2024-2025 / ENVT0901-1

Sizing and simulation of energy systems in the construction industry


24h Th, 24h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in environmental sciences and management, professional focus (Codiplômation Université du Luxembourg)4 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course provides theoretical bases and methods for carrying out the sizing of energy
systems installed in buildings and evaluating the resulting thermal and energy performance
in the latter. The TRNSYS software and the PVGIS calculator are the simulation tools used
in the course. This course will be articulated between theory and practice.

The course includes the following chapters: General introduction; Climatology, Thermal comfort; Calculation of heating an cooling demands; Modelling and simulation of energy systems, in a sizing context.

Practical work is devoted to putting into practice the theoretical concepts covered in the course chapters.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of the course, the student will be able to size an energy system, using the resources of numerical simulation 

He will be familiar with the TRNSYS tool which is a complete and renowned STD software.
He will also be familiar with the Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) tool Google SketchUp 8.

The course will also cover the methods for carrying out a simple project study, understanding the importance of thermal zoning, the basics of reading plans, calculating orientation on a plan, preparing for encoding, importing data from TRNSYS into Excel, graphing or diagramming, reading the results and presenting them.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The student enrolled in this course must be aware of the prerequisites necessary for a good understanding of the various manipulations and tasks required as part of this course.



- Basic knowledge of thermics and energetics.

Have followed the 1st year course ENVT0892 Integrated Energy Management.

Completion of the summer semester course programme at the University of Luxembourg, as part of the ERBD module co-diploma.





- Ability to use a computer and peripherals (external storage, mouse).


- Intermediate knowledge of the MS Office suite:

Excel: If you are not familiar with Excel, here is a free online course: https://openclassrooms.com/fr/courses/7168336-maitrisez-les-fondamentaux-dexcel

Note: You must be able to import data into Excel and produce reports (graphs and/or diagrams) based on this data. You therefore need to be familiar with the following basic operations:

- formula

- file saving

- tab creation/navigation,

- the "stretch" formula function

- automatic sum,

- data filter,

- insert graph

- import data from external sources

- data formatting (convert) .

Word: You must be able to produce a written report of spelling and visual quality, which will be assessed as part of the exam.

PowerPoint: during the oral exam, you will have to support your presentation with a visual aid produced using PowerPoint.




- If students wish to use their personal computer during the practical sessions, they must ensure that they are able to install a computer programme on their computer (in this case TRNSYS, the BEMS research team can make temporary licences available to students).

No software will be installed during class time.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course alternates theoretical sessions with practical work (sizing calculations, thermal comfort measurements, evaluation of solutions). It also includes several sessions devoted to the use of TRNSYS digital simulation software.




The following practical sessions will be organised:


- Introduction to TRNSYS (8h): in 2 parts of 4h each, the aspects seen in the climatology part of the course are put into practice in this introduction to TRNSYS.


- Practical work on calculating annual demand under dynamic conditions (8h): in relation to the part of the course on calculating demand under dynamic conditions.


- TP TRNSYS 3D (4h): use of the TRNSYS 3D plug-in for modelling a 3D building model and import into the TRNSYS STD environment.


- TRNSYS project practical work (4 hrs): Basic practices for carrying out a study of the thermal behaviour of a building model using TRNSYS software. Presentation of the preliminary work to be carried out before modelling and simulation in the software. Instructions and presentation of case studies for the practical exam.


- Solar thermal practical work (4 hrs): TRNSYS sizing and simulation of a SDHW (Solar Domestic Hot Water) system.


- Photovoltaic (PV) practical (2 hrs): PV sizing using PVGIS.



Note to students:

The ERBD module is based on a project-based approach, so that the different knowledge and skills covered in the module's courses can be applied in an integrated manner.


As a result, students who have simultaneously chosen the courses ENVT0901 - Dimensioning and Simulation of Energy Systems and ENVT3059 - Building Energy Optimisation as their elective courses will choose their case study on the basis of this synergy in their choice of course.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face-to-face in classrooms or in computer room (use of the TRNSYS simulation program).

