Human biochemistry : 20h Th
Human physiology : 20h Th, 5h Pr
Introduction to human histology : 8h Th, 4h QA Sess.
Introduction to nutrition : 10h Th
Number of credits
Bachelor in physiotherapy and rehabilitation | 8 crédits |
Human biochemistry : Bernard Rogister
Human physiology : Florence Schleich
Introduction to human histology : Chantal Humblet
Introduction to nutrition : Nicolas Paquot
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Human biochemistry
The chapters of this lecture are:
1. Cell Communications
2. Biochemistry of the digestive tract
3. Digestive tract regulation
4. Biochemistry of the liver
5. The hormonal regulation of the energetic metabolism
6. Feeding and starvation cycle
7. Kidney biochemistry
8. Water and electrolytes
9. Blood biochemistry
10.Sexual hormones
11. Growth
12. Triggers of inflammation: cytokines and some mediators
Human physiology
- The body fluids. - Functional study of the digestive system. - Functional study of the renal system. - Endocrine system.
Introduction to human histology
In the body, cells with similar morphology and function form groups called simple tissues (ex: epithelial tissue). When several types of cells form a tissue, it is called compound tissue (ex: nervous tissue). The tissues are associated to form organs with a specific function.
In this course, we will study:
- epithelial tissue
- connective tissue
- muscular tissue
- nervous tissue
- blood cells
Introduction to nutrition
General aspects of macro and micronutrients metabolism and fluid balance. Principles of balanced diet (qualitative and quantitative aspects), dietary supplement, sweeeteners, fructose, nutritional claims,
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
Human biochemistry
1. Being able to integrate various informations of human biochemistry
2. Being able to integrate various endocrine signals in order to be able understand easier Human Physiology.
3. To allow students to scientifically advice either patients (for students in kinesitherapy) or athletes (for students in Motricity Sciences) about various current aspects of the Human Physiology. These advices should improve the primary prevention and/or the physical exercise management.
4. To be able to integrate various data at the biochemistry, physiology and histology level in various human organs and systems.
Human physiology
Introduction to human histology
The objectives are to establish a parallelism between the morphology and the function of cells and tissues and to understand how some groups of cells function togethet to play a specific role
Introduction to nutrition
To know principles of balanced diet, how to get it, main dietetics aspects
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Human biochemistry
Chemistry, Biology, Histology, General Biochemistry and Physiology.
Human physiology
General Physiology.
Introduction to human histology
Co-requisites: anatomy, physiology and biochemistry
Introduction to nutrition
Notion of biochemistry (energy metabolism, energetic substrates regulation)
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Human biochemistry
No laboratory works
Human physiology
Introduction to human histology
Theoric courses: face-to-face
and practice
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Human biochemistry
Blended learning
Additional information:
Ex-cathedra course in the second semester according to the schedule available in the vade-mecum. The course devoted to the first chapter will be available in POD-Cast and will not be the subject of an oral course. This course makes the link between the general biochemistry and general phsyiology courses of the previous quadrimester with this human biochemistry course. This first chapter is an integral part of the course.
In all cases, the ex-cathedra lessons will be recorded for later viewing.
Human physiology
See schedule.
Introduction to human histology
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
( podcasts, video, power point, e-campus)
Introduction to nutrition
face to face or distance-learning if necessary
Course materials and recommended or required readings
Human biochemistry
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- MyULiège
Further information:
A text book has been upgraded respectively in 2015 and in 2024. They are available on intranet. This updated text book has been also given to the Presses Universitaires de Liège. The students will also have the access to the computer files of the illustrations of the lectures. Several references text books are also suggested during the first lecture.
Introduction to human histology
Platform(s) used for course materials:
- eCampus
- MyULiège
Further information:
Recommended (but non obligatory) lecture: Histology and Cell Biology; An introduction to Pathology. A.L. KierszenbaumMosby. Elsevier
Assessment methods and criteria
Any session :
- In-person
written exam ( open-ended questions )
- Remote
written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )
- If evaluation in "hybrid"
preferred in-person
Additional information:
- This is an integrated assessment (questionnaire grouping together questions relating to the different subjects constituting this integrated teaching activity).
- MCQ = True/False form.
Human biochemistry
Exam(s) in session
Any session
- In-person
written exam ( open-ended questions )
Additional information:
A written examination with open questions on the lectures is organized according to the general program of the studies.
Human physiology
Any session :
- In-person
written exam ( open-ended questions )
- Remote
written exam
- If evaluation in "hybrid"
preferred in-person
Introduction to human histology
in accordfance with the method recommended for the module
Introduction to nutrition
Any session :
- In-person
written exam
- Remote
written exam
- If evaluation in "hybrid"
preferred in-person
Additional information:
Written examination (integrated examination)
Work placement(s)
Introduction to human histology
No stages
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Introduction to human histology
No remarks
Prof. Thierry BURY
Bât. B21 Physiologie humaine et physiologie de l'effort physique
Tél.: 04/366.78.81
Email : tbury@ulg.ac.be
Stéphanie HODY, assistante
04/366.38.86 - shody@uliege.be
Secrétariat : Nadia ELGARA (04/366.38.91 - nelgara@uliege.be)
Human biochemistry
Lecturer : B. Rogister, Full Professor
Tour de Pathologie 2, étage +1, CHU 4000 Liège 1 (Sart Tilman).
Tél. : 04/366.59.50
e-mail : Bernard.Rogister@uliege.be.
Secretary : L. Bourdoux Tel. : 04/366 59 50
e-mail : Larisia.Bourdoux@uliege.be
Human physiology
Prof. Thierry BURY
Bât. B21 Physiologie humaine et physiologie de l'effort physique
Tel.: 04/366.78.81
Email : tbury@ulg.ac.be
Stéphanie HODY, assistante
04/366.38.86 - shody@uliege.be
Secretary : Nadia ELGARA (04/366.38.91 - nelgara@uliege.be)
Introduction to human histology
Chantal Humblet
Laboratory of Histology Cytology
B23, niveau 3, local 3/3
04 366 24 03
Introduction to nutrition
e-mail: nicolas.paquot@uliege.be
Secretariat: V. Draps (04/3667238)