2024-2025 / INFO0952-1

Additional information technology


16h Th, 16h Pr, 30h AUTR

Number of credits

 Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering5 crédits 


Pierre Geurts

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course is the second programming course in the bachelor's degree program in civil engineering. It consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. During the theoretical part, the focus is on the acquisition of algorithmic concepts useful for all engineers and in particular on an introduction to algorithmics and simple but common data structures, presented in a way to make students aware of the analysis and correct planning of a program. In the practical part, the students will have to carry out homework and programming projects putting into practice the concepts seen in the theoretical part. Regular feedback will be offered. Emphasis will be placed on evaluating the performance of the programs and on the structure of the code developed by the students.

The courses will consist of the following chapters:

  • Reminder of C
  • Construction and analysis of algorithms
  • Algorithmics
  • Program organization
  • Data structures
  • Python and programming languages

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of the course, the students will have reinforced their knowledge of a programming language (C). They will be able to write programs to solve medium-sized realistic engineering problems. They will master the basics of algorithmics and will have a knowledge of the most common data structures, which they can use concretely in their programs. They will also have acquired a general knowledge of the main programming paradigms.

This course contributes to the learning outcomes I.2, II.1, III.2, IV.1, VI.1 of the BSc in engineering.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The following course is a prerequisite:

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The weekly theoretical classes of 2 hours will be complemented by weekly tutorials of 2 hours also, supervised by teaching assistants and student-instructors, and by the accomplishment of projects. These assignments and projects will aim to put into practice the theoretical notions seen in class. The assignments will consist of more targeted programming exercises, while the projects will need to analyze a problem, determine the best algorithm to solve it and implement the solution in C language. Participation in the theoretical course and tutorials is highly recommended. The completion of homework and projects is mandatory.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face-to-face, in the first semester. See Ecampus for all information.

Several reference books will be recommended to the students, but not mandatory. Slides, problems and solutions and other materials will be available on ecampus.

Written work / report

Additional information:

Course evaluation will be based solely on the work of the semester. There will be no exam in January. The weighting will be as follows: 16% for the exercices done during the practical sessions (4% each), 28% for each of the three projects. The projects will be rated on the basis of their accuracy, the good use of the language and, where appropriate, the quality of the answers in the report.

In the second session, projects and assignments not completed during the year, as well as any assignment or project with a score of less than 10, must be repeated (possibly on the basis of adapted statements). No supervision will be garanteed during the summer.

There is no partial postponement of grades for projects from one year to the next.


Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

All information on the course (organization, schedule, slides, practicals and projects) will be accessible via Ecampus.


  • Instructor: Pierre Geurts - Tel: 04/366.48.15 - e-mail: p.geurts@uliege.be, Office: 1.134, B28 (Montefiore) 
  • Teaching Assistant: Florent De Geeter - Bardhyl Miftari
  • Preferred contact modes: e-mail (info0952@uliege.be) or personal contact after the lectures or by appointment.

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Cours material on Ecampus
Lecture notes, exercices, and project statements are available on Ecampus.