2024-2025 / GPRO0001-1

Skills workshops


Number of credits

 Bachelor in economics and business management4 crédits 
 Bachelor in business engineering4 crédits 


David Homburg, Giseline Rondeaux


David Homburg

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The Skills Workshops offer a large choice of activities covering a range of different topics. Contents vary a lot from one workshop to another. For the full program please refer to the HEC Liege website :


Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Through their various modules, the Skills Workshops aim at five main objectives :
* to develop student's relational and managerial skills;
* to develop student's digital skills
* to develop student's creativity and entrepreneurial spirit;
* to develop student's ethical and critical mind;
* to develop student's career plan
These are coherent with the school's key learning outcomes :
Relational skills contribute to student's general communication (KLO 4) and their ability to work in an interational and multicultural team (component of KLO 2). Managerial skills help students in KLO 1 to 3 (strategy, implementation, quality and performance control).
Digital skills are a specific part of KLO 1.
Creativity and entrepreneurial spirit are essential components of KLO 5 : Adaptability.
Ethics and a critical mind are an essential component of KLO 2 : Implementation.
Each workshop focuses on one specific skill which contributes to the five aims mentioned above. More specific learning outcomes are defined in each module.
Generally speaking, a workshop will give each student several occasions to practice the aimed skill, to get extensive and personal feedback on strengths and weaknesses, as well as strategies to improve performance. The necessary tools to go on learning about these skills autonomously after the training will also be provided.
The Bachelor Program of the Skills Workshops aims at skills which will be useful to the students in their future professional life as well as in the rest of their academic curriculum.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Most workshops have no prerequisites. For the few who have prerequisites, these are mentioned in the "Remaques" section of the workshop description on the HEC-ULg website:


This page also mentions the workshops which ask students for a financial contribution.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The Skills Workshops are based on a « learning by doing » methodology. They involve students into complex situations where they will have several occasions to practice their skills, to identify their weaknesses and to improve through practical experience. These interactive workshops are designed for small numbers of students, which allows to give them personal feedback and coaching. They also emphasize contact with the professional world and multidisciplinary perspective.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

Each worksop counts 4 accompanied work sessions of 4 hours and some homework linked with the workshop's theme. Depending on the workshop, this could be, among others, to visit conferences, to take part in field observations or travels, or to design presentations or reports.
To accomplish the 4 ECTS of the Skills Workshops, each student must take part in two different workshops in the program.
These workshops are credited in the student's program during the last year of the bachelor cycle or when the student, with the permission of the jury, includes the Skills Workshops in yearly his program. Doing so forces a student to finish all due workshops in the same year.

Documents explaining how the Skills Workshops are organized are available on the Lol@ platform (https://lola.hec.uliege.be/course/view.php?id=446 )
Specific additional references and readings can be asked in the different workshops.

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Out-of-session test(s)

Additional information:

The students' performances are assessed by a mark on 20. If every workshop gets a mark of 10/20 or more, the average of these marks will be the final mark of the Skills Workshops, which will be credited for 4 ECTS at the end of the year in which the last workshop of the bachelor program is credited.

If a workshop is failed (under 10/20), this workshop will not be credited, and an absence mark will replace the average mark for the whole course. To pass this course, it is mandatory to succeed in every individual workshop.

Skills Workshops are assessed during the working sessions. There is no independent exam at the end of the year. Since they are assessed during the sessions, based on interactions, and depend on external events, it is usually difficult to organize a second session for the Skills Workshops. However, depending on the specific workshop and on the student's participation, it might be possible to increase ones marks by doing some additional work. In case of a second session, please contact your workshop pilot and ask him or her if and how this can be done. If in the second session, a workshop still has a failure mark, this failure mark replaces the global mark of the skills workshops. If the failure is light and the student's curriculum justifies it, the jury might validate this mark. If not, a failed workshop is simply cancelled and leads the student to take a new registration in the next year.

The marks of successful workshops (mark over 10/20) will automatically be kept until the end of the bachelor program. If the course has been registered in the student's program, it will receive an "absence" mark until each workshop has been validated.

To encourage students to select workshops in which they have real improvements to expect, the assessment system is centered on the students' real implication in developing their skills and on their progress compared to their personal initial performance level.

Concretely, a mark of at least 10/20 will be awarded to every student responding to the three following conditions : (1) full and active participation in the workshops class or field activities, (2) rigorous execution of the various tasks and homeworks asked by the workshop and (3) implementation of a self-regulation process and skills development strategy. The part of the mark over 10/20 will rely on an assessment grid specific to each workshop, which will include student's personal progress.

The class and field assessment and the low number of sessions make active participation in the workshops mandatory. Official justification will be asked for each absence to a session and unjustified absence will be sanctioned on the final mark. Missing two sessions of a workshop (with or without justification) will result in an "absence" mark for the workshop (and consequently for the whole course).

If a workshop has not been validated due to unjustified absences, the student loses the right to take part in the bet for the workshops until the end of the bachelor curriculum. To register, they will have to meet Françoise Dubois after October 10th and to chose a workshop where there are still free places after the first round of registration.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Attention : This program is designed to be split on two years, and is difficult to credit on a single semester. Therefore, it is not available in the frame of an Erasmus Program. Even in a classical curriculum, we recommand to split the workshops on the whole cycle.

Students who have not credited at least 30 ECTS of their 1st bachelor bloc can not register in the Skills Workshops.

Registration for the Skills Workshops will be opened on September 20th and will end on September 30th, 2023. This registration only concerns workshops students want to accomplish during the academic year 2023-2024. A complete description of the registration process is available on the Lol@ page of the Skills Workshops (https://lola.hec.uliege.be/course/view.php?id=446) Students who want to register after September 30th should contact the managers of the Skills Portfolio after October 9th. Unfortunately, their choice in workshops will be reduced.

The groups allocated to the different workshops will be published on October 6th. The first sessions will take place on October 12th. The registration form, the student information and the timetable of the workshops will be available on Skiwi (http://skiwi.hec.uliege.be/)

Workshop allocation is definitive. It is impossible to change, exchange or unregister from a workshop, except in case of a malfunction in the allocation process.

Each workshop has an individual page on Lol@. Once your registration to the workshop is confirmed, please register on this page.


Program Manager: David Homburg (david.homburg@uliege.be)
Program Secretaries:
Françoise Dubois (francoise.dubois@uliege.be)

Academic Director: Giseline Rondeaux (g.rondeaux@uliege.be)

Association of one or more MOOCs