2024-2025 / DENT1007-1

Biomaterials (Part I)

Surgery biomaterials - I

Dental biomaterials - I


Surgery biomaterials - I : 3h Th
Dental biomaterials - I : 12h Th, 8h AUTR

Number of credits

 Master in dentistry, professional focus1 crédit 


Surgery biomaterials - I : France Lambert
Dental biomaterials - I : Amélie Mainjot

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course of Dental Biomaterials is given at 80% by Prof. A. MAINJOT and at 20% by Prof. F. LAMBERT. It follows the course of Introduction to Dental Biomaterials given in Bac 2.

Surgery biomaterials - I

Partim I will focus on theoretical and practical learning of dental extractions-related materials and suture materials :

  • Suture materials, as well as the impact of their physico-chemical properties on clinical parameters and their classification (braided fibers, monofilaments, resorbable/non resorbables), biodegradation mechanisms and the interest of coatings.
  • Hemostatic biomaterials and biological glues : naturals/synthetics, collagene, cellulose, wax, gelatine, chitosan, fibrin sealant, cyanoacrylate/advantages and indications/ kinetics and biodegradable effects.
  • The various types of biomaterials used in alveolar extraction management and the impact of their physico-chemical properties
  • Selection of biomaterials depending on clinical indications
  • Selection of alveolar management techniques and integration of the level of difficulty

Dental biomaterials - I

The course of Dental Biomaterials is given at 80% by Prof. A. MAINJOT and at 20% by Prof. F. LAMBERT. It follows the course of Introduction to Dental Biomaterials given in Bac 2.
The course is related to the specific characteristics of the different types of dental biomaterials, except biomaterials used in oral surgery and implantology (partim F. LAMBERT ) : a part of these biomaterials will be addressed in the course of this year, while the other part in the course of Dental Biomaterials partim 2. The study of dental biomaterials is performed through the analysis of clinical situations. Dental Biomaterials partim 1 is complemented by practical sessions in pre-clinics (work placements I DEN 3003 - Ba). These sessions are related to Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD-CAM) processes and to bonding to dental tissues. Partim 2 will be complemented by work placement in clinics orientated on CAD-CAM processes and an interactive practical session on bonding to tooth tissues (work placement II DEN 3004 - Ba) .


Learning outcomes of the learning unit


Surgery biomaterials - I

The main objective of this course is to help students to acquire component skills and practice related to suture materials and their clinical application, and to be familiar with socket management techniques and with the available materials.
After this course, student should be able to:

  • Make meaningful choice upon which type of suture materials, needle and point of suture has to be used, depending on clinical situation.
  • Assess alveolar preservation techniques indications, including the choice of technique and biomaterials.
  • Estimate the difficulty level of alveolar preservation interventions, to use alveolar preservation techniques considered as simple, to make a reasoned choice of biomaterials and to refer complex cases.
Ergonomics and basic alveolars managements will be performed with a practical approach (practical exercises) on pig's mouths. Moreover, various types of suture points and suture threads will be used.

Dental biomaterials - I

The overall objective of the course is to enable students to master the characteristics of dental biomaterials in order to better understand their choice and their use in clinical practice. After the course students will be able:

  • to understand and to know the characteristics, behavior and handling procedure of various dental biomaterials
  • to optimize the choice of the biomaterial in the aim of improving treatment quality
  • to analyze and to understand the principles of adhesion of various dental biomaterials to tooth tissues
  • to differentiate some categories of restorative dental biomaterials, to know their properties and indications
  • to implement handling procedires of these biomaterials
  • to explain the various methods of manufacturing of some restorative biomaterials
  • to understand and to analyze the relationships between structure, composition and manufacturing process of a dental biomaterial and its properties
  • to understand and to review the evolution of dental biomaterials

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Course of "Introduction to Dental Biomaterials"

Surgery biomaterials - I

Course of "Introduction to Dental Biomaterials"

Dental biomaterials - I

Course of "Introduction to Dental Biomaterials"

Planned learning activities and teaching methods


Surgery biomaterials - I


  • Early to the ex-cathedra course, students will be required to read an article or to visualize a video. A related questionnaire will be forwarded to students through eCampus before performing the in situ correction.
  • The interaction is focused on the participation of the students.
  • Practical exercises aiming to apply theoretical courses will be organized. Students will be required to complete a quizz through eCampus. Students should be issued boarding pass allowing access to the practical exercices.
Support documentation (scientific papers or Power Point) will be provided to students after the course has been given.

Dental biomaterials - I

The learning method is based on the flipped classroom method. Students have to solve some clinical cases (micro-casus) before lessons through the e-learning platform. They also have to realise a video, which highlights the keypoints of the lesson. Those videos are evaluated by the teacher and allow him to discuss eventual misunderstanding. The video must be realized in order to get access to the final exam. During the lesson students interact with the teacher via polls (Socrative), which test their practical knowledge. The course includes a large amount of practical illustrations and videos. After each session a knowledge test is available online. It prepares the student for the exam. Support of the course (slides), book references, or links to internet ressources are given on the platform.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)


Surgery biomaterials - I

Blended learning

Additional information:


This course is held in French through a flipped classrooms approach, including a course preparation, and at the end of the cycle, practical exercises.
Course preparation documents are in English.

Dental biomaterials - I

Blended learning

Additional information:


The course is delivered both at distance through the e-learning platform (e-campus) and through face to face lessons. The duration of the face to face lessons is adapted in regards to time needed for the e-learning platform use.

Recommended or required readings


Surgery biomaterials - I

Course notes, scientific articles and support documents will be submitted to students on eCampus.

Dental biomaterials - I

PARTIM A. MAINJOT Support of course (slides) and books or links to additional ressources (optional) on the internet are available on the e-learning platform.

Assessment methods and criteria


Surgery biomaterials - I

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

MCQ examination with degree of certainty 

Dental biomaterials - I

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Other : Keychain video

Additional information:

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Additional information:

Written examination. The video must be realized in order to get access to the final exam.

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks


Surgery biomaterials - I

The course of Dental Biomaterials is given at 80% by Prof. A. MAINJOT and at 20% by Prof. F. Lambert.
You are invited to use the e-learning plateform on e-campus before and after each class session. This platform also contains all necessary information regarding the organization of the course.  

Dental biomaterials - I

The course of Dental Biomaterials is given at 80% by Prof. A. MAINJOT and at 20% by Prof. F. Lambert.
You are invited to use the e-learning plateform on e-campus before and after each class session. This platform also contains all necessary information regarding the organization of the course.  



Surgery biomaterials - I

Students are invited to ask any question relative to the topic during or after the course. If misunderstanding remain, Unit members are available to answer students' question (after having taking an appointment by email). Questions concerning practical and logistical information may be directed to Valerie Duyckaerts.

Prof France Lambert : france.lambert@chuliege.be
Valerie Duyckaerts : valerie.duyckaerts@chuliege.be

Dental biomaterials - I

Besides lessons, students have the opportunity to ask the teacher questions on the course content. It is strongly advised to make an appointment by email. 
Prof. Amélie Mainjot Dental Biomaterials Research Unit (d-BRU), University of Liege Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, University Hospital Center (CHU) of Liege Institute of Dentistry Quai G. Kurth 45 4020 Liege Belgium www.d-bru.ulg.ac.be email : a.mainjot@ulg.ac.be

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