2024-2025 / HULG9399-1

c-1 Implementation 1


12h Th

Number of credits

 Bachelor in landscape architect1 crédit 


Hubert Lionnez

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Description of the teaching unit

More than an "Material Construction " course, this course is a "Landscape project construction" course and aims to introduce young landscape architecture students to a "disciplinary culture" of the landscape project.

This introduction recognizes the status of the landscape project as a real instrument of knowledge and assumes the non-linearity between theory and practice but rather will seek from the analytical and critical reading of landscape projects to identify lines of conduct, strategies, concepts, themes, spatial arrangements, relationships to uses, implementation of materials and details of execution as so many "materials" available for designing the landscape project.

The approach of the course is therefore holistic, considering the objects and concepts as belonging to a whole. It will also be transcalary, seeking to identify the relationships of coherence that link a detail of execution to a global intention.

The lectures of the course will therefore be built from the reading of different landscape projects mainly from the urban scale which constitutes the field of exploration of the BA2 project workshop.

The presentations will be structured by highlighting different themes and concepts in order to guide the students in learning about landscape projects and their potential transposition into their own project practice.

As a table of contents, the following themes/issues can be highlighted:

-The territory as a palimpsest, reading and writing the landscape project
-Drawing as a tool for building the project
-The soil project
-The construction of images: the landscape project as a vehicle for a collective imagination
-Versus Design process, ecosystemic and permaculture approach of the project

In order to introduce students to "field practice", one or other of the projects presented in the course will be the subject of an on-site visit seeking to verify the dimensions and qualities of the project through experience.

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Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this course, students will be able to appreciate the qualities of a landscape project by identifying
-the central issues addressed by the project
the relationship of the project to a pre-existing situation and the main transformations generated by the project
-the specific attention paid to the project and the means used to respond to it
-the graphic and plastic design tools used in the construction of the project and their consistency with the objectives pursued
-the articulation of the different scales of project design
-the narrative capacity of the project and its contribution to the constitution of an imaginary

As indicated, the course constitutes a first introduction to a holistic approach of the landscape project which considers objects and concepts as belonging to a whole.

The analysis of the projects constitutes a first entry in "landscape matters", more than the learning of ready-made recipes, it wants to initiate in each student an own curiosity and a rigour in the comprehension of the projects which within the disciplinary culture will constitute his own culture of landscape architect.

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Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The back-to-back course of the BA2 project workshop is aimed at students who have successfully completed the BA1 project workshop

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Analysis of projects from Powerpoint presentations illustrating the subject
Visit of project(s) in situ

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Course materials and recommended or required readings

The lectures are made available to students via Teams and include a short reference bibliography in relation to the themes and issues developed in the course.

Written work / report

Other : Work to be submitted during the session

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course



Association of one or more MOOCs