2024-2025 / ENVT0899-1

Metrology of atmospheric pollutants


30h Th, 4h Pr, 6h Vis.

Number of credits

 Master in environmental sciences and management, professional focus4 crédits 


Anne-Claude Romain

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course presents the main techniques for sampling and measuring gaseous pollutants. The notions of atmospheric chemistry seen in the Master 1 courses are deepened.

  • Sampling techniques and determination of the pollutant flow rate (stack sampling, flow chamber sampling,...)
  • Principles of measurement
    -Principles of operation (chemical sensors, spectroscopy, chromatography)
    -Presentation of the instrumentation
  • Atmospheric chemistry



Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The student will be able to understand the air pollution problematic, the operating procedure of instruments, to select the measurement technique in regards to the various variables of the problematic and to discuss the results in the context of environmental regulation

At the end of the course, the student will be able 1) to show his understanding of the theoretical concepts seen in the course; 2) to develop a methodology to perform measurments 3) to explain-interpret the measurement results


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Bachelor degree including a course of basic chemistry.

fundamentals in science (biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics)

Basic mathematics and physics.

Course ENVT0893 - Air Quality Pressure-State-Response


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course consists of lectures and practical work

A visit to the ISSeP (laboratory) followed by seminars on industrial stack emissions and ambient air quality measurement is organised.


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

face to face



Slides used during the lectures + documentation on e-campus


Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Written work / report

Additional information:

The criteria and evaluation methods are presented in detail during the first course.

Weighted average :

  • Written exam (3/4)
    TP - Report (1/4): 3/4 Lab + ¼ Report visit
Rating: In case of failure: carry over rating for TP and Report only if passed





Work placement(s)

Not required

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

This course is organised during the first quadri



Anne-Claude ROMAIN
Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement
Université de Liège-Campus d'Arlon
Avenue de Longwy, 185
B-6700 ARLON
Tel: 32 (0) 63 23 08 59(0) 63 23 08 5932 (0) 63 23 08 59
Fax: 32 (0)63 23 08 00


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