2024-2025 / INFO0116-1

Documentary and corpus research

Documentary and corpus research

Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid


Documentary and corpus research : 15h Th
Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid : 15h Th, 15h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in interpretation, professional focus in conference interpretation5 crédits 
 Master in translation, professional focus5 crédits 


Documentary and corpus research : Christophe Dony
Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid : Isa Hendrikx

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Documentary and corpus research


Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid

The course offers

(a) Introduction to corpus-based translation studies

(b) Familiarize students with tools for creating and analyzing corpora
- to improve their translations
- in order to carry out research projects

The topics covered will be:

- Using corpora for teaching and learning to translate
- Computer-assisted translation and computational linguistics
- Corpora as a research tool in translation studies
- Scientific communication through research reports
- Best practices for the creation of multilingual corpora

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Documentary and corpus research


Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid

Being able

  • to choose between existing corpora which ones can be of use for a specific translation problem or for a research project.
  • to create a corpus for a specific translation problem.
  • to annotate a corpus (using POS taggers and parsers)
  • to search a corpus
  • to conduct a small-scale corpus study
  • to write a short research report
  • to orally present research in a concise and comprehensible manner

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Documentary and corpus research


Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Documentary and corpus research


Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid

Group and individual exercises (compiling and annotating DIY corpora); Oral communication of a research project.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Documentary and corpus research


Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Enseignement oral en présentiel.

Documentary and corpus research


Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid

Theoretical texts and PPT presentations distributed in class

Recommended readings

Loock, R. (2016). La traductologie de corpus. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.

Olohon, M. (2004). Introducing Coropra in Translation Studies. Londres/New York: Routledge.

Zanettin, F. (2012). Translation-driven Corpora. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing.

Documentary and corpus research


Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

This teaching unit ("Unité d'enseignement," or UE) is subject to the principle of the "note absorbante," which means that the student having obtained a mark below 8/20 for one of the learning activities ("activités d'apprentissage," or AA) will receive a failing grade for the entire unit and will have to retake the failed AA in the second session regardless of the mathematical average of the two AA grades. Weighting 65%.

First term:

  • Oral presentation of a scientific paper, cannot be rescheduled (15% of the final grade)
  • Written theoretical exam (35% of the final grade)

Second term:

  • Research project - presentation of the intermediate results, cannot be rescheduled (15% of the final grade) 
  • Research project (group project) (35% of the final grade) 

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Documentary and corpus research


Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid


Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Use and creation of a corpus as a translation aid

Syllabus de Règles et usages de typographie française

Système de codes de correction

Liste des opérations


Fichier pour examen blanc