2024-2025 / ENVT3046-1

Pressures on the underground

Part 1: geological map

Part 2 : groundwater


Part 1: geological map : 4h Th, 4h Pr
Part 2 : groundwater : 12h Th, 12h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in environmental sciences and management, professional focus4 crédits 
 Master in environmental science and management, professional focus in developing countries4 crédits 
 Master in environmental science and management, professional focus in society and environment interfaces4 crédits 
 Master in environmental science and management, professional focus in environmental monitoring4 crédits 


Part 1: geological map : N...
Part 2 : groundwater : Philippe Orban

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

A. How to use the many data represented on a geological map? (1) Short presentation of the different rock types and their spatial organization; (2) the geological map: use and examples; (3) the geological map on the field.
B. An introduction of the fundamentals of hydrogeology and groundwater are proposed in this course: - Introduction - Definitions: groundwater resources advantages and drawbacks, relative importance in the world, in Belgium, in Walloon region. - Hydrological cycle and water balance of a basin, groundwater reserves. - Confined, water table and perched aquifers: definitions and examples, importance of a clear geological understanding when defining hydrogeological conditions. - Hydrogeological parameters and groundwater flow equations: hydrostatic, porosities, hydraulic conductivity and Darcy's law, intrinsic permeability, generalisation, application, limitations, measurements on field, piezometric maps, application examples, transmissivity, steady state groundwater flow in saturated conditions, specific storage coefficient, transient flow in confined and water table aquifers.

Part 1: geological map

How to use the many data represented on a geological map? (1) Short presentation of the different rock types and their spatial organization; (2) the geological map: how to use it and examples.

Part 2 : groundwater

An introduction of the fundamentals of man-made pressures on the underground and more particularly of hydrogeology and groundwater are proposed in this course: - Main pressures on the underground, Introduction - Definitions: groundwater resources advantages and drawbacks, relative importance in the world, in Belgium, in Walloon region. - Hydrological cycle and water balance of a basin, groundwater reserves. - Confined, water table and perched aquifers: definitions and examples, importance of a clear geological understanding when defining hydrogeological conditions - Natural quality of groundwater and main sources of pollution. - Hydrogeological parameters and groundwater flow equations: hydrostatic, porosities, hydraulic conductivity and Darcy's law, intrinsic permeability, generalisation, application, limitations, measurements on field, piezometric maps, application examples, transmissivity, steady state groundwater flow in saturated conditions, specific storage coefficient.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

To understand a geological map and to be able to extract the information useful for environment management.
At the end of the course, the student will have a good understanding and knowledge about groundwater aquifers. He will be able to:
- compute a hydrogeologic water budget; - understand and exploite theoretical and practical hydrogeological concepts; - interprete hydrogeological maps; - draw and interprete piezometric maps; - predict and detect local hydrogeological specificities of a study-site;
Exercices and practical courses are lead by a local (Arlon) assistant. It will help each student to develop his self-sufficient capacities on practical and real case studies. The not compulsory reading of reference books (in english) will allow additional documentation and understanding of scientific texts in this topic.

Part 1: geological map

To understand a geological map and to be able to extract the information useful for environmental management.

Part 2 : groundwater

At the end of the course, the student will have a good understanding and knowledge about groundwater aquifers. He will be able to: - compute a hydrogeologic water budget; - understand and exploite theoretical and practical hydrogeological concepts; - interprete hydrogeological maps; - draw and interprete piezometric maps; - predict and detect local hydrogeological specificities of a study-site; Exercices and practical courses are led in parallal to the theoritical courses. It will help each student to develop his self-sufficient capacities on practical and real case studies. The not compulsory reading of reference books (in english) will allow additional documentation and understanding of scientific texts in this topic.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The course requires basic knowledges of hydraulics and mathematical and vectorial analysis.

Part 1: geological map


Part 2 : groundwater

The course requires a good knowledge of general geology, geological mapping and basic knowledges of hydraulics and mathematical and vectorial analysis

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is composed of "ex-cathedra" lectures, fieldwork and directed exercises sessions. The exercises sessions are organised in direct relation with the topics covered by the theory lectures.
Face-to-face presentation with slides, practical work on geological maps and field work.

