/20 for these exams.

These evaluation methods and criteria may need to be adapted due to certain COVID-19 restrictions.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Students can also train on-line on the ISLV (Institut Supérieur des Langues Vivantes) website thanks to the GABi (Grammaire anglaise de base interactive) and the EGIPT grammar test. To do so, simply log on to the ISLV website (http://www.islv.uliege.be). Students just have to click on "Les cours et les stages" and then on "Langues étrangères" for the GABi and on "Les Tests" for the EGIPT test. In the "Tests" menu, there is also information on the Cambridge tests which the University of Liège organises in May every year. The GABi is available in your list of courses (ISLV0000-3.2) on ecampus (myuliege).

Students should make sure that they keep up to date with the messages and practice exercises on http://lola2019.hec.uliege.be.

A compulsory placement test will be organised at the beginning of the year (see info on Celcat)


Regarding the use of language-generating artificial intelligence:

Unless specific instructions are given by the teacher within the framework of well-defined activities, the ULiège Charter on the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Academic Work applies.


ISLV office in Sart Tilman: level -1 in Bldg B33 (Trifac) 04 366 46 52

Association of one or more MOOCs