2024-2025 / GEST7052-1

Medical administration and management

Companies and corporate law

Administrative management

Accountancy, reporting and income statements

Freelance or employee

Corporate income tax and private persons tax

Storage management

Price policy


Companies and corporate law : 9h Th
Administrative management : 9h Th, 3h SEM
Accountancy, reporting and income statements : 6h Th
Freelance or employee : 6h Th
Corporate income tax and private persons tax : 6h Th
Storage management : 6h Th
Price policy : 4h Th, 3h SEM

Number of credits

 Master in pharmacy, professional focus in community pharmacy management and professional issues5 crédits 


Companies and corporate law : Laurent  Stas de Richelle
Administrative management : Robin Crunenberg
Accountancy, reporting and income statements : Magali Herman
Freelance or employee : Matthieu Simon
Corporate income tax and private persons tax : Robin Crunenberg
Storage management : Robin Crunenberg
Price policy : Robin Crunenberg


Robin Crunenberg

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Administrative management

not available

Accountancy, reporting and income statements


The annual accounts: balance sheet, profit and loss account and notes to the accounts

Case reading and introduction to financial analysis

Freelance or employee

¿Chapitre 1. Quelle relation de travail?
¿Chapitre 2. Quel contrat de travail?
¿Chapitre 3. Exécution du contrat de travail
¿Chapitre 4. Fin du contrat de travail

Corporate income tax and private persons tax

1. Introduction to the concept of taxes and the different types of taxes
2. Impact of personal income tax (PPI) on a pharmacist

  • Employee
  • Independent
3. Impact of corporation tax (ISOC) on corporations (pharmacies)
4. Example of the different taxes to which a young pharmacist may be subject depending on his professional orientation

Storage management

1. Understanding of the importance of stock management on a pharmacy and its liquidity.
2. Definition of an optimal stock rotation in the pharmacy environment.
3. Presentation of average sector stocks and stock differences depending on the type of establishment and the competition.
4. Stock management: between optimal availability for the patient and optimization of the banking appearance R. CRUNENBERG

Price policy

1. The pharmacy pricing policy and its origin.
2. The importance of a dynamic pricing policy.
3. The impact of the purchasing policy on the pricing policy.
4. The pricing policy and respect for the pharmacist's image.
5. The rebate, the reason and its drifts.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Administrative management

not available

Accountancy, reporting and income statements

Course objectives :

  • learn a common language
  • build on basic concepts already discussed
  • use accounting to form the legal mind
  • discover the basic principles of accounting
  • have a general overview of a company's financial situation

Corporate income tax and private persons tax

To be able to distinguish to what type of tax a pharmacist may be subject to depending on his professional situation. To be able to calculate the tax in a defined situation. To be able to distinguish the concepts of income taxes, contributions and other taxes.

Storage management

  • To be able to explain how the stock impacts the activity of a pharmacy.
  • To be able to define an optimal stock rotation based on an example of sales statistics
  • To be able to identify a problem of stock management on the basis of turnover rate or accounting elements.

Price policy

  • To be able to make a constructive judgment on a pricing policy
  • To be able to analyze a purchasing policy
  • To be able to offer a discount adapted to a defined situation

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Corporate income tax and private persons tax


Storage management

Accounting, balance sheet and income statement: initiation to reading
Wilfried Niessen

Price policy


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Administrative management

not available

Accountancy, reporting and income statements

The theory explained and illustrated by the professors as well as the exercises solved during the courses constitute the main part of the course.

Freelance or employee

General lecture illustrated by case studies

Corporate income tax and private persons tax

Presentations, discussions and exercises

Storage management

Presentations, discussions and exercises

Price policy

Presentations, discussions and exercises

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Administrative management

not available

Accountancy, reporting and income statements

The course is given in classroom. During the case analyses, a reading and preparation at home is required.

Freelance or employee


Corporate income tax and private persons tax

Face-to-face if the health situation allows it

Storage management

Face-to-face if the health situation allows it

Price policy

Face-to-face if the health situation allows it

Accountancy, reporting and income statements

The course materials consist of slides, case analyses and a documentation file.

Freelance or employee

Students will receive PowerPoint slides before each lesson.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written exam in the form of a face-to-face MCQ if the health situation allows it.
Remotely via e-campus or teams if the health situation does not allow it.

The entire course will be assessed in a single exam.

Companies and corporate law

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written exam in the form of a face-to-face MCQ if the health situation allows it.
Remotely via e-campus or teams if the health situation does not allow.

The entire course will be assessed in a single exam.

Administrative management

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written exam in the form of a face-to-face MCQ if the health situation allows it.
Remotely via e-campus or teams if the health situation does not allow.

The entire course will be assessed in a single exam.

Accountancy, reporting and income statements

CODE JAUNE: Examen écrit sous forme de QCM à 4 choix possibles en présentiel. L'ensemble du cours sera évalué en un seul et unique examen. CODE ORANGE: Examen écrit sous forme de QCM à 4 choix possibles à distance via e-campus. L'ensemble du cours sera évalué en un seul et unique examen. CODE ROUGE:  Examen écrit sous forme de QCM à 4 choix possibles à distance via e-campus. L'ensemble du cours sera évalué en un seul et unique examen.

Freelance or employee

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written exam in the form of a face-to-face MCQ if the health situation allows it.
Remotely via e-campus or teams if the health situation does not allow.

The entire course will be assessed in a single exam.

Corporate income tax and private persons tax

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written exam in the form of a face-to-face MCQ if the health situation allows it.
Remotely via e-campus or teams if the health situation does not allow.

The entire course will be assessed in a single exam.

Storage management

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written exam in the form of a face-to-face MCQ if the health situation allows it.
Remotely via e-campus or teams if the health situation does not allow it.

The entire course will be assessed in a single exam.

Price policy

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

Written exam in the form of a face-to-face MCQ if the health situation allows it.
Remotely via e-campus or teams if the health situation does not allow it.

The entire course will be assessed in a single exam.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Administrative management

Michel Kohl: kohl@appl.be

Accountancy, reporting and income statements

Lecturer : Magali Herman: magali.herman@uliege.be

Freelance or employee

Matthieu SIMON, Substitut (Auditorat du travail de Liège), Maître de conférences
(Contact : Matthieu.Simon@uliege.be)

Corporate income tax and private persons tax

Robin Crunenberg  @: robin.crunenberg@uliege.be P:+32 4 366 29 38 
Pharmacy tower 2nd floor office 2/27

Storage management

Robin Crunenberg  @: robin.crunenberg@uliege.be P:+32 4 366 29 38 
Pharmacy tower 2nd floor office 2/27

Price policy

Robin Crunenberg  @: robin.crunenberg@uliege.be P:+32 4 366 29 38 
Pharmacy tower 2nd floor office 2/27

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Freelance or employee


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