2024-2025 / KINE0647-1

Multidisciplinary approach pathology - Physiotherapy : paediatrics - psychiatry - uro-gynaecology - A.T.M. - Relaxation - Theory and practice

Special pathology

Physiotherapy, urology, A.T.M., palliative care, mental illness...


Special pathology : 6h Th
Physiotherapy, urology, A.T.M., palliative care, mental illness... : 12h Th, 2h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in physiotherapy and rehabilitation2 crédits 


Special pathology :
Physiotherapy, urology, A.T.M., palliative care, mental illness... : Jean-Louis Croisier, Didier Maquet, Irène Salamun

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Special pathology

  • Special Pathology (M. NISOLLE): most common gynecological pathologies that can be treated by physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Physiotherapy, urology, A.T.M., palliative care, mental illness...

  • Further studies in physiotherapy (J.L.CROISIER): - pathologies and rehabilitation related to child - most common anxious disorders and their rehabilitation techniques - uro-gynecology - relaxation techniques and temporo-mandibular articulations rehabilitation.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Special pathology

  • To teach the most common gynecological pathologies that can be treated by physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy, urology, A.T.M., palliative care, mental illness...

  • To teach the most common pathologies that can be treated by physiotherapy and rehabilitation
  • To teach pathologies and rehabilitation related to child
  • To teach most common anxious disorders and their rehabilitation techniques
  • To teach uro-gynecology rehabilitation techniques
  • To teach relaxation techniques and temporo-mandibular articulations rehabilitation.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Special pathology


Physiotherapy, urology, A.T.M., palliative care, mental illness...


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Special pathology


Physiotherapy, urology, A.T.M., palliative care, mental illness...


Special pathology

Available on MyULg.

Physiotherapy, urology, A.T.M., palliative care, mental illness...

Available on MyULg.

Assessment methods and criteria

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Additional information:

  • This is an integrated assessment (questionnaire grouping together questions relating to the different subjects constituting this integrated teaching activity).
  • MCQ = True/False form.

Special pathology

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Additional information:

  • This is an integrated assessment (questionnaire grouping together questions relating to the different subjects constituting this integrated teaching activity).
  • MCQ = True/False form.

Physiotherapy, urology, A.T.M., palliative care, mental illness...

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred remote

Additional information:

MCQ = True/False form.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Prof. Didier Maquet - ISEPK - B21 - D.Maquet@ulg.ac.be - 04/366.39.27
Secrétariat : Annie Depaifve - ISEPK - B21 - adepaifve@uliege.be - 04/366.38.90

Special pathology

Christelle Leclercq 04/3216510 christelle.leclercq@citadelle.be Secrétariat du Prof. Nisolle - University Hospital - Dept OB/Gyn - Hôpital de la Citadelle 1 - 4000 Liège

Secrétariat ULg ISEPK : Mme A. DEPAIFVE, ISEPK (Tél. : 04/366.38.90) et Mme A. HANSSEN, ISPEK (Tél. : 04/366.38.97)

Physiotherapy, urology, A.T.M., palliative care, mental illness...

CROISIER, Jean-Louis - ISEPK, Bât. B.21 - C.H.U., Médecine physique et Kinésithérapie - Réadaption, polyclinique -2 (Tél. : 04/366.39.32 ; 04/366.78.25 ; Fax. : 04/366.29.01 ; E-mail : jlcroisier@ulg.ac.be)
D. MAQUET (D.Maquet@ulg.ac.be) - ISEPK, B21 - 04/366.39.27
Secrétariat : Mme A. DEFAIFVE, adepaifve@uliege.be - ISEPK Tél 04/366.38.90 et Mme A. HANSSEN ISEPK, Tél 04/366.38.97
Coordinateur pédagogique : Sébastien WOLFS 04/366.38.97 (sebastien.wolfs@ulg.ac.be).

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online


Special pathology

Gynecological prolapse and urinary incontinence
Definition, symptomatology and management