2024-2025 / ENVT0170-1

Environmental impact of buildings


32h Th, 8h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in environmental sciences and management, professional focus4 crédits 


Anne-Sophie Carnoy, N..., Anne-Claude Romain


Anne-Claude Romain

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course gives students a vision of the impacts that buildings can have on health It revolves around a global vision of sustainable building references, materials, indoor air quality.

It is broken down into several sections:

  • environmental impact (sustainable reference system: water, etc.)
  • indoor air quality
  • non-ionizing and ionizing radiation

Environmental impact

This section covers the following concepts: green building sustainability rating system, building pathologies, water management, how to assess and interpret environmental impact using a life cycle analysis.

 Indoor air

each type of pollution will be discussed with practical examples and how to establish a diagnosis. health context sources of indoor air pollution health impacts measurement approaches regulations (guideline values, ...) labels (building materials) HQE and EPD Illustrations

A practical exercise is organized in the laboratory (TP).
Ionising and non ionising radiation
Different types of ionizing radiation (natural and artificial) present in our environment: X-rays, radioactivity. Modes of interaction of this radiation with the material. Detectors used to measure them.  Dangers of this radiations.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this course, the student will be able to consider the environmental and health impacts of buildings, other than those related to energy consumption strictly speaking, and to identify the positions to be examined in the overall improvement of these impacts.




Prerequisite knowledge and skills

fundamental sciences



Planned learning activities and teaching methods

lectures and pracitcal exercises

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:



lectures and annexes on e-campus

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

Each teacher presents his criteria and methods of evaluation during the course. The instructions and evaluation criteria are detailed during the 1st course and are written in the introductory ppt of the course (on e-campus).

The final EU rating is the average of the 4 materials (Indoor air, EPB, Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation):

  • EPB (1 question during the written exam + report)
  • Indoor air (4 questions during the written exam 3/4 points + TP report 1/4 points)
  • Ionizing Radiation (5 questions in the written exam)
  • Non-Ionizing Radiation (Report + answer to a list of questions: to do at home)
If the final score is equal to or greater than 10, the teaching unit is successful.

If the final score is less than 10, the teaching unit fails. In this case, all subjects must be represented in the written examination. Report notes are retained if they are equal to or greater than 10.

The written exam is held on the same day for all subjects.

Exits from the exam room are only allowed after 02 hours of examination.

The exam room will no longer be accessible to students beyond exam time (to the minute!).

Mobile phones and personal belongings are not allowed and must be entrusted to the supervisor.


For the subject "indoor air", an individual TP report must be submitted the day before the examination. It accounts for 1/4 of the points of the indoor air rating. The written exam counts for 3/4 of the points.

For the EPB subject: Delivery of a group report: by groups of students, research and implementation work in TOTEM is requested on environmental performance indicators.

For the material "Non-ionizing radiation", work on a theme is required. The details are presented in session.

For the subject "Ionizing radiation", the evaluation is a written examination








Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Indoor Air:

Anne-Claude ROMAIN

Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement
Université de Liège-Campus d'Arlon
Avenue de Longwy, 185
B-6700 ARLON
Tel: 32 (0) 63 23 08 59(0) 63 23 08 5932 (0) 63 23 08 59


Anne WOUTERS, Research Assistant

Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement
Université de Liège-Campus d'Arlon
Avenue de Longwy, 185
B-6700 ARLON

BEMS Research Team - SPHERES Research Unit

+32 63 230 892



Radiations :





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