Part 1: geological map

The course is composed of "ex-cathedra" lectures and directed exercises sessions.
The exercises sessions are organised in direct relation with the topics covered by the theory lectures.

Face-to-face presentation with slides, practical work on geological maps.

Part 2 : groundwater

The course is composed of "ex-cathedra" lectures and directed exercises sessions. The exercises sessions are organised in direct relation with the topics covered by the theory lectures

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face to face.

Part 1: geological map

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face to face.

Part 2 : groundwater

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face to face

Recommended or required readings

Geological maps: slides are available on MyUlg after lectures. Textbook: BOULVAIN, F. & VANDER AUWERA, J., 2011. Géologie de terrain. De l'affleurement au concept. Ellipses (Technosup), Paris, 159 pp. http://www.geolsed.ulg.ac.be/carto/carto.htm
A pdf copy of all transparents is made available on the WebCT site of the course.This is only a summary of what was said and shown during the lectures. The following reference book is adviced: - Fetter C.W., 2001, Applied Hydrogeology (4th Edition), Prentice Hall, 598 p. In this book, the student will find more details and examples than collected during the lectures.

Part 1: geological map

Slides are available on My ULg after lectures.
BOULVAIN, F. & VANDER AUWERA, J., 2011. Géologie de terrain. De l'affleurement au concept. Ellipses (Technosup), Paris, 159 pp. http://www.geolsed.ulg.ac.be/carto/carto.htm

Part 2 : groundwater

A pdf copy of all transparents is made available on the WebCT site of the course.This is only a summary of what was said and shown during the lectures. The following reference book is adviced: - Fetter C.W., 2001, Applied Hydrogeology (4th Edition), Prentice Hall, 598 p. In this book, the student will find more details and examples than collected during the lectures.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Additional information:

A written exam intergrating the two parts of the course is organised in January and in September sessions. The allocation of points is as follows: 40% geological maps; 60% aquifers.
With open questions, the evaluation is based mainly on understanding the concepts and processes, but it requires also memorisation. Indeed, a good knowledge and perfect command of the fundamentals are needed for preparing accurate and adequate answers.

Part 1: geological map

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Additional information:

A written exam integrating the two parts of the course is organised during January and September sessions. The allocation of points is as follows: 40% geological maps; 60% aquifers. The geological map question consists in the interpretation of a schematical geological map.

Part 2 : groundwater

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Additional information:

A written exam integrating the two parts of the course is organised in June and in September sessions. With open questions, the evaluation is based mainly on understanding the concepts and processes, but it requires also memorisation. Indeed, a good knowledge and perfect command of the fundamentals are needed for preparing accurate and adequate answers. 

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks

The lectures will be given on the Arlon Campus.

Part 1: geological map

The lectures will be given on the Arlon Campus.

Part 2 : groundwater

The lectures will be given on the Arlon Campus


Prof. F. Boulvain Pétrologie sédimentaire, B20 Université de Liège, Sart Tilman B-4000 Liège fboulvain@uliege.be tél: 04 366 22 52
Philippe Orban 04/3662359 P.Orban@uliege.be
Assistants: Vincent Debbaut v.debbaut@uliege.be Mohamed Bouezmarni mbouezmarni@uliege.be Anne-Christine Da Silva ac.dasilva@uliege.be

Part 1: geological map

Prof. F. Boulvain Pétrologie sédimentaire, B20 Université de Liège, Sart Tilman B-4000 Liège fboulvain@uliege.be tél: 04 366 22 52
Philippe Orban 04/3662359 P.Orban@uliege.be
Assistants: A-C. Da Silva ac.dasilva@uliege.be Vincent Debbaut v.debbaut@uliege.be Mohamed Bouezmarni mbouezmarni@uliege.be

Part 2 : groundwater

Philippe Orban 04/3662359 P.Orban@uliege.be

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