2024-2025 / BIOL2030-1

Biology I


28h Th, 36h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in veterinary medicine7 crédits 


Marc Hanikenne

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Content :
Chapter 0 : basic chemistry and organic chemistry
Part I : The cell
Chapter 1 : Structure and finctions of macromolecules
Chapter 2 : Structure of the cell et functions of its components
Chapter 3 : From the gene to the protein
Chapter 4 : Bioenergetics
Chapter 5 : Cell division
Part II : Reproduction and genetics
Chapter 6 : Sexual reproduction, meiosis and development cycles in Eukaryotes
Chapter 7 : Introduction to genetics
Chapter 8 : Regulation of gene expression
Part III : Reproduction and development of higher plants
Chapter 9 : Plant histology, growth and development
Chapter 10 : Sexual reproduction in plants
Part IV : Reproduction and development in animals
Chapter 11 : Animal reproduction
Chapter 12 : Embryogenesis

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The main objective of this course is to give an overview of the different domains of the life sciences so that the student will be prepared to the more specialised courses of the next years.

A second objective is to introduce the experimental approach of the life sciences.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic knowledge of organic chemistry.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Practicals and exercises will illustrate the different parts of the theoretical course. The student will use the experimental approach to study living organisms. Participation to the practicles and exercices is mandatory. In case of absence, the student will be denied access to the exams.

The following topics will be studied :
1: Microscope
2: Cell ultrastructure
3: Osmosis and membrane permeability (part I)
4: Osmosis and membrane permeability (part II)
5: Ranscription and translation
6: Bioenergetics
7: Mitosis and meiosis
8: Genetics
9: Plant anatomy
10: Flowers and fruits

Participation to the practical courses is mandatory. In case of repeated unjustified absence, the student will not be admitted to the exams (January, May-June and August-September).  Any absence for medical or family problems should be justified through a valid certificate send to the Student Office of the Veterinary Faculty and to s.brouwers@ulg.ac.be (within two weeks after returning). Justifications received after this delay will be considered as invalid. It is expected that students will remediate their absence and act to master the topic covered at the practicals.

The student should arrive on due time at each practical course. In case of late arrival, he or she will be given a score of 0/20 for that practical course. At the end of each practical course, the student has to clean up its working area and to tidy away all material according to given instructions. Penalty for any lack of tidiness or any damage to the equipment will be a score of 0/20 for the practical course.

A document describing the rules of the practicals is included in the guide book. These rules are part of the present pedagogic contract.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

One theoretical lectures each week of the first semester (duration of lectures: 2 hours). Most lectures are organised in one of the classrooms of the Sart Tilman campus. Exceptionnally lectures could be organised downtown.

Ten practical courses will be organised during the first semester. Each practical course lasts 4 hours. Location : Institute of Zoology, Quai Van Beneden, Liege downtown (1st floor), except Transcription - traduction and Genetics that will be organised in lecture rooms on the Sart Tilman campus.

The reference book is:
- Lisa Urry, Michael Cain, Peter Minorsky, Steven Wasserman, Jane Reece « Biologie de Campbell », Ed. Pearson Education (11ème édition), ISBN-13 : 978-2-7661-0403-1
or: J.B. Reece, L.A. Urry, M.L. Cain, S.A. Wasserman, P.V. Minorsky & R.B. Jackson, « CAMPBELL Biologie », Ed. Pearson Education (9ème édition), ISBN 978-2-7613-5065-5

"Guide de Travaux Pratiques de Biologie 1" (compulsory for the practicals). The notes will be made available online on myULiège (eCampus) at the later a week before each session.
Powerpoint presentation and other documents available on MyULg (eCampus).
The following book can be helpfull for preparing the exams: « Biologie Cellulaire - Exercices et Méthodes », 2nd edition (2016), M. Thiry, P. Rigo, S. Racano, Dunod, ISBN 978-2-10-075485-4

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Additional information:

1. Tests and problem solving during practical courses
Written evaluation tests will be organised during some practical courses or online. Exercises and reports made during the practicals will also be evaluated. Altogether these activities represent 10% of the total score (not taken into account for the September session).

2. First session of exams
It will take place in January. This test will concern not only the content of theoretical lessons, but also the practical courses. The test consist in a MCQ, definitions, open questions and problem solving. The total score include that obtained for this written exam and the score obtained during practicals. In case of a mark lower than 10/20, the student will have a second chance during the May-June exams.

3. August - September exams

Same conditions as for the first session of exams (except for the score obtained during the practical courses which is no longer taken into account).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Report of mark between the first and second examination period, or to the next year: if final mark is at least 10/20.


- Prof. M. Hanikenne (marc.hanikenne@uliege.be)

- Dr. F. Bouché, Assistant (fbouche@uliege.be)

- Dr. V. Goosse, Logisticienne (v.goosse@uliege.be)

- Dr. M. Lebrun, Assistante (mlebrun@uliege.be)

- Dr. G. Castillo, Logisticien (g.castillo@uliege.be)

- S. Brouwers, secrétaire (s.brouwers@uliege.be)

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

Available on eCampus
Powerpoint slides, syllabus for the practical courses, and other informations and support materials are available on eCampus.