36h Th
Number of credits
Bachelor in landscape architect | 3 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the first semester, review in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Overview of the history of gardens from the aniquity to the present day, with particular focus upon the periods, the places and/or the personalities associated with the birth of a style or a way of composition, in particular:
- the Roman antiquity : the imperial urban villa - the villa rustica ;
- the Middle Age : the enclosed garden (hortus conclusus) - the "jardin d'Amour courtois" - the monastery garden ;
- the Renaissance : the antique and mannerist garden in Italy - the renaissance garden in France and in the Low countries ;
- the baroque era : the French garden in France, bith and developements in France with André Le Nôtre and diffusion through Europe;
- the Enlightenments (18th century): the English garden (picturesque and Naturalistic style) in England and their developments in Europe (English garden, anglo-chinese garden, picturesque, and "goût mélangé");
- the 19th century: the landscape garden, the emergence of the urban "promenade" and public urban park in Europe (Parcs and gardnes in Paris during the Second Empire through the figure of the ingenior Alphand), the emergence of the parkway system in the United States with F.L. Olmstead;
- begining of the 20th century: back to traditional models (french garden, italian garden, Arts and Crafts garden) - the Modern movements - the Garden City;
- the Post-War era : international contemporary trends : personalities of the internationa lModernism (R. Burle-Marx, C. Scarpa, ...) - new strategies linked with artistic, ecologic, urbanistic and social matters ;
Development of a series of related themes, in particular:
- the symbolic system of the garden planning (the narrative garden) ;
- the relationship between architecture and gardens;
- methods of transmitting knowledge (horticultural and botanical techniques, etc.) through herbariums, litterary texts and techniques, treaties, iconographic representations (drawings, engravings, paintings, etc.) ;
- bringing to the fore main contributors as practitioners, theorists, partners and owners, etc.) ;
- the garden as a vehicle for schools of thoughts and philosophical trends ; the rôle of creation in Garden design.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
By the end of the course, students should have mastered:
- specific, typological and technical vocabulary (see: glossary);
- historical data enabling them to position a garden in its stylistic, historical and sociological context;
- knowledge of styles and their constitutive elements through theoretical works and treaties of contemporary composition as well as their transmission according to eras, countries and/or regions;
- taking into consideration major creators : architects, gardeners, artists (supporting examples);
- bibliographical and iconographical sources in relation to the evolution of tastes and styles since the Renaissance period.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Illustrated theory course (slides and Powerpoint presentations).
Individual work or in group following different forms :
- lecture of gardener litterature ;
- reflexif work on historic gardens visits or study day ;
- study of the work of a main conceptor (gardener, architect, landscape architect, ingenior, artist) from the modern or contemporray era.
Visits of historic parks and gardens or participation to thematic study days.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Blended learning
Further information:
Lectures and visits on sites.
Participation to thematic study day in relation with the history and creation of gardens and landscapes.
Looking at a selection of documentary films on line (personnal work).
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- MyULiège
Further information:
Syllabus, course notes and Power point presentations.
Essential reading
- collection of foundation texts: BARIDON M., Les jardins. paysagistes - jardiniers - poètes, Paris, R. Laffont, 1998 (Bouquins)
- Dictionaries: CHATENET M. & MOSSER M. (dir.), Jardin. Vocabulaire typologique et technique, Paris, éd. du Patrimoine, 2000 (Principles of scientific analysis). - THEBAUD Ph. & CAMUS A., Dicovert. Dictionnaire des jardins et paysages, Ris-Orangis, Ed. Arcature, 1993.
- History of gardens: Philosophies du jardin, Hors série Le Point/Référence - les textes fondateurs, avril-mai 2019. - BARIDON M., Le jardin paysager anglais au dix-huitième siècle, Dijon, éd. universitaires, 2000 (coll. U. 21).- BRUNON H., Histoire des jardins, Humensis, 2024 (coll. Que Sais-je / Inédit). - MOSSER M. & TEYSSOT G. (dir.), Histoire des jardins de la Renaissance à nos jours, Paris, Flammarion, 1991. - VERCELLONI M. & V., L'invention du jardin occidental, Rouergue, éd. du Rouergue, 2009 (translated from Italian).
- Approche pratique : MITCHELL A., Arbres de France et d'Europe occidentale, Paris, Arthaud, 1982.
Recommended reading
- History of gardens: - SAUDAN M. & SAUDAN-SKIRA, De folies en folies : la découverte du monde des jardins, Paris, La Bibliothèque des Arts, 1987. - BRUNON H. & MOSSER M., Le jardin contemporain. Renouveau, expériences et enjeux, Paris, éd. Scala, 2006 (Selected paintings). - CORTESI I., Parcs publics. Paysages 1985-2000, Arles, Actes Sud, 2000 (translated from Italian). - WILSON A., Paysagistes. Ceux qui ont marqué le siècle, Octopus France / Hachette Livre, 2003 (translated from English). - DE HARLEZ DE DEULIN N., Parcs et jardins historiques de Wallonie, IPW, 2008 (Patrimoine de Wallonie). - CORAJOUD M., Le paysage c'est l'endroit où la terre et le ciel se touchent, Paris, Actes Sud/ENSP, 2010.
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
oral exam
Written work / report
Further information:
Individual or in group Report (see Planned learning activities)
Oral examination
Criteria : see learning outcomes
A global final note (oral proof + individual or group exercice ) of 10/20 is required for the academic success (1rst session).
The exercises are not improvable between two sessions.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
For visits and works on site, rendez-vous on site.
Nathalie de Harlez de Deulin
Association of one or more MOOCs
Items online
Garden history : study day and reflexive work
Study Day at Freÿr Casttle (25/10/2024)
Indications for the reflexive work
Garden history : illustrate présentations, notes and syllabus
Documents for the course