2024-2025 / HCER0023-1

Inter-university certificate in Islam and Muslims in Europe: historical perspectives and contemporary challenges


97,5h Th

Number of credits

 Inter-university certificate in Islam and Muslims in Europe : historical perspectives and contemporary challenges10 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The goal of this certificate is to help you acquire new competences and knowledge about the rise and development of the islamic religion, the third monotheism.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this course, you should be capable of:
Leading an analytical reflexion on islam (its history, its sources, its currents and actors) and to deconstruct the public debate which is associated to it while being capable to build and argue a personal position in that debate; 
Developing a cross-cutting horizontal knowlege and demonstrasting your capacity to put into perspective the different aspects of islam, but also to be capable of implementing a dialectic and multi-disciplinary analysis;  
Identifying public policies linked to islam and their consequences and be capable of conducting a personal reasoning while feeding the collective reflexion concerning and public debate on this subject.  

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

This course isopen to holders of a Bachelor (or former Licence) from the higher education system (post-secundary) either university based or not. It is also open to all those students who want to valorise their professional qualifications. 
Admission is on submission of both a subsciption form and a personal dossier which is then evaluated by the course's steering committee. 
The fee must be paid on 31st December 2016 at the latest. 
Unemployed students may benefit from a 50% rebate on the registration fee provided they introduce their request while sumbiting their personal registration dossier. 

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Session 1 (Friday 7 October 2016, Brussels) :
Keynote speech :
Pour une approche anthropologique et historique des textes et de leurs fondements, Rachid Benzine et
La religion appréhendée par les sciences sociales, Jean-Philippe Schreiber
MODULE 1 : History and Thought
Session 2 (Tuesday 11 October 2016, Brussels) :
Introduction à l'islam : grands courants et penseurs, Guillaume Dye
Session 3 (Tuesday 18 October 2016, Brussels) :
Etude historico-critique du Coran, Guillaume Dye
Session 4 (Tuesday 25 October 2016, Liège) :
Droit musulman, Radouane Attiya
Session 5 (Tuesday 8 November 2016, Liège) :
Esotérisme et spiritualités, Radouane Attiya
MODULE 2 : Politics and religion
Session 6 (Tuesday 22 November 2016, Brussels) : Islam et Europe : représentations mutuelles, Jihane Sfeir
Session 7 (Tuesday 29 November 2016, Brussels) :
Les régulations étatiques des religions et convictions en Europe, Caroline Sägesser
Session 8 (Tuesday 6 December 2016, Brussels) : Histoire et sociologie de l'islam en Europe, Corinne Torrekens
Session 9 (Tuesday 13 December 2016, Liège) :
Islam et musulmans d'Europe : actions collectives et réponses institutionnelles, Hassan Bousetta
Session 10 (Tuesday 20 décembre 2016, Liège)
Politique et religion dans le monde musulman, Mohamed Nachi
MODULE 3 : Religion and Society
Session 11 (Tuesday 10 janvier 2016, Brussels)
Dialogue interculturel accommodements raisonnables et assises de l'interculturalité, Andrea Rea
Session 12 (Tuesday 17 janvier 2016, Brussels)
Genre et islam
Session 13 (Tuesday 24 janvier 2016, Brussels)
Elites et autorité dans le champ islamique, Radouane Attiya
Session 14 (Tuesday 31 janvier 2016, Liège)
Politique de l'égalité des chances et convictions religieuses, Edouard Delruelle
Session 15 (Tuesday 7 février 2016, Brussels)
Enjeux contemporaines et futurs de l'islam de Belgique, Edouard Delruelle

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The course consist in lectures. Participation is highly recommended. 

The mode of assesment will be explained during the course and may foresee the writing of a personal and original essay

Work placement(s)

No internship is foreseen

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Succesfull completion of the programme is worth 10 ECTS credits.
The course programme takes place between 1h30pm and 8pm during 5 days per module. This amont to 6,5 hours per day or 32,5 hors per module and 97,5 hours in total for the certificate. 
Unemployed/ student : 500 € Registration via your employer : 1.395 € Ordinary registration : 1.095 € The course benefit from the paid education-vacancy programme
End of registration : 15 October 2016


For the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Liège
Hassan Bousetta, Hassan.bousetta@ulg.ac.be
For the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Liège
Edouard Delruelle, E.Delruelle@ulg.ac.be
For the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the Université Libre de Bruxelles
Andrea Rea, area@ulb.ac.be 
For any administrative querry:
Email: celine.laplanche@ulb.ac.be 
Tel: +32 (0)2 650 40 30/60 65 

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