2024-2025 / CHIM0310-5

Chemistry preparing to biomedicine, Part I


35h Th, 16h Pr, 20h QA Sess., 20h REM

Number of credits

 Bachelor in biomedicine7 crédits 


Christine Jérôme

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Topics :  Aggregation states of the matter, atomic and molecular structures, chemical bondings, chemical equilibria, pH, redox, kinetics and thermodynamics

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

- Acquire some basic tools of chemistry necessary for biomedical sciences
- Use and apply correctly these tools including reasoning ability, the learning and understanding of the concepts in various situations.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Knowledge of some backgrounds of mathematics of the secondary level.
Good knowledge of French language.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The chemistry course includes three types of activity:

- A theoretical course which is given by the professor in an amphitheater to all the students at the same time, in sessions of approximately 2 hours. Attendance at class is optional. The student who decides to follow the theoretical courses therefore adheres to the rules of punctuality, silence and elementary respect. This therefore excludes untimely comings and goings during the course.

- tutorial sessions (exercise sessions) which are given by assistants in sessions of approximately 2 or 3 hours and by series of students. Each student must respect his series, it is not allowed to change series. Attendance at these sessions is optional but highly recommended. The student who decides to participate in these sessions therefore adheres to the rules of punctuality, silence and elementary respect. This therefore excludes untimely comings and goings during the exercise sessions.

- practical work sessions (laboratory work) which are given in half-days (4 hours). Supervision is provided by the assistants. Each student must take care not to forget his apron (cotton) and his safety glasses during each practical session.

Note: the University's SUPHT will distribute a free "student safety pack" (apron + glasses + welcome booklet) for students newly registered in the 1st Bachelor.

Remedial sessions are also organized with students who so wish.


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

The various activities relating to the chemistry course are essentially face-to-face.

For security reasons, access to the laboratory is only allowed to officially registered students. Each student should make sure not to forget their lab apron and safety glasses on the day of the lab. No 'back-up' aprons will be provided for the distracted. The laboratory is a potentially dangerous place, it is strictly forbidden to drink, eat and smoke there. You can leave it momentarily to carry out one of these activities. It is advisable to wear closed shoes, trousers and to tie up long hair. We do not run in a laboratory, we move there in a calm and thoughtful way.

The experiments carried out illustrate and complete the notions seen in the theoretical course. The goal of these TPs is not to learn to blindly follow a recipe (a procedure) but to help in the perception of the basic principles through experience. Be critical of what you are asked to do! It is imperative for the student to review the part of the theoretical course corresponding to the subject of the practical work before this one.

The TPs count for a significant part of your final chemistry mark (20% in total, or 5% per TP), do not neglect them. You will be evaluated there by the assistants. Each TP will be subject to a rating based on three sections of different weightings. The first is a MCQ (multiple choice question) related to the subject of the day, asked at the very beginning of the session in order to assess the preparation of the laboratory. The second part is an assessment of your work for the day (organization, efficiency, respect for your safety and that of others, understanding of the subject, answer to the questions in the booklet, measurement results, graphics, etc.) made by the assistant. The third part is a MCQ posed at the end of the session in order to evaluate the skills acquired.

The TPs are given by series of students and you are not allowed to change series. Attendance at each lab session is mandatory. Attendance is taken at each session.


An absence must be justified by a medical certificate or an official certificate to be provided via an online form (link available on e-campus), within 3 days of the return.
In the event of a justified absence and only in this case, the session not performed will not be included in the final mark.
An unjustified absence results in a mark of 0/20 for the session. Repeated unjustified absences may lead to a refusal of access to the exams.

There is no lab exam as such. However, questions involving laboratory situations and laboratory 'vocabulary' may arise during the assessments. The lab mark obtained in the first semester is used to calculate your chemistry mark in the first session. For the other sessions (June/September), this rating is only used if it is to the student's advantage.

A copy of the slides seen during the theoretical course is available on ecampus. The student is free to complete these notes during the course. The examination material is the material contained in these slides supplemented by the teacher's comments and additions. The proposed reference books serve to approach the subject differently and to complete the understanding of the course.
The reference works are:
- Raymond Chang, Jason Overby, General Chemistry, 5th Ed., 2019, ISBN 978-2-8073-2676-7
- Raymond Chang, Jason Overby, Chemistry of Solutions, 5th Ed., 2019, ISBN 978-2-8073-2675-0
A group purchase is organized at the beginning of the year in order to obtain a more attractive price. The repetitions exercises will be taken from the reference books and / or posted on eCampus before each repetition. A practical work booklet will be on sale during the registration sessions for the chemistry labs. This booklet must be provided during the practicals.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

During the semester, 3 tests will be scheduled. These tests are optional and subject to prior registration to best manage the number of copies. Each test will count for 5% of the overall mark, only if it is favorable to the student. It is therefore strongly advised to participate in these tests.

TPs contribute to the final grade at the rate of 5% per TP, i.e. a total of 15% maximum.

The written exam which concerns the theoretical course and the TDs contributes to the rest of the note and is presented in the form of MCQ-SGI-correction "+1,0,0".

The student must bring his ULiège student card and his identity card to attend all the tests, under penalty of being refused access to the test.

Chemistry exams are governed by university regulations which are available on the Faculty of Medicine website.

For the June and September sessions:
- The average obtained in practical work is carried over from one session to another within the same academic year if it is favorable to the student. It is the same for the note of the interrogations, if applicable.

For exemptions between two academic years:

- Only a total exemption is possible for marks greater than or equal to 10.00/20.

- A partial exemption for the TPs is possible from one academic year to another for TP marks corresponding to at least the assessment "B" (Good). This exemption is implied. Please note that this exemption can no longer be taken into consideration if the student presents a laboratory session in the current academic year.

- The marks of the interrogations will no longer be taken into account from one academic year to another.

Programmable calculators are prohibited during assessments. Only simple calculators are allowed. A systematic control will be carried out during the tests.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course



Christine Jérôme, Full Professor
Chemistry Department
CERM Chemistry Institute (B6a) - 3rd floor - Sart-Tilman 4000-Liège 1 (Belgium)
Call : 00 32 (0)4/366.34.91
E-mail : c.jerome@uliege.be 
Anna Pierrard, assistante Département de Chimie
Tél : 04/3663514 
E-mail : apierrard@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs

The MOOC entitled 'Chimie : ouvrez les portes de l'enseignement supérieur (S1)' is associated with this course.