2024-2025 / CHIM0711-1

Chemistry as preparation for motor skills, Part II


20h Th, 8h Pr, 10h REM

Number of credits

 Bachelor in physiotherapy and rehabilitation3 crédits 
 Bachelor in motor sciences3 crédits 


Lionel Delaude

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Topics : General and Organic Chemistry

  • Chemical kinetics
  • Thermochemistry and thermodynamics
  • Nomenclature in organic chemistry
  • Isomery and stereoisomerism
  • Reactions of organic chemistry

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

  • Acquire the basic tools of chemistry
  • Check the reasoning ability, the learning and the understanding of the topics (this aim is crucial for all the lessons of the cursus)
  • Train to a high flow of content that requires personal continuous work
  • The lecture is oriented, as much as possible, towards the applications to life sciences

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The prerequisite knowledge and skills to follow this general chemistry course are those acquired by passing the tests closing the last year of Belgian general secondary education or the French baccalaureate.

Moreover, having completed Partim I (CHIM0710-1) of this course is highly recommended.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

1. Theoretical course: 20 hours of ex cathedra courses divided into 10 lessons of 2 hours each will be given during the first term. Some of them could be podcasted depending on the health situation or for reasons of auditorium availability.

2. Exercice sessions: four 2-hour exercice sessions will be given face-to-face to illustrate the concepts covered in class and to allow students to practice solving exercises.

3. Remediation: Selected topics (possibly at the request of students) will be deepened or reviewed during remedial sessions in small groups.

4. e-Campus platform: an e-learning platform is available for helping the students all along the course. It contains:

  • organizing information for students
  • lecture notes
  • statements of the training exercises
  • corrected exercises 
  • simulations of examinations
  • a discussion forum for asking questions to the teachers

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

This teaching course is mainly given face-to-face. The schedule of theoretical lessons and exercice sessions, practical work, and remediation is available via CELCAT. This schedule is subject to change throughout the semester. Whenever possible, the teachers will notify you of changes, but it is recommended that you regularly check your timetable in CELCAT.

The slides projected during the theoretical course, the statements of the exercises proposed during rehearsals and the laboratory manual are available on the e-campus platform.

The following two books are recommended for students who want a textbook to supplement course notes:

  • General chemistry of Chang and Overby, 5th edition, 2019, ISBN 978-2-8073-2676-7
    Solution chemistry of Chang and Overby, 5th edition, 2019, ISBN 978-2-8073-2675-0
These two books can be consulted and borrowed from the Science Library (building B6b). They can also be purchased at a preferential rate at the Pax bookstore (4 place Cockerill, 4000 Liège).

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

The evaluation will be based on a written examination in the form of MCQ will be organized during two examination sessions (May-June and August-September), thereby allowing students to benefit from two chances of success. A mock exam will be organized during the last exercice session to allow students to familiarize themselves with the question style and the questioning methods (QCM).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

1. Theoretical course: participation in the theoretical course is optional. The students who chooses to attend the lessons are required to respect the rules of punctuality, silence, attention and elementary respect. The use of mobile phones is not authorized during lessons, they must be placed in silent mode and stored in bags or clothing.

2. Exercise sessions: Participation in the exercise sessions is optional but highly recommended. The students who decides to attend these sessions are required to respect the rules of punctuality, silence and elementary respect. The use of mobile phones is not authorized during rehearsals, these must be placed in silent mode and stored in bags or clothing. Exercise sessions are given by teaching assistants to small groups of students. Each student must respect the timetable of his group and is not authorized to change groups.

3. Remediation: Participation in remediation is optional but can be very beneficial for students who take it regularly. The student who chooses to attend these activities is required to respect the rules of punctuality, silence, attention and basic respect. The use of mobile phones is not permitted during sessions; they must be placed in silent mode and stored in bags or clothing.
4. General remarks:

- Be sure to use your ULiège address exclusively (XXX@student.uliege.be) for any email exchange with the teaching team.

- Questions relating to the course should be asked exclusively on the forum of the e-campus platform.

- For the sake of fairness, the pedagogical team reserves the right not to answer questions reaching it less than a week before each exam.


Prof. Lionel Delaude
Laboratoire de Catalyse
Institut de chimie organique
Bâtiment B6a, local 3.70c
Allée du six août 13, 4000 Liège
Tél: (04) 366-3496
E-mail: l.delaude@uliege.be

Teaching Assistant Coordinator:
Maxime Ledent
E-mail: m.ledent@uliege.be

Remedial Teachers:
Sabine Jacquemin (BKR)
E-mail: sjacquemin@uliege.be

Véronique Lonnay (BSM)
E-mail: v.lonnay@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Lecture notes related to the course CHIM0711
Lecture notes related to the course CHIM0711