2024-2025 / ENVT3021-1

Tools for measuring environmental parameters : atmosphere

Part 1 : Ambient air quality

Part 2 : Odors from the environment

Part 3 : Noise

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations


Part 1 : Ambient air quality : 24h Th, 12h Pr
Part 2 : Odors from the environment : 16h Th, 8h Pr
Part 3 : Noise : 16h Th, 8h Pr
Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations : 16h Th, 8h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in environmental science and management, professional focus in environmental monitoring7 crédits 


Part 1 : Ambient air quality :
Part 2 : Odors from the environment :
Part 3 : Noise :
Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations :


Anne-Claude Romain

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Part 1 : Ambient air quality

The first part presents atmospheric pollution -composition, structure and chemistry of atmosphere -main pollutants, their origin and their impacts, associated vocabulary, regulation, measurement network in Belgium, standards
The second part presents major measurement techniques of gaseous pollutants -operating principle (chemical sensors, spectroscopy, detectors) -instrument selection according to different criteria

Part 2 : Odors from the environment

definition and dimensions of odor      Sampling and determination of odor flow methods (sampling fireplace, per room flow ...)      methods for measuring various features of the odor nuisance (sensory methods, instrumental sensory, physico-chemical, citizen approach

Part 3 : Noise

Course description : The basic principles of applied acoustics are presented and explained. The course explains how to evaluate discomfort and annoyance by specific indicators and how to measure these indicators. Contents : Fundamentals of acoustics, psychoacoustics and sound level measurements, evaluation of discomfort and annoyance, environmental regulations, traffic noise (airport).

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations

  • Different kinds of ionizing and non ionizing radiations (natural or artificial): X rays, radioactivity and electromagnetic fields of low frequency (50 Hz) and high frequency (radio waves...).
  • Interaction of those radiations with matter.
  • Detectors performing those radiations measurement (+ Laboratory).
  • Risks and regulations.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Part 1 : Ambient air quality

The student will be able to understand the air pollution problematic, the operating procedure of instruments, to select the measurement technique in regards to the various variables of the problematic and to discuss the results in the context of environmental regulation

Part 2 : Odors from the environment

At the end of the course, the student will be able 1) to show his understanding of the theoretical concepts seen in the course; 2) to develop a methodology to perform measurments of envionmental odours 3) to explain-interpret the measurement results

Part 3 : Noise

At the end of the course, it is intended that the student will be able to: - understand the basics of sound propagation and its different modes, - evaluate and measure sound levels in decibels and combine the contribution of several sound sources, - understand the basics of psychoacoustics and the origin of the dBA, - understand and apply some noise indicators describing discomfort, in particular equivalent noise levels, - apply the method of expertise ISO 1996 and the environmental noise regulation used in Wallonia, - understand the typical phenomena in outdoor sound propagation, - compute the attenuation of noise barriers in simple situations, - understand the problems of noise created by airport activities.

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations

Ionizing radiations:

  • Classify the different kinds of ionizing radiations: radioactivity (a, b, g)) and X rays.
  • Describe the interaction of those different radiations with matter.
  • Describe the operating system of standard detectors: gas-filled detectors, scintillation detectors.
  • Use of detector measurements: estimate the accuracy on numbers; get acquainted with spectra shapes in gamma spectroscopy.
  • Identify the dangers related to each radiation, and the regulation rules.
Non ionizing radiations:
  • Classify the different kinds of non ionizing radiations.
  • Describe the interaction of those different radiations with matter.
  • Know the most used detectors and their operating mode.
  • Understand the measurement done with those detectors.
  • Identify the risks related to each type of radiation, and the regulation rules, on the Belgian and European levels.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Part 1 : Ambient air quality

Bachelor degree including a course of basic chemistry.

Part 2 : Odors from the environment

fundamentals in science (biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics)

Part 3 : Noise

Basic mathematics and physics.

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations

No prerequisites.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Part 1 : Ambient air quality

The course is based on 'ex-cathedra' lectures and on practical exercises.
A visit of a laboratory followed by a seminar concerning the air pollution measurment in industrial stacks is organised.

Part 2 : Odors from the environment

ex cathedra lecturers+ practical exercises

Part 3 : Noise

This course is organised in modules, each of them consisting in a general presentation ex cathedra, including applications and exercices with the teacher.
IMPORTANT: the COVID-19 health situation could possibly modify this organization.

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations

lecture and laboratory

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Part 1 : Ambient air quality

Face-to-face lectures

Part 2 : Odors from the environment

face - to -face

Part 3 : Noise

Face-to-face learning.
IMPORTANT: the COVID-19 health situation could possibly modify this organization.

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations

The lesson will be given through Lifesize. The slides will be sent to the students few days before.

Part 1 : Ambient air quality

Slides used during the lectures + documentation

Part 2 : Odors from the environment

slides of lecturers

Part 3 : Noise

The syllabi will be made available on the myUlg platform.

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations

« Rayonnements ionisants » A-S. Carnoy
« Rayonnements non ionisants » V. Beauvois

Part 1 : Ambient air quality

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Other : Practical excercise report

Additional information:

A written exam is organized in January and September.

Part 2 : Odors from the environment

written exam

Part 3 : Noise

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

- Remote

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Additional information:

The evaluation is first based on an oral examination during which the student will answer to questions concerning the theory that has been exposed during the presentations ex-cathedra. He/she will also have to solve some exercises (bringing a calculator is essential).
The examination will be probably organized by videoconference (Lifesize).
The examination will consist of two parts: the first part is an interview about theoretical questions (without access to the notes) and during the second part, the student will have to solve some problems (exercises similar to those solved during the lessons), with an access to the notes.
The student and the professor will remain connected (microphone and camera open) during the two parts of the examination.

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations

Written exam in January.
Non ionizing radiations:

- If exam at university is possible : written exam with "open" questions - If online exam regarding the sanitary conditions : written examen with "open" questions. A list of questions is available for the students and, the notes are not authorized during the exam.

Work placement(s)

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations

Not required

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Part 1 : Ambient air quality

The lecture is given in modules covering each a half-day of 4 hours (1 credit=3 half-days) at the Arlon campus.
notes and doc in e-campus

Part 3 : Noise

This course is organised during the autumn semester.
The official language is French.
IMPORTANT: the COVID-19 health situation could possibly modify this organization. At the time of writing this document, there are still uncertainties on the future practical organization of the courses.

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations

No particular remark.


Part 1 : Ambient air quality

Anne-Claude ROMAIN Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement Université de Liège-Campus d'Arlon Avenue de Longwy, 185 B-6700 ARLON Belgium Tel: 32 (0) 63 23 08 59(0) 63 23 08 5932 (0) 63 23 08 59 Fax: 32 (0)63 23 08 00 acromain@ulg.ac.be

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Part 2 : Odors from the environment

Anne-Claude ROMAIN Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement Université de Liège-Campus d'Arlon Avenue de Longwy, 185 B-6700 ARLON Belgium Tel: 32 (0) 63 23 08 5932 (0) 63 23 08 59 Fax: 32 (0)63 23 08 00 acromain@ulg.ac.be

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Part 3 : Noise

J.J. Embrechts

Part 4 : Ionizing and non ionizing radiations

as.carnoy@helmo.be for I.R.
v.beauvois@uliege.be for n.R.I.

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