2024-2025 / DROI2311-2

Civil partnership law, Special questions, part 1


30h Th

Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Public Notary Law4 crédits 


Yves-Henri Leleu

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course deals with couples's patrimonial regime, which covers two distinct sectors: the law of matrimonial regimes of married couples and the patrimonial regime applicable to legal or de facto cohabitation. The course provides an in-depth examination of the teaching of the baccalauréat in terms of practice, especially the notarial's one, and with case law examples. The course is also intended for lawyers and others, and will provide them with additional knowledge in the practice of certain technical matters.
First, the following topics will be covered: the primary regime and legal regime, marriage contracts and procedures for changing the matrimonial regime. The third part of the course will be devoted to conventional community and the theory of matrimonial advantages in particular. The regime of separation of property and its correctives, aimed at communitarization, will be next examined, as well as the transition law of July 14, 1976. The liquidation or division of a legacy in common, particularly as regards post-communitarian non-division, will be finally examined. This part will be teached by Ms. Aurélie NOTTET (15H).

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The objective of this course is twofold: first, to give to future lawyers knowledge about the choice of the best matrimonial regime for their clients, or the best modification of their matrimonial conventions; second, to encourage the precise application of the law governing family property law in practice, in order to prevent clients from settling too quickly.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Succession law

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course will be teached trough an interactive method. Participation by students will be encouraged constantly, through questions and requests for opinions. The intervention of Ms. Aurélie NOTTET will bring to the course a dimension even more centered on the notarial practice. Student monitors will organize workshops. Students are invited to ask questions about the subject during or at the end of the course. Members of the Family Law Unit are also available to answer questions about the course by appointment (offices I. 15 and I. 16).

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

The course is organized during the academic year 2023-2024 ; it will not be during the year 2022-2023.

The lectures are given by Mr. Yves-Henri LELEU during the first semester. The last 15 hours of classes are given by Mme Aurélie NOTTET.

On-line courses are given by Mr. Yves-Henri LELEU

Y.-H. LELEU, Droit patrimonial des couples, Bruxelles, Larcier, 2021


A written exam will be organized in january and in august-september (Right/Wrong, technical and reflexive questions).
All published codes or their photocopies are allowed.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The course is held every odd year (2017-2018 ; 2019-2020,...).



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