2024-2025 / ENVT3023-1

Information representation

Part 1 : Indicators

Part 2 : Indentification of systems

Part 3 : Spatial information


Part 1 : Indicators : 8h Th, 8h Pr
Part 2 : Indentification of systems : 8h Th, 4h Pr
Part 3 : Spatial information : 12h Th, 12h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in environmental science and management, professional focus in environmental monitoring4 crédits 


Part 1 : Indicators :
Part 2 : Indentification of systems :
Part 3 : Spatial information :


Anne-Claude Romain

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

see parts

Part 1 : Indicators

Construction of global environmental indicators: - usefulness of global indicators - choice and aggregation of variables - normalization - quality of a good indicator - International systems of environmental indicators and sustainable development - different approaches to the construction of indicators (models: PSR, DSR, DPSIR) - presentation of indicators in environmental reports - examples of indicators

Part 2 : Indentification of systems

Description of the teaching unit:
The course proposes an introduction to system identification in view oft the application to an environmental monitoring problem.
Table of contents:
Reminder of System analysis, complements to mathematical modelling, identification and parameters estimation: methods and algorithms, application to environmental studies

Part 3 : Spatial information


  • Concepts relating to the representation of spatial information
  • Examples of case studies of the use of GIS applied to environmental management

  • Review of spatial information representation modes
  • Advanced symbology (3D extrusion)
  • Web mapping: construction of a web map
  • Dynamic (video) representation of a spatio-temporal phenomenon in a GIS
  • Landscape analysis (landscape impact of a structure, inter-visibility analysis (wind farm))
  • Analysis of a time series of satellite images via SPIRITS
  • "Big data" analysis of satellite images in the cloud via Google Earth Engine
  • Multi-layer spatial modeling
  • ...

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The student will be able to interpret and manipulate environmental indicators. He can use them in reports.
At the end of the course, the students are able to introduce the data collected during a measurement campaign about an environmental process in an elementary system identification procedure and to estimate the value of the parameters of a simplified model in order to interpret the data. 
Confer above

Part 1 : Indicators

The student will be able to interpret and manipulate environmental indicators. He can use them in reports.

Part 2 : Indentification of systems

At the end of the course, the students are able to introduce the data collected during a measurement campaign about an environmental process in an elementary system identification procedure and to estimate the value of the parameters of a simplified model in order to interpret the data. 

Part 3 : Spatial information

Confer above

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Mathematics (derivatives, matrices) and metrology fundamentals
Some knowledge of theory and practice of GIS (QGIS) and remote sensing.

Part 1 : Indicators


Part 2 : Indentification of systems

Mathematics (derivatives, matrices) and metrology fundamentals

Part 3 : Spatial information

Some knowledge of theory and practice of GIS (QGIS) and remote sensing.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

ex-cathedra lectures and group brainstorming on the construction of indicators.
In the course, theoretical elements are presented in alternace with environmental applications. The course ends with a global synthetical exercise which illustrates the approach until the end.
1 theory session.
5 practical sessions on computers. 

Part 1 : Indicators

ex-cathedra lectures and group brainstorming on the construction of indicators.

Part 2 : Indentification of systems

In the course, theoretical elements are presented in alternace with environmental applications. The course ends with a global synthetical exercise which illustrates the approach until the end.

Part 3 : Spatial information

1 theory session.
5 practical sessions on computers. 

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The course is given face-to-face
In classroom or through viso-conference

Part 1 : Indicators


Part 2 : Indentification of systems

The course is given face-to-face

Part 3 : Spatial information

In classroom or through viso-conference

Recommended or required readings

 Power Point presentations.
Power point presentations of the lessons are available on MyULiège. Papers presenting the application examples available as well.
Provided by Bernard TYCHON, Antoine DENIS and Marie LANG by email.
+ https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/240835 

Part 1 : Indicators

 Power Point presentations.

Part 2 : Indentification of systems

Power point presentations of the lessons are available on MyULiège. Papers presenting the application examples available as well.

Part 3 : Spatial information

Provided by Bernard TYCHON, Antoine DENIS and Marie LANG by email.
+ https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/240835 

Part 1 : Indicators

homework report on a selected indicator

Part 2 : Indentification of systems

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Additional information:

In person: 30 minutes oral  examination without access to the course notes based upon a broad question prepared by the student during 30 minutes.

Remote: 30  minutes oral examination with access to the course notes and no preparation time

Part 3 : Spatial information

Any session :

- In-person

written exam

- Remote

written work

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred remote

Additional information:

Individual report related to practical sessions

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks

syllabus on ecampus

Part 1 : Indicators

syllabus on ecampus


Anne-Claude ROMAIN Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement Université de Liège-Campus d'Arlon Avenue de Longwy, 185 B-6700 ARLON Belgium Tel: 32 (0) 63 23 08 59 acromain@ulg.ac.be
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Philippe ANDRE
Building Energy Monitoring and Simulation
Université de Liège
Arlon Campus Environnement
Avenue de Longwy, 185
B-6700 ARLON
32 (0)63 23 08 58
Bernard TYCHON Bernard.TYCHON@ULIEGE.be 
Antoine DENIS Antoine.DENIS@ULIEGE.be 
Marie LANG Marie.LANG@ULIEGE.be  

Part 1 : Indicators

Anne-Claude ROMAIN Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement Université de Liège-Campus d'Arlon Avenue de Longwy, 185 B-6700 ARLON Belgium Tel: 32 (0) 63 23 08 59 acromain@ulg.ac.be

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Part 2 : Indentification of systems

Philippe ANDRE
Building Energy Monitoring and Simulation
Université de Liège
Arlon Campus Environnement
Avenue de Longwy, 185
B-6700 ARLON
32 (0)63 23 08 58

Part 3 : Spatial information

Bernard TYCHON Bernard.TYCHON@ULIEGE.be 
Antoine DENIS Antoine.DENIS@ULIEGE.be 
Marie LANG Marie.LANG@ULIEGE.be  

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