2024-2025 / DENT1010-1

Observation and learning internship in different clinics - II

Oral surgery - Periodontology - Implantolongy (D-CHU Clinic)

Orthodontics (Clin. B)

Integrated dentistry (Clin.C, Endo, Consult)

Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology


Oral surgery - Periodontology - Implantolongy (D-CHU Clinic) : 50h Internship
Orthodontics (Clin. B) : 50h Internship
Integrated dentistry (Clin.C, Endo, Consult) : 50h Internship
Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology : 50h Internship

Number of credits

 Master in dentistry, professional focus4 crédits 


Oral surgery - Periodontology - Implantolongy (D-CHU Clinic) : France Lambert, Geoffrey Lecloux
Orthodontics (Clin. B) : Jean-Claude Bernard, Annick Bruwier
Integrated dentistry (Clin.C, Endo, Consult) : Sabine Geerts, Marc Lamy, Alain Vanheusden
Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology : Yves Gilon

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents


Integrated dentistry (Clin.C, Endo, Consult)


Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology

The clinical training courses will take place mainly in the operating room where you will attend most actively possible for the composed operating acts. You will interact effectively, in a small group, with me and surgical staff to answer concretely your questioning and stimulate your curiosity. You will also attend the consultations of the teacher and his collaborators, rich in patients referred by their handling dentist, being in trouble in front of any pathology of the Stomatology, Oral and maxillofacial Surgery (extraction of root, tooth or difficult wisdom tooth, placement or complication of implant surgery, pro or retro- gnathisme, tumefaction of salivary gland, ...).

Learning outcomes of the learning unit


Orthodontics (Clin. B)

Genetics and dysfunctions in Orthodontics

Integrated dentistry (Clin.C, Endo, Consult)


Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Integrated dentistry (Clin.C, Endo, Consult)


Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology

Before your training course, you have to read necessarily attentively the introduction, on-line on MyULg and eCampus, and study the slide show reminding the respect for sterility.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods


Integrated dentistry (Clin.C, Endo, Consult)


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology

Oral during the clinical training course.

Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology

Two PPT presentations "Introduction au stage" and "Respect de la stérilité au bloc opératoire", online on MyULg and eCampus, are a prerequisite for your stage. A knowledge test is possible at the beginning of the stage, the rating of which will be integrated into your stage note.

Assessment methods and criteria


Orthodontics (Clin. B)


Integrated dentistry (Clin.C, Endo, Consult)


Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology


Work placement(s)

Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology

1 or 2  weeks / year.

Organizational remarks


Integrated dentistry (Clin.C, Endo, Consult)




Integrated dentistry (Clin.C, Endo, Consult)


Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology

Enseignant titulaire : Yves GILON, Chargé de cours C.H.U. Sart Tilman, B-4000 Liège Tél. 04 242 52 68 - Fax 04 242 52 70 Email : yves.gilon@chuliege.be
Secrétariat : Cindy ROELANTS (tél. +32 4 2425268)
Email : cindy.roelants@chuliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology

Stage clinique - Informations pratiques et prérequis
Informations pratiques sur le stage clinique en Stomatologie, Chirurgie Orale et Maxillo-Faciale.

Disposer d'une blouse blanche pour l'assistance aux consultations et examens des patients.

!! Le respect de l'asepsie durant le stage au bloc opératoire, largement expliqué et décrit dans les différents documents doit être connu et constitue un prérequis pour le stage.

Le respect et la compréhension de l'asepsie valent 50% de votre cote globale de stage.

Assurez-vous la semaine précédant votre stage qu'il débute bien le lundi (04/242.52.62 - Mme Koopmans). En cas d'absence le lundi, vous en profiterez pour débuter vos recherches bibliographiques du travail de stage, à définir la semaine précédente !