36h Pr
Number of credits
Bachelor in landscape architect | 3 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
This course screw to improve the knowledge base on the use of AutoCAD - 2D.
The objective is to deepen the basic operations related to the construction of a 2D drawing using the drawing and modification tools. The drawings are then made using annotated texts, descriptions, quotes and layout for printing a graphic or technical document.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
- Draw a plan, a cut, a simple elevations using AutoCAD software tools such as: line, polyline, rectangle, arc, circle, hatches, copy, move, adjust, extend, shift, mirror, rotate, connection, bevel, outline, scale, align, draw order, change the length;
- Organize legibly drawing;
- Name and save the file produced to enable the effective safeguarding of documents and the creation of a specific backup in the system;
- Distinguish the different formats used files;
- Annotate the plan / cutting with text, quotation marks or multiple lines;
- Draw respecting the unity imposed by the scope;
- Lay out a presentation for printing a technical or graphic document.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Handling of the operating system MS Windows 10 or sup. ; management of MS Windows files.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, demonstrations and problem situations.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Jean-Pierre Couwenbergh. (2013) AutoCAD 2014, Eyrolles, 604 p.
Written work / report
Continuous assessment
Further information:
Continuous assessment and presentation of work done in class or at home.
The evaluation criteria relate to the acquisition of drawing tools, modification, annotation and page layout and integration in situations of increasing difficulty.
The active and intelligent participation and investment in the course, as well as the presence in all practical application sessions are entering criteria into account in the assessment.
The positive and steady growth are also taken into account in the evaluation.
The work carried out is to be deposited exclusively on eCampus. Files received by e-mail are not taken into account in the evaluations. If the size of the files exceeds the size allowed on the eCampus system, a precise instruction will be communicated to all students or on a case-by-case basis.
Attendance at least 70% of the time is required to validate the course. If there are too many absences, the course will not be credited and an exclusion mark will automatically be applied. Attendance cannot be made up in a second session.
Failure to hand in at least one assignment may result in the unit being failed.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course