2024-2025 / CHIM0714-1

Organic chemistry applied to the analysis and the medicines design


40h Th, 40h Pr, 20h QA Sess.

Number of credits

 Bachelor in pharmacy10 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Several sessions will be devoted to general notions related to organic bonds, major reaction types, hydrophilicity and lipophilicity as well as pH impact on such parameters.
Major functional groups (i.e. hydrocarbons, halogenated derivatives, alcohols, amines, acetaldehydes and ketones, acids and derivatives) will be presented. Preparations, physical properties, pH impact on hydro-lipophilic properties and molecule stability, as well as chemical reactivity will be described.
The issue of aromatic compounds and their derivatives will be dealt with from similar angles (preparations, physical properties, chemical reactivity). Aromatic heterocycles will be studied as well.

Most important inorganic compounds used in pharmaceutical will be examined (solubility, interaction with pH, oxidative or reductive properties,...). Possible interations with organic compounds will be also detailed.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Knowing about the reactivity and/or stability of organic functions for instance considering chemical agents or pH variation. Grasping the spatial structure of organic molecules. Recognizing fragility points in more complex molecules. Recognizing polar and apolar fragments in organic molecules or even assessing hydrophilic/lipophilic natures depending on the pH. Knowing about the major synthesis routes of functional groups from the mechanistic angle so as to understand the synthesis of more complex drugs.
Knowing properties of major inorganic compounds used in pharmaceutical sciences and their interactions with organic compounds.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The name, symbol and structure of common atoms in organic chemistry (C, H, N, S, O, P, B...). The periodic charts of the elements. Major organic functions. Inorganic reagents and their chemical characteristics especially simple acid-base reactions
The course also makes use of a range of simple physical and mathematical tools.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Video regarding structure related physicochemical characteristics will be posted
Organic chemistry experiments with a view to applying major studied reactions. Compound isolation, purification and analysis. Qualitative analysis of organic compound and determination of physicochemical characteristics
Qualitative analysis of inorganic compounds and determination of physicochemical characteristics

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Theoretical course (Q3): 20 x 2h. A video showing physicochemical behaviors of organic compounds will be available. Repetition sessions (Q3): 10 x 2h (the class will be divided) Practicals (Q3): 10 x 4h (the class will be divided), Practical hall B6d room 1/4 and 1/10

Books on Organic Chemistry (Arnaud, Clayden, Vollhardt) might be useful. The Merck Index is a source of chemical informations. These documents might be consulted in libraries.
A copy of PowerPoint presentations and written lecture notes are available.
Notes for practicals and Mineral chemistry will be distributed quickly at the beginning of the academic year.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Out-of-session test(s)

Additional information:

A test is organised at the start of October, covering the concepts seen in Block 1. Another test, in November, will cover the chapters relating to aliphatic chemistry.
At the start of each practical working session, a short test will be organised. For most of the practicals session, a report will be asked.
A written exam is planned for the January session which will cover the entire subject, including concepts seen and used during the exercices session and the practical work. This will include TRUE/FALSE type statements.
Understanding several notions and concepts is crucial to success, including nomenclature, functions, understanding the acid-base and hydrophilic-lipophilic role and behaviour of compounds.
A sample test will be given during the first session after the start of the academic year.
The distribution of the various evaluations in the final grade is as follows: 5% for the test on pre-requisites, 25% for the test on aliphatic chemistry, 20% for practical work and 50% for the exam. The average obtained during the practical work and the grade for the evaluations carried out during the term will be carried over from one session to the next within the same academic year.
If the total grade is between 8.00 and 9.99, the average of the questions on nomenclature, functions and eventually recognition of the acid-base and hydrophilic-lipophilic behaviour of compounds must be equal to or higher than 16/20. In that case, the total grade will be maintained and eventually discussed during the deliberation. If the average is lower than 16/20, a grade for serious inadequacy will be given for the final grade.
No partial exemption, in terms of a subject, will be granted for the second session or if the subject must be represented the following year.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Regarding the pandemia, please read the informations following this link https://www.coronavirus.uliege.be/cms/c_12184520/en/coronavirus


Theoretical course, repetitions and demonstration. During these activities, the use of mobile phones, smartphones or related electronic devices is not permitted except during a break.

Practicals. The safety and security rules will be strictly respected. A laboratory coat (in cotton) and safety glasses are required during all experimental tasks. A name tag will be furnished and will be put on the white coat during the sessions.

For security reasons, the use of mobile phones, smartphones or related electronic devices is prohibited in the laboratory.

If the safety and security rules are not followed, the student will be sanctioned either on the results or excluded from the laboratory.

Examinations. The matter and rules for each evaluations will be defined and sent via MyULiege. 

Absences. All absences for mandatory activities must be quickly justified (five working days). Otherwise, in accordance with Article 6 of the General Examination Regulations, a high absenteeism rate at the practical sessions and examinations, even justified, may lead to the inability to present the final examination.

Student assistant: this job is available for those interested by the teaching organic chemistry during practical sessions.

Research: after the second year of the formation, students interested by organic chemistry and drug design are welcome for research training under my supervision Application for Research Student position is also possible.

Medicinal chemistry training can be done during the last year of the formation.

Finally, PhD degree can be prepared in the research unit.


Jean-François Liégeois

F.R.S.-FNRS Research Director
Department of Pharmacy
Avenue Hippocrate, 15 (B36, CHU, Tour 4, room 5/43B)
B-4000 Liège 1
Phone: 32 (0)4 366 43 77
Email: JF.Liegeois@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs