2024-2025 / CHIM9246-2

Chemical analysis : instrumental techniques


21h Th, 28h Pr, 5h SEM

Number of credits

 Master in bioengineering: chemistry and bio-industries, professional focus6 crédits 


Giorgia Purcaro

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

LECTURES : in English

- Theoretical aspects of separation techniques in analytical chemistry.

- Principle of sample preparation from basic to instrumental techniques (distillation - Liquid/liquid extraction, SPE, SPME,MAE, PLE)

 - Basic principles of the separation by column chromatography - Instrumentation and applications of GC and of HPLC  . Case studies.

- Atomic emission spectrometry (flame). Atomic absorption spectrometry (principles, technical description and applications). Cases analysis, Food and agri-environmental applications.

SEMINARS : Microwave-assisted  technologies; Introduction to Near Infra-red spectrometry(NIR) 

Practical works :

LABORATORY EXERCISES in quantitative electrochemical analysis, Atomic emission and absorption spectrometry and chromatography ( GC and HPLC).

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

To provide the student with an introduction to the principles of instrumental analysis (sample preparation, chromatography, molecular and atomic spectrometry) with special attention to their strengths and performances. After completing the course the student is expected to - demonstrate a good knowledge of the principles of qualitative and quantitative sample preparation,  spectrophotometric (atomic) and chromatographic methods of analysis; - develop a practical know-how in sample preparation,  spectrophotometry, GC and HPLC; - evaluate the experimental data; - understand the theoretical and practical aspects of near infrared spectrometry and ICP-MS
The course focuses on classical and modern techniques to separate analytes in analytical chemistry. After completing the course, the student is expected to be able to :
- Describe the separation techniques which have been seen during the course.
- Argue the choice of the best technique to separate various analytes from different complex matrixes.
- Understand the theoretical principles of separation for each technique seen during the course.
- Discuss about case studies including the theoretical aspects of the course.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

CHIM9242-4 - Fundamentals of quantitative analytical chemistry
CHIM9238-3 - Analytical chemistry
CHIM9255-3 - Organic chemistry
CHIM9239 - Biological chemistry
BIOL2019-1 - Theoretical and physical chemistry applied to structural analysis of biomolecules

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Face-to-face lectures and laboratory exercises, personal work

It is mandatory to attend all seminars and TPs. A preparation test in eCampus is mandatory before each TP to access the corresponding session.

In case of no justified absence from the TP, the session will be counted as 0.

In case of no justified absence from the seminar a penalty point of -0.5 will be assigned

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Lectures : 20h Laboratory work : 28h Seminars : 6h

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Course notes with printed slides. Recommended book : "Chimie analytique" of Skoog, West, Holler and Crouch, 9th edition, De Boeck (2012). ISBN 978-2-8041-6295-5
Skoog, Holler et Nieman (2003). Principes d'analyse instrumentale; 6ère Edition; Editions De Boeck Université, ISBN 2-7445-0112-3.
Analytical Chemistry, by Gary Christian, Purnendu (Sandy) Dasgupta, and Kevin Schug
" Notes de TP de Chimie analytique quantitative. Electrochimie et méthode optique d'analyse",
 Lecture notes, Copy of the didactical supports (available on e-campus, Blackboard plateform)

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

Oral examination (65%)- Practical works: laboratory (35%) -

 The laboratory reports will be checked for plagiarism and action will be taken consequentially 

If the COVID situation will not allow the oral exam in person, it will be held on Collaborate with the same modality

Work placement(s)

No training

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Giorgia Purcaro (Prof.) +32 81 62 22 20, gpurcaro@uliege.be

Sophie Vancraenenbroeck (technician)+32 81 62 22 23, sophie.vancraenenbroeck@ulg.ac.be

Aleksandra Gorska (Assistant) +81 62 22 21, aleksandra.gorska@uliege.be

Damien Eggermont (Assistant) +81 62 22 21, d.eggermont@uliege.be 

Association of one or more MOOCs