2024-2025 / GEOG0069-1

Advanced GIS


30h Th, 30h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in geography: geomatics, professional focus in geodata expert4 crédits 


Roland Billen

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The advanced GIS course consists of several modules covering advanced technical and research aspects of the geographic information science field.

Web GIS module

This module consists of a theoretical part where the following points are covered:

- Languages for describing geographic-spatial data (GeoJSON, GML, etc.);

- Server-side programming (PHP, Python);

- Client-side web programming (Javascript, HTML, CSS) and mapping libraries (Leaflet, OpenLayers);

- Deployment of a GIS in a 3-tier computer architecture - distributed GIS and networked GIS - service-oriented architecture;

- Implementation of geospatial web services - WMS, WFS, WCS, RWS, WPS;

as well as a project part, which involves creating a complete web GIS on a local server involving a spatial database (PostGIS), a WMS server (Geoserver), and a mapping interface (OpenLayers or Leaflet) with WMS and vector layers (GeoJSON).

Research seminars module

This module is organized in the form of research seminars presented by researchers from the Unit or external experts in the field, focusing on current research topics in geographic information science. Students themselves will have to present a topic in a flipped classroom format, inspired by the work published in recent international conferences in the field.

Advanced techniques module

This module consists of brief training sessions on software or specific processes that are particularly useful in current developments in geographic information science (e.g., the use of FME, AI in image processing, AI in point cloud processing, etc.).

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to manipulate multiple advanced techniques or processes in geographic information science, deploy web-based GIS, and present a research topic based on scientific literature in the field.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Geographic Information Systems, object-oriented programming and databases

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Problem-based solving

Realization of projects by groups of students

Exclusive use of open source software resources

Realization of an operational prototype following the specifications in TOTAL AUTONOMY by the group of students

Presentation of the prototype and report on its realization and use

Inverse classroom

Based on a selection with the teacher, students will be asked to research a topic (presented at a recognised international conference) and turn it into a lesson to present to the class.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

- Theoretical lessons and training in techniques and processes (face-to-face).
- Practical group and individual work

- PDF course support on eCampus. - Updated bibliographic list on eCampus.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

The assessment is carried out in three phases (relating to each module)

- technical implementation and submission of a report (Web GIS module) (45% of the total mark)

- presentation of a research topic (research seminars module) - details will be given during the course - (45% of the total score)

- evaluation of participation in training sessions (results and commitment) (10% of total grade)

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Unité de Géomatique Université de Liège, Agora, 19 Allée du 6 Août, 4000 Liège (bâtiment B5a) Secrétariat : Téléphone : 04/366.57.42


Roland Billen - rbillen@uliege.be

Jean-Paul Kasprzyk - jp.kasprzyk@uliege.be

Thomas Dethinne - tdethinne@uliege.be

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