2024-2025 / HTRA0020-1

Undergraduated final work

Support activities to bibliographic research

Undergraduated final work


Support activities to bibliographic research : 6h Pr
Undergraduated final work :

Number of credits

 Bachelor in human and social sciences (New programme)5 crédits 


Support activities to bibliographic research : Mathieu Uyttebrouck
Undergraduated final work : Collégialité, Julie Gérard


Julie Gérard

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

See the rules at the address: www.fass.uliege.be/reglements 

Support activities to bibliographic research

The primary purpose of the course is the student's know-how and autonomy in the research, the evaluation and the use of scientific resources.

The skills acquired during this course (knowledge and know-how) will be useful all along university cursus as well as during the professional career.

Throughout the course, the student will learn to seek out and to select relevant scientific information. With a critical eye, the student will make the best use of available library and internet resources.

Different topics will be discussed during the course:Sources of scientific information;

  • Specialized research tools in social and political sciences;
  • Information research methods;
  • Plagiarism;
  • The open access;
  • References management (ZOTERO).

Undergraduated final work

See the rules at the address: www.fass.uliege.be/reglements 

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The TFB is a personal written composition on an object of your choice, which exercises in reading, writing, and analyzing empirical data in the context of social science research.

The objectives to be fulfilled are:

  • show autonomy and initiative, in particular for the choice of a research object, making contact with a promoter, bibliographic research; empirical analysis;
  • analyze the information from the chosen scientific references to formulate a research question on the chosen subject, which is stripped of any ideological or normative scope;
  • develop a theoretical framework and define related concepts;
  • present the chosen method and the type of materials used in relation to the hypotheses posed in the chosen research question;
  • collect, produce, and process original qualitative or quantitative empirical materials or possibly already obtained and partially exploited in one of the Methods (Block2), Advanced Methods (Block3) courses or in a thematic course;
  • present the results critically by confronting them with the selected literature;
  • restore all of these elements in a structured document respecting precise formal instructions.

Support activities to bibliographic research

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

-          Identify the main sources of information (database, catalog, etc.) and the essential documentary tools in the fields of political and social sciences.

-         Elaborate research equations and to use a thesaurus in order to increase the efficiency of their documentary research.

-          Research and to select appropriate and relevant resources

-          Critically analyse their documentary research and its outcomes (ex: does this source meet my expectations? Is it relevant to the research question?)

Furthermore, students will be sensitized to issues about plagiarism, scientific edition and open access movement. Finally, student will receive training on bibliographic management software - ZOTERO.

Undergraduated final work

The TFB is a personal written composition on an object of your choice, which exercises in reading, writing, and analyzing empirical data in the context of social science research.

The objectives to be fulfilled are:

  • show autonomy and initiative, in particular for the choice of a research object, making contact with a promoter, bibliographic research; empirical analysis;
  • analyze the information from the chosen scientific references to formulate a research question on the chosen subject, which is stripped of any ideological or normative scope;
  • develop a theoretical framework and define related concepts;
  • present the chosen method and the type of materials used in relation to the hypotheses posed in the chosen research question;
  • collect, produce, and process original qualitative or quantitative empirical materials or possibly already obtained and partially exploited in one of the Methods (Block2), Advanced Methods (Block3) courses or in a thematic course;
  • present the results critically by confronting them with the selected literature;
  • restore all of these elements in a structured document respecting precise formal instructions.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Support activities to bibliographic research

Basic computing skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Activities to accompany bibliographic research (BIBL0001-A) are organized in the form of work sessions (see CELCAT) and integrated into the module HTRA0020-1 "Bachelor's thesis". The evaluation of the effective participation in these activities will be taken into account in the final grade of the TFB (15%).

In addition to these three bibliographic research support sessions, follow-up and question-answer sessions will be given by the coordinator of the Bachelor's thesis and made available to the students (see CELCAT).


Support activities to bibliographic research

Course organization :

1h - Introductory session in large classroom on friday the 4th of October 2023 from 13.00 to 14.00.

2x 2h - practical work/tutorial at L. Graulich library. Registration required via the online form Doodle sent by the professor during the introductory session. Sessions will be offered between October 4 and November 22.

Caution! For the sake of consistency, make sure to follow the TP1 before the TP2.

1h - presentation and experiment of ZOTERO software (presentation; content; usefulness; set up; basic use; etc.). The session will be given to a large audience on Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 from 13:00 to 14:00. There will be an extra hour in the same classroom to be available to students.