As a reminder, you may use your personal computer to follow the practical sessions, provided that you have installed the required software beforehand (please contact Ms Pauline Abrahams: pabrahams@uliege.be ).

The first tutorial will be given exclusively on the PCs in the computer room and no software will be installed during lessons or tutorials.

Course notes available: Power Point presentations of oral lectures, PPTs of practical exercises available on e-campus, as well as simulation files seen during practical exercises.


Some remedial videos on the use of Excel, Word and PowerPoint.


If you are not familiar with Excel, here is a free online course: https://openclassrooms.com/fr/courses/7168336-maitrisez-les-fondamentaux-dexcel


It is imperative that you have taken a course on the basics of using the Office suite, in particular Excel, Word and PowerPoint, in order to take this course - you will be reminded of this in the course prerequisites. The teachers of the ENVT0901 course are not intended to give courses on Excel. It will be assumed that students know the basics of these programmes.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam AND oral exam

Additional information:

Exam in 2 parts :




- Oral examination :

Description: Questions relating to both the theoretical course and the practical work.


Criteria: Ability to use knowledge from the course to deal with a problem likely to be encountered in professional practice.


Organisation :

1st part of the oral: open-ended, closed-book questions on the concepts covered in the lectures (theory)

2nd part of the oral: open questions on your practical work and written report handed in at the beginning of the session.

The oral exam counts for 2/3 of the final grade.




- Practical exam :



You will be asked to carry out a project in the TRNSYS software simulation environment, involving the use of the software's various interfaces. At the end of your simulations, you will have to obtain results and be able to interpret, present and explain them.


 This report supplements the oral assessment that will take place in the January session and counts for 1/3 of the final grade. To submit your work, you must upload your files to e-campus by a deadline set by your teacher (Ms Pauline Abrahams). Your submission must include :

- A report on the results (maximum 5 pages, preferably in Word format), with a careful presentation of the results, interpretations and conclusions.

The examination is based on the assignment of a simulation project during the 6th TP session. This is an individual assignment and will be prepared during the 1st four-month period of block 2. The results report will be submitted during the January examination session and will be available on e-campus.


Each simulation project is characterised by a complete sheet containing the main information required for your simulation. Missing information must be filled in with justified choices. The information needed to carry out your TRNSYS study will be available on e-campus. You will be assessed during the 2nd part of the oral exam on the modelling, encoding, simulation and results aspects that you have obtained. You must be in possession of your results report on the day of the oral exam.

Criteria assessed : 

- Good application of the concepts and skills covered in the various practical exercises.

- Ability to master the TRNSYS tool, good encoding of the various simulation data and creation of a simulation environment with correct connections between components. CAD (Computer Aided Design) skills and good use of the TRNSYS3D plug-in.

- Understanding of the specifics of building heating and energy analysis in a dynamic simulation environment.

- Ability to generate coherent results, analyse them, interpret and present them.

- Ability to act as a consultant and, on the basis of the results, be able to present an accurate report with proposed solutions for improving the initial project.

Work placement(s)

No internship

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Course organized during the first semester with 2H or 4h periods, combining theoretical lessons and practical work.


Attendance to all practical works is mandatory. Indeed, the first sessions are intended to get to know the TRNSYS software, the rest of the practical work consists in increasing the technicality of the software, the absence of the student to the first introductory sessions to the handling of the TRNSYS software (8 hours of introductory training) strongly harms his capacity to follow the practical work which will follow and more importantly, his capacity to be able to carry out the simulation project which is the subject of the practical examination of this course (and for reminder, counting for 1/3 of the final mark).



Philippe ANDRE



Liège Université

Arlon Campus Environnement

Avenue de Longwy, 185

B-6700 ARLON


32-(0)63 230858




Teaching Assistant:

Pauline ABRAHAMS, 32(0)63 230 853, pabrahams@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

ENVT-0901 Simulation-based sizing of energy systems in buildings
Presentations of oral lessons