2024-2025 / ELEC0053-2

Electric circuits


26h Th, 26h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering5 crédits 
 Master MSc. in Electrical Engineering, professional focus in electronic systems and devices5 crédits 
 Master Msc. in Energy Engineering, professional focus in Energy Conversion5 crédits 
 Master MSc. in Electromechanical Engineering, professional focus in energetics (Inscriptions closes)5 crédits 
 Master Msc. in electrical engineering, professional focus in "Smart grids"5 crédits 
 Master Msc. in Energy Engineering, professional focus in Networks5 crédits 
 Master Msc. in Electrical Engineering, professional focus in Neuromorphic Engineering5 crédits 


Bertrand Cornélusse

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course will introduce the fundamental aspects and essential techniques of electric circuits analysis. A circuit is a compound system of interconnected electrical components. The fields of application of circuits and the range of their characteristics are extremely vast: integrated circuits, radio and TV circuits, electronic measuring devices, telecommunication systems, and large electric energy systems,...

As in numerous domains of engineering, circuit analysis appeals to modeling: a circuit is considered as a set of interconnected idealized elements or models set up to reproduce at best the physical behavior of the actual system. This course is more particularly dedicated to the introduction of these idealized elements, the description of their characteristics and limitations as well as their main methods of analysis.

The teaching approach is progressive: the concepts and techniques are first introduced in the limited context of resistive circuits with constant sources. The results are then extended to sinusoidal steady-state and time-varying current analysis. The course covers the following topics :

  • Basic concepts: circuit variables (voltage, current, power), basic components (resistance, voltage, and current sources), basic laws (Ohm, Kirchhoff)
  • Response of first (RC, RL) and second (RLC) order circuits
  • Sinusoidal steady-state analysis and power calculations, resonant and selective circuits, balanced three-phase circuits
  • Fundamental theorems: Tellegen, substitution, superposition, Thevenin and Norton equivalents
  • Filters and circuits with operational amplifiers
  • General techniques of circuit analysis: the mesh-current and the node-voltage methods
  • Two-port circuits.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of the course, the student will master the theoretical basic foundations of electric circuit analysis. The student will be able to implement the corresponding calculation techniques to derive the complete electrical state of a circuit and establish its power balance. The student will also be able to realize comparisons between various methods and choose the most appropriate one when applied to a given problem. The exercise sessions will help the student in developing a critical analysis of computed numeric results and evaluating orders of magnitude.

This course contributes to the learning outcomes I.1, I.2, II.1, III.1, III.2, IV.1 of the BSc in engineering.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

  • Elementary knowledge of electricity and electromagnetism (from basic physics course).
  • Very good ability in calculus with complex numbers.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is based on theoretical lectures and tutorials.

A part of theoretical lectures and tutorial sessions will be available as videos on eCampus, to give way to more interactive face-to-face sessions. Wherever possible, experiments will be carried out to illustrate the concepts studied, and tests of a purely formative nature will be organized (Wooclap), in addition to the assessments detailed in the evaluation section.

During the lectures, the theoretical concepts involved in circuit analysis are described, resolution techniques are established and compared, and associated mathematical notions are presented. The various techniques are illustrated in simple examples. 

During the tutorials, students are trained to problem solving through different approaches, comparing their respective essential characteristics and limitations.

The regular practice of exercises proposed in the course book is strongly recommended.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face + distance learning.

As the main and mandatory source, the book in pdf format is freely accessible on Github.

To improve its content, your suggestions are welcome. You can even propose modifications and additions directly on GitHub.

A paper version of the course book will be available at the beginning of the semester at the centrale des cours de l'AEES.

Other course materials will also be available via the eCampus student portal (access restricted to students registered for the course), including : 

  • videos
  • slides
  • theory and exercise forums
  • formative tests

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Additional information:

In-year assessment.

Two non-mandatory exercise tests are proposed, each dealing with the exercise topics covered during the preceding tutorials. These tests are optional but can be taken into account for the final grade (25 %) if :

- The student takes part in all two tests (except absence justified by a medical certificate);

- The corresponding average mark is in favor of the student, i.e., greater than the final examination, part 2 mark.

Final examination (June).

A written examination comprising two parts:

Part 1, theory (50 %): concerns all the theoretical concepts approached in the lectures; includes open questions and multiple choice questions. Calculators are forbidden, and no document can be consulted.

Part 2, problems (50 % without tests mark, 25 % with tests mark): comprises the resolution of exercises similar to those considered during the tutorials. A calculator is required. The student can refer to a personal formulary of one page maximum to be prepared beforehand.

In the case of a second session (September): a written examination is organized according to the same principle as the evaluation of the first session. The tests mark is no more taken into account.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The course is taught during the second quadrimester, one half-day per week, 2 hours lecture followed by 2 hours tutorial.


Bertrand Cornélusse

Association of one or more MOOCs