2024-2025 / BIOL2031-1

Biology II


36h Th, 32h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in veterinary medicine7 crédits 


Denis Baurain, Marielle Lebrun


Denis Baurain

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Content :

Part I : Tissues, organs and systems in animals

Chapter 1 : Animal histology

Chapter 2 : Digestive system

Chapter 3 : Cardiovascular system

Chapter 4 : Respiratory system

Chapter 5 : Osmoregulation and urinary system

Chapter 6 : Chemical communication

Chapter 7 : Nervous system

Chapter 8 : Muscle contraction and movements

Part II : Evolution and biodiversity

Chapter 9 : Evolution mechanisms

Chapter 10 : Prokaryotes diversity

Chapter 11 : Protists diversity

Chapter 12 : Plant diversity

Chapter 13 : Eumycetes diversity

Chapter 14 : Animal diversity (3 courses)

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The main objective of this course is to give a general view of the living world. The first part introduces systems biology from the simplest organisms to mammals. The second part introduces the main principles of evolution and speciation and outlines the diversity of the living world, from prokaryotes to the human species.


Another objective is to introduce the experimental approach of life sciences.


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Course Biology I (BIOL2030-1).

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Practical work will illustrate the different parts of the course. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the experimental approach in the study of living organisms.

The practical sessions will focus on:

  • Animal tissues
  • Earthworm and roundworm dissection
  • Observation of anatomical sections of earthworms and roundworms
  • Arthropods
  • Trout dissection
  • Sections of the newt larva
  • Rat Dissection
  • Animal biodiversity
  • Plant biodiversity

Assistance to practical work is mandatory. Access to the biology exams will be refused to the student who has been absent at least twice without justification. Any absence for medical or family reasons must be justified by providing a valid certificate to the Student Secretariat of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (secretariatetudiant.fmv@uliege.be), as well as by sending a copy of this certificate to Mr Sébastien Brouwers ( s.brouwers@uliege.be). Any certificate must imperatively be sent within one week of the resumption of classes, failing to be considered invalid. The certificates considered valid are: a medical certificate dated no more than 1 week after the date of absence, a death notice, a certificate issued by public transport companies in the event of a strike.

A simple email explaining the reason for the absence does not constitute a valid certificate.

The student is required to show up on time for the practical work sessions. In case of late arrival, access to the practical work room may be refused during the introductory presentation of the session.

At the end of each lab session, the student is required to clean his workspace and put away the equipment made available to him according to the instructions that will be provided to him. The lack of storage or cleanliness, as well as the loss or damage caused in a clear intentional way to the equipment will be sanctioned.

A document containing the rules to be followed during the practical sessions is included in the practical guide. These rules are an integral part of this educational commitment.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

One or two theoretical lessons per week in the second quadrimester (duration of lesson sessions: 2 hours). The majority of theoretical courses are organized on the Sart-Tilman campus. Exceptionally, courses could be organized in the city center.

One practical work session per week during the second term. Each session lasts approximately 4 hours. Location: Institute of Zoology, Quai Van Beneden 22, 4020 Liège (large practical work room on the 1st floor).

Only exception: the biodiversity sessions which last about 2 hours. The plant biodiversity session will be held at the Observatoire du Monde des Plantes on the Sart-Tilman site.

  • Lisa Urry, Michael Cain, Peter Minorsky, Steven Wasserman, Jane Reece « Biologie de Campbell », Ed. Pearson Education (11ème édition), ISBN-13 : 978-2-7661-0403-1.
  • "Guide de travaux pratiques de Biologie 2" (compulsory for the practicals). Available on eCampus
  • Powerpoint presentation and other documents available on eCampus.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Additional information:

1. Questions and corrected exercises

Written questions on the subject covered in the practical work will be organized during certain practical sessions. Exercises, reports and annotated drawings will also be evaluated. These marks or appreciations are purely for educational purposes and are not taken into account for the mark of the examination. To be considered as present at the labs, participation in these formative evaluations is mandatory

2. Theory exam

The evaluation of the theoretical knowledge of the course will consist of a written exam. The questions will cover both the material presented during the course and the practical work. This exam will include MCQs and open questions and/or exercises and will contribute 50% to the final grade. 

3. Examination of practical work

The examination will include a handling part (dissections, observation of histological sections, ...) which will be accounted for 30% of the final mark. A second part will consist of an exercise on animal diversity (20% of the final mark). 

4. Second session

The modalities of the second session are the same as those of the first session. The theoretical exam will therefore contribute 50% of the final grade and the practical exam for the other 50%.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Second session 

If a total mark of 10/20 or more is obtained in June, the course credits are acquired. 

NB: the classic rounding rules apply: from 8.5 to 9.499999... = 9 and from 9.5 to 10.4999999... = 10. 

If the overall mark obtained in June is less than 10/20, the student may obtain a partial exemption if his mark in the theoretical part or the practical part is greater than or equal to 12/20. For the practical work exam, there is no partial exemption for the manipulation part (dissection or histological section) and the biodiversity part. Exemption may be requested if the overall mark obtained in practical work is greater than or equal to 12/20. 

NB: the standard rounding rules apply: from 10.5 to 11.499999... = 11 and from 11.5 to 12.4999999... = 12. 

This exemption will be granted by default and the concerned students will be notified by email after the announcement of the results. A student who would like to retake the entire exam to improve his overall mark will be authorized to do so, provided he makes a specific request by email before August 20 to Mr. Brouwers and Mrs. Lebrun (S.Brouwers@uliege.be  and mlebrun@uliege.be ). 

In case of doubling

If the overall grade for the course is less than 10/20 at the end of the second session, the student will have to repeat all the parts of the exam the following year.

 No partial exemption will be granted.

It is also not possible for students repeating their year to obtain an exemption from assistance with practical work. 


- Prof. D. Baurain (denis.baurain@uliege.be)
- Dr. M. Lebrun, 1ère Assistante (mlebrun@uliege.be)
- Dr. V. Goosse, Logisticienne (V.Goosse@uliege.be)

- S. Brouwers, secrétaire (S.Brouwers@uliege.be)

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Disponible sur eCampus
Les diapositives ppt, des interrogations à blanc avec correction automatisée, des faq et d'autres informations sont disponibles sur eCampus.