2024-2025 / HTRA0011-1

Final thesis project (including coaching seminar)

Final thesis project

Coaching seminar


Final thesis project :
Coaching seminar : 15h SEM

Number of credits

 Master in anthropology, research focus10 crédits 
 Extra courses intended for exchange students (Erasmus, ...) (Faculty of social sciences)10 crédits 


Final thesis project : Isabelle Borsus, Elodie Razy, Benjamin Rubbers, Véronique Servais, Lorena Ulloa Lizana
Coaching seminar : Isabelle Borsus, Elodie Razy, Benjamin Rubbers, Véronique Servais, Lorena Ulloa Lizana

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents



Final thesis project

Writing a personal research project with a view to the thesis for the Master 2 which involves:

  • theoretically defining and contextualising a research subject and a problem
  • proposing a personal analysis based on a review of anthropological literature and related disciplines;
  • proposing a methodological approach suitable for the objectives of a thesis.

Coaching seminar

This LU aims to guide students throughout the writing process of a personal research Project - prerequisite to the dissertation for a master's degree theisis. This implies:

  • to theoretically define and contextualize a research object and a problematics
  • to propose a personal analyses based on a reference bibliography
  • to propose a methodological approach for the master's degree theisis research.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Final thesis project

Writing a structured research project, including the clear definition of a research object and question, a coherent analysis, the bases of a methodological approach, and a relevant bibliography that will be used in the work.

See the rules for the Master Thesis projects in anthropology : https://www.student.fass.uliege.be/cms/c_7151929/fr/studentfass-reglements-et-formulaires



Coaching seminar

Students will be able to write a structured research Project, including the clear definition of a problematics, a coherent analysis, the bases to a methodological approach, and an adequate bibliography.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Final thesis project


Coaching seminar


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Final thesis project

(HTRA0011-1) Support seminars for the draft thesis
Individual supervision by a Promoter

Coaching seminar

Initiation and training sessions to:

  • leading bibliographic research
  • constructing a research object
  • writing
  • state of the art and problematisation
Sessions are participative: written compositions and oral dissertations to monitor the project construction and the research progress.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Final thesis project

See course outline for the Support Seminar.
Students are required to make contact with a potential promoter before the end of November. The adviser will set a series of appointments with the student to monitor progress.

Coaching seminar

Blended learning

Additional information:

Sessions are organised according to a schedule that follows the progress of the research and its deadlines.
In the first part of the year, frequent sessions aim to provide all the necessary tools to begin the research and to start the research project.
After January, the sessions are less frequent and aim to assist and monitor the research progress.
The attendance is compulsory. the requirements laid out must be respected.

Final thesis project

The reference bibliography will progressively be composed through personal research, possibly with advise from the promoter.

Coaching seminar

Several documents will progressively be provided online,  on myULiège.
The reference bibliography will progressively be composed through personal researches with auxiliary advice from the Project advisor. The progress of bibliographic research will be exposed by students throughout the sessions.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written work / report

Final thesis project

Written work / report

Additional information:

Assessment is based on the final written project. This is assessed by the promoter based on the criteria and objectives defined within the regulations.

See the regulations for the anthropology thesis on the FaSS site:




Coaching seminar

Written work / report

Additional information:

Assesment is based on the final writtent Project. This is assessed by the Advisor based on criteria and objectives defined during the sessions (see also the Regulation documentation on the FaSS website )
Yellow, orange and red code : same evaluation=>written projet in all modalities (in-person, remote, hybrid). 

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Final thesis project

All official deadlines available on:



Coaching seminar



Final thesis project

Secrétariat général : secretariat.fass@uliege.be
Elodie Razy - elodie.razy@uliege.be (office 2.36, B31)
Lorena Ulloa - lulloa@uliege.be
Isabelle Borsus - iborsus@uliege.be
Faculty of Social Sciences Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle - University of Liège Place des Orateurs, 3 (B31,Quartier Agora) 4000 LIEGE Office: 3/52 04/366.31.71

Coaching seminar

Secrétariat général : secretariat.fass@uliege.be

Assistant in anthropology:

Lorena Ulloa - lulloa@uliege.be

Isabelle Borsus - iborsus@uliege.be

Faculté des Sciences Sociales

Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle Université de Liège Place des orateurs, 3 (B31,Quartier Agora) - 4000 LIEGE
Bureau: 3/52

Association of one or more MOOCs