2024-2025 / IMMU0001-1

General immunology


Supplement for pharmacy


Theory : 15h Th
Supplement for pharmacy : 5h Th

Number of credits

 Bachelor in pharmacy3 crédits 


Theory : Catherine Sadzot
Supplement for pharmacy : Catherine Sadzot

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents


All the mechanisms involved in the immune response of the organism which defends itself against pathogens will be presented during the course. The first part will focus on the ancestral mechanisms of the innate response. The second (and largest) part of the course will be dedicated to the study of the adaptative (or specific) immune response. The chapters' list: o Overview of the immunological system o Cells and organs of the immunological system o Immunoglobulins: structure and functions Gene organization o Major histocompatibility complex: structure and functions o T cell receptor (TCR): structure and functions o B cells: development, activation and differentiation o T cells: development, activation and differentiation o Complement system

Supplement for pharmacy

Importance of the immune response in some examples:
- Vaccination
- Hypersensitivity
-... (examples may vary over the years)

Learning outcomes of the learning unit


Understand the various mechanisms developed by the Vertebrates to fight foreign elements and in particular pathogen agents .

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


It is important to have a good knowledge of the cellular and molecular biology

Supplement for pharmacy

It is important to have a good understanding of the basis of Immunology

Planned learning activities and teaching methods


Whenever possible, the courses will be given face to face. If the sanitary situation evolved, the courses will be given by visioconference (Teams)
Students will be invited several times to answer to participate to quizzes that will allow them  to assess their understanding. The score obtained for all the quizz will be part of the final score of Immunology (For a max of 1/20).

All supports (PWP, podacsts, quizz,...) will be accessible via eCampus.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)


Whenever possible, the course will be given face to face. In addition, the courses will either retransmittedlivre, for those who, due to the sanitary situation could not attend the course, or recorded.

Supplement for pharmacy

Face-to-face course


All the illustrations used during the course (slide show) will be available on digital format on MyULg.  Students have to take notes during the lectures.
Powerpoints will be completed by a glossary containing the definition of many terms used in the course.
The books used as support of this course (optional) are:

  • "Immunologie" de J.Kuby, Eds Dunod.
  • "Immunobiologie" de Janeway, Eds De Boeck.
The books are available at the Medicine Library and can be borrowed for a maximum period of 7 days at the Professor's office (In exhange of a deposit of 50€)

Supplement for pharmacy

All the illustrations used during the course (slide show) will be available on digital format on eCampus.  Students have to take notes during the lectures. The reference book (optional) is "Immunologie", de J.Kuby, Eds Dunod. This book is available at the faculty library and in the professor's office.
The books used as support of this course (optional) are:

  • "Immunologie" de J.Kuby, Eds Dunod.
  • "Immunobiologieé" de Janeway, Eds De Boeck.
The books are available at the Medicine Library and can be borrowed for a maximum period of 7 days at the Professor's office (In exhange of a deposit of 50€)


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Written exam (at the University or by eCampus depending on the sanitary situation in January) The result of the Immunology exam will be calculated as follows:        Max 19/20 for the exam + Max 1/20 for the quizz

Supplement for pharmacy

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Additional information:

Written exam Specific questions on this part of the course included in the Immunology exam

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course



Catherine Sadzot-Delvaux, Full Professor, Virology and Immunology Unit GIGA-Research, B34, 5th floor Telephone: 04 366 24 45 Email: csadzot@uliege.be

Supplement for pharmacy

Catherine Sadzot-Delvaux, Full Professor, Virology and Immunology Unit GIGA-Research, B34, 5th floor Telephone: 04 366 24 45 Email: csadzot@uliege.be

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