Undergraduated final work

Activities to accompany bibliographic research (BIBL0001-A) are organized in the form of work sessions (see CELCAT) and integrated into the module HTRA0020-1 "Bachelor's thesis". The evaluation of the effective participation in these activities will be taken into account in the final grade of the TFB (15%).

In addition to these bibliographic research support sessions, follow-up and question-answer sessions will be given by the coordinator of the Bachelor's thesis and made available to the students (see CELCAT).

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Both the literature search activities and the optional follow-up and Q&A sessions are held face-to-face (unless restricted by the health crisis).



Support activities to bibliographic research


Undergraduated final work

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Both the literature search activities and the optional follow-up and Q&A sessions are held face-to-face (unless restricted by the health crisis).



Support activities to bibliographic research

The course material will be provided once all the students have completed TP2.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- Remote

written exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

The work is evaluated by the promoter on the basis of the achievement of the objectives defined above and the respect of the formal instructions.

The work will be assessed on the basis of the following elements (as an indication):

  • the relevance of the work used ;
  • the mastery of the theoretical content used
  • the originality of the materials treated
  • the methodological rigor ;
  • the coherence of the proposed analyses and results in relation to the literature;
  • the ability to critically reflect on the work carried out;
  • the quality and care in writing the text (spelling, syntax, style and structure);
  • the evaluation of the participation in the "Bibliographic research support activities" (BIBL0001-A).
Any plagiarism will result in the nullity and impossibility for the student to validate the credits linked to the TFB (cf. rules relating to plagiarism that can be consulted on the following web page: https://my.student.uliege.be/cms/c_11161787/fr/mystudent-prevenir-le-plagiat ).

The TFB must be deposited on Ultra  and sent in electronic version by e-mail or in paper version to the promoter (according to what has been agreed with this promoter) no later than the date set by the official timetable for the current academic year. The name of the PDF file submitted and/or sent must contain the student's first and last name, their student number and the mention "TFB". This information should also be included in the subject line of the email. Attention: only the version deposited on Ultra is authentic.

The evaluation and deposit procedures are identical for the first session and the second session.


Support activities to bibliographic research

Written work / report

Additional information:

Students will be evaluated on the basis of the participation in class, along with  of a documentary report on the subject of their choice after the second practical course.  

Undergraduated final work

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- Remote

written exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

The work is evaluated by the promoter on the basis of the achievement of the objectives defined above and the respect of the formal instructions.

The work will be assessed on the basis of the following elements (as an indication):

  • the relevance of the work used ;
  • the mastery of the theoretical content used
  • the originality of the materials treated
  • the methodological rigor ;
  • the coherence of the proposed analyses and results in relation to the literature;
  • the ability to critically reflect on the work carried out;
  • the quality and care in writing the text (spelling, syntax, style and structure);
  • the evaluation of the participation in the "Bibliographic research support activities" (BIBL0001-A).
Any plagiarism will result in the nullity and impossibility for the student to validate the credits linked to the TFB (cf. rules relating to plagiarism that can be consulted on the following web page: https://my.student.uliege.be/cms/c_11161787/fr/mystudent-prevenir-le-plagiat ).

The TFB must be deposited on Ultra  and sent in electronic version by e-mail or in paper version to the promoter (according to what has been agreed with this promoter) no later than the date set by the official timetable for the current academic year. The name of the PDF file submitted and/or sent must contain the student's first and last name, their student number and the mention "TFB". This information should also be included in the subject line of the email. Attention: only the version deposited on Ultra is authentic.

The evaluation and deposit procedures are identical for the first session and the second session.


Work placement(s)

Support activities to bibliographic research


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Support activities to bibliographic research

Introductory session on the 27th of September 2021, from 13.00 to 14.00

Online registration to the practical courses via a Doodle link provided during the introductory session.

Minimum 6 and maximum 12 students per session.


The last session will be held on 29th of November from 13.00 to 14.00. A roster will be scheduled after the session for those who would like additional help to carry out the work.


Coordinator of the Final Year Work:

Julie GERARD: julie.gerard@uliege.be


Support activities to bibliographic research

Mathieu Uyttebrouck
Responsable scientifique - Bibliothèque L. Graulich
Tél: 04 366 32 71


Undergraduated final work

Coordinator of the Final Year Work:

Julie GERARD: julie.gerard@uliege.be


Association of one or more MOOCs