2024-2025 / BIOL0216-1

Animal physiology


60h Th, 30h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in biology7 crédits 



Jean-Christophe Plumier

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The physiological part of the course presents the mechanisms controling the homeostasis in the animal kingdom. The basis of the physiology will be described in Mammals and compared to others physological mechanisms observed in other species (including Invertebrates). For example, we will discuss the principle of respiration in the air or in the water, the mechanisms of excretion, of osmotic regulation, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, ...

1. Lymphoid organs
2. Digestive system
3. Digestive system- liver - pancreas
4. Reproductive system
5. Excretory system
6. Respiratory systems
7. