2024-2025 / CHIM0741-1

Organic chemistry


50h Th, 30h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in biology8 crédits 


Rudi Cloots

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

For every section, see CHIM0741-A-a

Topics covered:

  • Molecular structure and chemical bonds
  • Organic nomenclature
  • Isomerism
  • Spectroscopy
  • Reactivity of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, halogenated derivatives, alcohols, amines, carbonyl derivatives and benzene derivatives
  • Carbohydrates

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The chemistry course largely gives way to an experimental approach to Chemistry. We are confident that students will be more receptive to a chemistry described in a practical way, with a focus on the applications that flow from it. The proposed curriculum is intentionally limited to the basic concepts of chemistry in order to ensure that students will gain a solid understanding of the fundamentals.
  A second objective of this course is to check the ability of reasoning, the acquired knowledge and the understanding of the subject.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Knowledge of some basic organic chemistry learned in secondary school.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

  • 4 laboratories of 4 hours are programmed to allow students to apply and perceive for themselves the practical implications of the theoretical course.
  • These laboratories include the application of the concepts of pharmaceutical synthesis, chromatography, stereochemistry, study of proteins and sugars, or the identification of organic functions.
Wearing the apron and lab glasses is mandatory.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Theoretical course: 22 lessons  Exercise sessions: 10 sessions are scheduled for this course. eCampus platform: an e-learning platform is available to support students throughout this course.  You will find:

  • PPT course
  • drill exercises
  • Query results
  • a discussion forum to present your questions to assistants

PPT slides of the theoritical course are available for students on e-campus. A reference book is recommended: "Organic Chemistry" by Paul Arnaud (Dunod edition). Lab notes and exercises, summary tables are also available. Students may be in possession of a molecular model for all exams and tests.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Out-of-session test(s)

Additional information:

A written interrogation of exercises is organized before the session. The end-of-the-year evaluation (June session and August-September session) consists of three exams: a written and an oral exam for the theoretical part of the course, a written exam for the exercise part (the students dispensed do not have to pass this part of the exam). The practical work (lab) is also evaluated during the whole of the 2nd quadrimester.
The distribution of points is as follows:
Theory : 6/9 of the overall score

  • Oral : 50%
  • written : 50%
Exercices : 2/9 of the overall score Laboratories : 1/9 of the overall score

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

All organizational information is included on the e-campus platform of the course (PPT slides, course organization ...).


Professeur Rudi CLOOTS 
Email : rcloots@uliege.be 
Encadrement et "logistique" :
Catherine HENRIST et Nathan DAEM, Assistants au LCIS - GreenMAT
Quartier Agora allée du six Août 13 (Bât. B6a) B-4000 Liège
Tél. : 04/366.34.38
Email: catherine.henrist@uliege.be 
Email: nathan.daem@uliege.be 

Association of one or more MOOCs