2024-2025 / CIFR0005-1

Putting training into practice

Part 1: Supporting the progression of each participant to develop their skills or transfer their learning

Part 2: Proposing authentic learning and evaluation activities, appropriate for the aims and the audience

Part 3: Establishing a motivating and rewarding atmosphere

Part 4: Making use of technologies to promote learning


Part 1: Supporting the progression of each participant to develop their skills or transfer their learning : 30h Th, 20h Pr, 15h AUTR
Part 2: Proposing authentic learning and evaluation activities, appropriate for the aims and the audience : 30h Th, 20h Pr, 15h AUTR
Part 3: Establishing a motivating and rewarding atmosphere : 30h Th, 20h Pr, 15h AUTR
Part 4: Making use of technologies to promote learning : 30h Th, 20h Pr, 15h AUTR

Number of credits

 University certificate on implementing training programmes that make effective use of ITC in the non-profit sector (CERTICA) (not organised in 23-24)10 crédits 


Part 1: Supporting the progression of each participant to develop their skills or transfer their learning : Chantal Dupont, François Georges, Marianne Poumay
Part 2: Proposing authentic learning and evaluation activities, appropriate for the aims and the audience : François Georges, Lisa Marée, Marianne Poumay
Part 3: Establishing a motivating and rewarding atmosphere : Chantal Dupont, François Georges, Lisa Marée
Part 4: Making use of technologies to promote learning : Chantal Dupont, François Georges, Lisa Marée


Marianne Poumay

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

CerTICa is intended for you if you are a trainers from the non-profit-making organization sector who make use of ICT in the training sessions you organize.
CerTica aims at:
- Developing your skills;
- Improving your teaching practices;
- Professionalizing your practice by making better use of ICT.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Contributing to the development of the competence "Organising and animating, in the non-profit sector training sessions making an effective use of ICT".
CerTICa will help you develop the three essential components:
-ensuring each learner's development
-exploiting diversities inside groups
-continuously adjusting practices
CerTICa will also help you :
-build and conduct training sessions aiming at deep learning
-target selfregulation of students
-install a motivational and valorizing climate
-favour human relations as well as collaboration

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

It is essential you to be active as a trainer during Certica since you will be asked to carry out activities with your own groups of learners.
In addition, you will have to attend a training (minimum two days) in another institution. This training has to be related to the topics of Certica. You will be asked to develop a critical analysis that will be part of your portfolio.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

CerTICa's methodology is adapted to your needs and your professional context. This training program, based on active pedagogy, will give you the opportunity to be really active in your learning process (scenario, case analysis, problem-based-learning, collaborative work,..).
A series of conferences, seminars, labs or open classes are organized and can be chosen with a large flexibility, following your interests as well as your former experience. Those learning activities, valorized in the program, will be announced on a monthly base through the programs' website.
You will benefit from an individual follow-up by a tutor (each participant is visited two times in his/her own professional environment), in order to facilitate the transfer to your professional practice. Moreover, with your tutor's help, you will have to implement pedagogic innovations in your own groups of learners.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Mixt setting, combining face-to-face and eLearning :

  • Face-to- face sessions (conferences, seminars, labs);
  • eLearning activities (for example in order to get ready for the face-to-face sessions);
  • On site visits and peer observations.

Assessment methods and criteria

This training provides the participants with individual follow-up in order to ensure an effective transfer (from tools and reflections tackled in the conferences, seminars, labs, external trainings, etc.) into their professional practice. Our team will meet each participant twice in his/her professional context. Based on dialogue, this formative assessment provides a valuable opportunity for dialogue and an exchange that reflects on your teaching methods and their real impact on your teaching.
The activities are "Learning Units" (LU), 4 Learning Units forming a Credit (in the meaning of ECTS). LUs can be valorized through attestations. Gathering 40 LU i.e. between 120 and 140 face-to-face hours) is necessary in order for the participant to be authorized to hand in a teaching portfolio.
The CerTICca certificate is awarded on the basis of that teaching portfolio in which participants show evidence of their progress regarding the Certica competences and of their professional development as a whole. The portfolio has to be presented and defended orally in front of a jury.
The portfolio is assessed on the basis of criteria (form, content and quality of the evidences selected in order to demonstrate the professional development, quality of the reflection) communicated to the participants as the enroll in the program.

Work placement(s)

Organizational remarks



For any information about CERTICA, please contact Laurence Michiels - LabSET, +32(0) 4 366 29 90 -LMichiels@ulg.ac.be
(Academic coordination : Prof. Marianne Poumay - m.poumay@ulg.ac.be)

Association of one or more MOOCs