2024-2025 / GBLX2138-1

Workshop Project 4 - To live together, 2nd part


108h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in landscape architect9 crédits 


Jan Bogaert, Emmanuelle Gobbe, Christoph Gotthard Menzel


Carine Jacques

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The project organised in the second period of block 2 focuses on the study of sites in an urban environment in Brussels (or in another Belgian city), but on a larger scale than that covered in the first period of block 2.

After studying the neighbourhood scale in the first term, the analysis and project will focus more on the interaction of different elements and on the development of projects on an urban or metropolitan scale.

This project consists of several parts organised by one or more teachers.

Each exercise requires the student to
observe the (urban) environment in which they find themselves
analyse the elements that make up this urban environment and their coherence;
associate an evaluation with this perception;
formulate development options for the sites in question;
justify the approaches, assessments and options taken

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Use and integrate information of various types (maps at different scales, descriptions, statistics).

  • Be able to perceive an environment and describe it using its constituent elements.
  • Identify the conflicts and potential of an environment.
  • Be able to suggest avenues for development and justify the approaches and methodologies chosen.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Projects block 1

Project block 2.1

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

At least one study trip is organised, participation is compulsory.
Each exercise is presented by a supervisor.
Field visits are organised.
Each student or group is supervised during the development of the exercise.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Further information:

Project' type activities (introduction followed by independent work).
The work is individual, unless otherwise stated, and the subject of the work is communicated and explained during the 1st workshop.
The workshop is not just the room where the work is done, but rather the work group formed around the project.
The workshop requires everyone to be present in class; the workshop is the discussion platform for the project theme.
The students prepare a checklist for each day of the workshop so that each student has the same amount of time to talk to the teachers.
The interviews with the teachers are based on data provided by the students. It is therefore essential that students prepare documents in advance to serve as a basis for this discussion.
These documents must be printed and scaled. They will be posted on the walls for discussion.

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Useful lectures will be communicated during the sessions (studios).

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam AND oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Further information:

Each exercise is assessed by a competent jury according to the assessment criteria defined by the exercise supervisor.

The weighting of the scores is given in the workshop.

The mark obtained at the end of the first session is final and will not be assessed in the second session.

Work placement(s)


Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Weekly sessions. 1 day/week. The presence of the students is necessary for the educational strategy.

The organizational arrangements, modalities of evaluation, educational activities and content of this course may change.


Christoph MENZEL (ULB) - Titulaire principal


Encore à déterminer

Association of one or more MOOCs