2024-2025 / LANG1916-1

Dutch 2


80h Th

Number of credits

 Bachelor in economics and business management7 crédits 
 Bachelor in business engineering7 crédits 


Claire Cutaia, Claire de Lamotte, Fanny Nsita

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

7 files presenting 7 themes, everyday life themes (such as 'communication', 'society', 'the environment' and 'education') and specialized themes (such as 'business' and 'trade')
These files are developed around different kinds of activities:

  • Listening exercises (audio files and videos)
  • Reading exercises (newspaper articles: Wablieft, Het Laatste Nieuws, Het Nieuwsblad...)
  • Speaking and writing activities based on general personal questions, personal questions in relation to the documents as well as roleplays and debates/presentations
  • Vocabulary exercices (fill-in-the-blanks exercises, translations...)
Grammar (theory and exercises)

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The course will allow students to demonstrate scientific precision and a critical mind.

The course will allow students to communicate internally and externally, about a company, organization or project.

Development of the 4 language skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking) in order to reach a good mastery of everyday Dutch.

Initiation to business Dutch.

CEFRL levels of the course:
Listening B1
Reading B1
Speaking B1
Lecturing B1
Writing B1

The student should be able to understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
He can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
He should be able to produce simple texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
He can describe experiences and events, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

The course will allow students to adapt their managerial practice to the needs of a fast-evolving world.


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Knowledge of the basic grammatical rules, the basic vocabulary and everyday language which correspond to A2 level (CEFRL).(cfr courses LANG1908-1 et LANG2008-1)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Face-to-face lessons: 3 hours / week (Highly advised!)

  • All articles and videos from the syllabus 'Thematische dossiers'
  • All grammar exercises from the syllabus 'Grammatica'
  • All vocabulary exercises from the syllabus 'Thematische woordenschat'
  • All oral exercises from the syllabus 'Thematische dossiers'
At home:

  • Different exercises to prepare (articles, videos, grammar exercises...)
  • Permanent evaluation: 1 test + 1 written expression / semester
On LOl@:

  • Extra grammar exercises with automatized feedback and/or answer keys (pdf)
  • Extra vocabulary exercises with answer keys (pdf) or podcasts

+ Possibility to take part in a facultative trip to Flanders or the Netherlands to use one's linguistic and intercultural skills outside the weekly classes.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

3 hours / week in class during the whole year + Permanent evaluation

The answer keys to all the activities discussed in class are progressively available on LOl@ with extra explanations (written explanations or podcasts) when necessary.



3 Coursebooks "Bloc 2": available at the "Centrale des cours" (N1, rue Louvrex, n°14).

  • Coursebook thematic files
  • Coursebook grammar and exercises
  • Coursebook thematic vocabulary
These coursebooks as well as all other documents handed out in class are also available online on LOl@.

cf. https://lola.hec.uliege.be/course/view.php?id=257

Also available on LOl@:

  • all videos 
  • Keys to all activities (articles, videos, grammar and vocabulary)
  • Keys and results to all tests (permanent evaluation)
  • Guidelines for the exams and review exercises
  • Interesting webpages



Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Additional information:

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Continuous assessment

Additional information:


January :

  • Written exam consisting of vocabulary (files 1 to 4) and grammar, a listening test and a reading test 
  • Oral exam on the four thematic files of the first semester
June :

  • Written exam consisting of vocabulary (files 5 to 7) and grammar, a listening test and a reading test 
  • Oral exam on the three thematic files of the second semester + a press file (5 pages of articles chosen from a given list)
Permanent evaluation

  • 1 test (vocabulary + grammar) / semester
  • 1 written expression / semester 
Second session

  • Students have to take all the parts of the evaluation (Voc/gram January - Voc/gram June - Listening exams January and June together - Reading exams January and June together - Oral exams January and June together)


Written exam (January): 4,5/20

  • Voc/Gram: 2pts
  • Listening: 1,5 pt
  • Reading: 1 pt
Oral exam (January): 2/20

Written exam (June): 4,5/20

  • Voc/Gram: 2 pts
  • Listening: 1,5 pt
  • Reading: 1 pt
Oral exam (June): 4/20

Permanent evaluation: 5/20

  • 2 tests: 2 pts
  • 2 written expressions: 3 pts

If a student is absent on the day of a test or a written expression for the permanent evaluation of the course, they will be allowed to take it later only of they send a medical attest justifying the absence in the course of the following week.

If a student gets a 'P' or an 'A' (absence) for any exam (written exam in January, oral exam in January, written exam in June and oral exam in June), his final mark will automatically be 'P' or 'A'. 

Every grade inferior to 10 out of 20 will automatically be rounded down to the nearest unit for the first as well as the second session.

For the second session, the results obtained for the permanent evaluation are only taken into account if the student got 2,5/5 or more. If a student gets less than half the points allocated to the permanent evaluation, it will not be taken into account. 3 points will be reported on a new written expression and the remaining two points will be reported on the vocabulary and grammar exams (January and June).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Groups are formed on LOl@ with more or less 30 students. Students are free to choose their group.

Groups 4, 5 and 6: Tuesday afternoon 

Groups 1, 2 and 3: Thursday morning 


Groups 1 and 4: C. Cutaia

Groups 2 and 5: F. Nsita

Groups 3 and 6: C. de Lamotte


Claire de Lamotte


Claire Cutaia


Fanny Nsita


Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Coursebooks and documents
Coursebooks and documents are available on the learning platform Lol@