2024-2025 / CNAV0014-3

Ship and offshore structures and production (including 7 days technical visit)


40h Th, 60h Pr, 7d FW

Number of credits

 Master MSc. in Mechanical Engineering, professional focus in advanced ship design (EMSHIP+, Erasmus Mundus)7 crédits 


Luc Courard


Philippe Rigo

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This lecture is given in English.
This lecture includes several parts and an introduction to ship structure design and analysis is given in the lecture "Integrated design project".
Criterions of dimensioning, Design limit states, Rational approaches (direct calculation) of sizing (scantling) versus rules based approaches, Modern tools for modeling; Structural analysis (FEA); Optimisation, .... An important part of the course includes practical exercises (weekly).
Description of the various limit states (service, ultimate, accident, ..) of the ship structure (yielding, buckling and tripping of beams, buckling and ultimate strength of plates and stiffened plates, ultimate bending moment of hull girder, fatigue (curves S-N), vibration, collision & grounding, ...). Ultimate strength of hull girder: simplified approach, curvature - bending moment curve and average stress and strain curve of the components (progressive collapse analysis, Smith method), non-linear analysis, fluid-structure interaction .... - Vibrations: theory of vibrations (basic notions); technology aspects: Cause of vibrations in ship structures; Techniques of measurement, control and prevention techniques; practical impact on design. - Structure reliability concepts (loads and strength) in calculation of structures (rule based approaches and direct calculations). - Materials (steel, aluminium, composite materials, sandwich panels, ...). - Introduction to ship structure optimization (least cost, least weight, ...).
Shipyard layout (organisation, implantation, functions, shipyard types, etc.) - Planning and logistics - Economical context. - Shipyard production processes. - Main steps of shipbuilding production (sequences, material flows, etc.). - Modular construction (blocks, sections, etc.). - Main workshops in shipyards (machining, cutting, bending, forming, panel line, outfitting, straightening, etc.). - Welding and cutting processes (welding types, welding processes, welds control, weld calculation). - Launching methods (dry dock, slipway, etc.) - Modern tools for production simulation and cost assessment - Concurrent Engineering tools such as Design for Production, Lean manufacturing, Quality Management, etc. - Scheduling notions (Potential and Pert methods)
4) COMPOSITE MATERIALS (Marine application)
This part complete the lecture "Materials Selection (given by Prof Ruffoni)- MECA 0462-2". This lecture is to give relevant knowledge and practical expertise to perform a ship design using composite materials. Manufacturing methods (experimental test in lab - done by students - Prof Courard). Highlights are: structural failure modes/theories of composites ship structures; and application of the Class rules and/or FEM tools for composites ship structure.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

- The main objective is to give a general overview of the structural problems that must be considered at the conceptual design stage, early design stage and detailed design stage.
The lecture focusses on the first principle design methods and relies on rational approaches. It surveys the various limit states that must be considered for the structural design and scantling assessment.

- Concerning Shipyards: The objective is the understanding of production technologies and manufacturing methods for shipbuilding industry in order to integrate production limits at the design stage (Design for production)

This course contributes to the learning outcomes I.1, I.2, II.1, II.2, II.3, III.1, III.2, III.3, III.4, IV.1, IV.12, IV.13, IV.2, V.1, V.2, VI.1, VI.2, VI.3, VII.1, VII.4, VII.6 of the MSc in mechanical engineering.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Good knowledge in structure mechanics

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course includes 5 to 6 practical works. Written works are marked.

Technical visits (Shipyards and companies Offshore) are planned in Belgium and in the neighbour countrues such as Fr , DE et NL) 

and technical  tour of 5 days (EMSHIP week) are planned.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

September to May , organized every year. 1/2 day lecture each week and 3h/week to realise practical works at home .
PArt 1 is given from Sept to Dec, with written assessment in Dec.
Part 2 to 3 are given from Feb to MAY, with assessment in June (oral part + written exam - the same day)

Syllabus (available at secretary's office of ANAST)
See also Analysis and Design of Ship Structure, P. Rigo, Ship and construction, SNAME, vol. 1, 2003

Registered student has access to EMSHIP Intranet (LMS), where ref books are available

Continuous assessment

Other : Written exam for the exercices and an Oral exam for the theory (eventually remotely)

Additional information:

Weekly Practical work (10%) Written examination (40%) Oral examination (50%)

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The lecture planning is available on 



Prof, EMSHIP Coordinator
+32 (0) 4 366 93 66

Association of one or more MOOCs