2024-2025 / FINA0071-1

Strategic and Market Finance


24h Th, 60h AUTR

Number of credits

 Master in management, professional focus in MBA (MBA)5 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Introduction to Finance 

From Accounting to strategic / « corporate » finance
From Corporate Finance to Financial Markets (Modern Portfolio Theory)

B1. Tools and strategies to manage the financial environment: valuation and investments
Financial and performance analysis
Financial analyst report
Investing in bonds and related risks

B2. Tools and strategies to manage the financial environment: asset & risk management

Investment policy, asset allocation and market views

  • Market timing, style analysis
  • Asset allocation, sector and security selection decision
  • ETFs and mutual funds
  • Performance measurement
Alternative approach to asset management

  • Hedge funds
  • Private capital funds

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The intended learning objectives (ILOs) for this course are:

  • Identify and synthetize theories, concepts, tools, skills practices and research to address problems, accomplish complex tasks and complete projects that are common in a business environment;
  • Develop, implement and evaluate a strategy to assess opportunities that sustain and improve the organization's competitive position;
  • Compare the environment in which business operates in a Euregional context and elsewhere through direct experience and interaction with local, regional and multinational businesses;
  • Examine the implications of corporate strategy for financing, knowledge and management; estimate the need for funds, training and project management;
  • Organize and lead a team to collective group accomplishment;
  • Demonstrate managerial communication skills.
  • Synthetize the global context of Risk Management Rules
  • Specify typology and identification of key risks
  • Assess the risk-adjusted performance of your asset allocation
  • Employ main models and tools for risk management
  • Evaluate the characteristics, objectives and risks of derivatives
After this Course, students should be able to:

  • Perform diagnostics on company's operating performance and on the key value drivers to improve its performance
  • Understand the international financial landscape and the challenges and opportunities of a Global Financial Environment
  • Identify the key financial dimensions facing the firm (interest rates, credit risk, exchange rates, commodities, equity and liquidity risks) and the adequate ways to proactively manage them
  • Identify the key dimensions of risk management in an international framework and develop a strategic vision of the firm's positioning in this landscape.
  • Understand approaches to asset management and security selection
  • Identify the nature and usefulness of derivatives products

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

  • Readings (book chapters) and assignments to prepare the seminar,
  • Repeating and deepening the subject matters prepared by the participants,
  • Casework in small groups applying the relevant market finance concepts. To do so, we ask you to form three groups of participants and to enroll into your group on the OMBA platform,
  • Brief presentations by the participants on confined topics; they will serve for a further learning and assessment of the cases on one hand and they will be one of the criteria for the mark or grade acquired for the course on the other hand,
  • Other case and practical exercises.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Distance learning and on-site seminar

Compulsory readings  

Investment Valuation, A. Damodaran, Wiley
Nice to read
Managing Investment Portfolio, CFA Institute 

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

The evaluation will be done on the basis of the following grid:

  • Team preparation of the report: 30% of final grade 
  • Individual grading on group presentations (Saturday): 35% of final grade
  • Integrative case slides: 20% of final grade
  • Individual grading on group presentations (Sunday) and working session: 15% of final grade


Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Distance learning and on-site seminar


Prof. Marie Lambert: marie.lambert@uliege.be


Association of one or more MOOCs