2024-2025 / FINA9002-1

Finance and accounting


50h Th, 22h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in business engineering6 crédits 


Giuseppina Capodici, Wilfried Niessen

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

0. Introduction
1. The company.
2. The fundamental principles of double-entry bookkeeping.
3. The operating cycle.
4. The inventory operations and final operations
5. The company's financing

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Financial statements help accounting give a financial picture of the company, a picture whose reliability will always be relative and can only be assessed in regards to the type of assessment rules used, and the information needs of economic partners.
On completing the course, students will be able to:
- identify the accounting principles applying to a given situtation and explain the underlying mechanisms;
- encode supporting documentation pertaining to current and inventory transactions;
- use an accountancy software programme to encode the aforementioned documents;
- fill in synthesis documents (balance, balance sheet, profit and loss accounts, appendices etc.)  

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course curriculum essentially consists of the lecturer's explanations and illustrations of the theory and of the exercices solved in the tutorials.

The tutorals will be provided by the students themselves who will have had to prepare the
exercises beforehand. For the preparation of the exercises, the students can count on the
help of the assistants and student-monitors. Students will be asked to submit their
preparation at the start of each monitoring session. The deposit of the preparations will
be taken into account during the final evaluation. A bonus will be awarded for the deposit
of the preparations as well as for the presentation made to the monitor.
In addition, optional exercice sessions are given by student tutors. 

The students are assigned a work project consisting in encoding accounting documents using an accountancy software programme. 

A training test will be held during the year to help students:

- study the curriculum on a regular basis;

- assess their own comprehension of the curriculum; 

- acquaint themselves with the type of examinations questions and of assessment criteria. 

Consultation sessions are organized on a weekly basis. 

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Further information:

The course will be divided up into units in which presentations will be made, supported by transparencies and illustrated by concrete examples from business life. Students are provided with the following educational aids: slides used in class, courses to prepare with reverse pedagogy based on readings or podcasts, a compendium of exercises which students might prepare for tutorials, and a workshop based on actual documentation. All these supports are available from the lola platform.


Course materials and recommended or required readings

- CAPODICI G. et NIESSEN W., "Comprenez votre comptable", Edipro, 2019. - Les éditions de PACIOLI, http://www.ipcf.be.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Further information:

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Continuous assessment

Additional information:


         Continuous evaluation: the students will have to submit, at the beginning of each
         monitoring session, the solution of the exercises that will be seen during the


  • Continuous assessment: a bonus of a maximum of 1 point out of 20 will be awarded to students who have submitted the preparation of the exercises each week at the start of the monitoring sessions. A maximum of 3 absences is tolerated. This evaluation will also take into account the presentation made by the students during the monitoring sessions. The bonus point will only be awarded if at least one exam (January exam or January catch-up exam or June exam) has been passed (score greater than 10/20 - unrounded score).
  • January assessment : written examination
  • June assessment : written examination and oral examination. The exam consists of a written part (course material and accounting software) and an oral part. The oral part will cover all of the material covered. Only students who obtained a score higher than 7/20 (not rounded) and lower than 12/20 (not rounded) for the June written exam will be able to take the oral exam.
  • August assessment : written examination (course material and accounting software) and oral examination. The oral part will cover all of the material covered. Only students who obtained a score higher than 7/20 (not rounded) and lower than 12/20 (not rounded) for the June written exam will be able to take the oral exam.

     The written exam of June and August covers all the material covered in the course (Q1 and Q2).

The overall score in the 1st session is made up of :

  • Continuous assessment: a bonus of a maximum of 1 point out of 20 will be awarded to students who have submitted the preparation of the exercises each week at the start of the monitoring sessions. A maximum of 3 absences over the year is tolerated. This evaluation will also take into account the presentation made by the students during the monitoring sessions. This bonus point is added to the final rating.
  • the January rating (or that obtained by catching up in January)
  • the June rating (written + oral)

The overall score in the 2nd session is made up of :

  • the August rating (written + oral)

Warning !

Registration required :

  • for the January partial exam,
  • for the written and oral exam in June,
  • for the written and oral exam in August.

The registration formalities will be communicated to the students when the time comes.

Absence from at least one part of the exam automatically results in an absence from ALL parts of the exam.

An attendance mark from at least one part of the exam automatically results in an attendance mark from ALL parts of the exam.


Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course



Teaching Assistants office (office 207)
HEC-Ecole de Gestion de l'ULg
Rue Louvrex, 14 (Bât. N1) - 4000 Liège

CAPODICI Giuseppina
Tél.: +32 4 232.72.63
Email : Giuseppina.Capodici@uliege.be

Tél : +32 4 232.72.98
Email : cmeulders@uliege.be

RIFFON Véronique 
Tél : +32 4 232.73.40


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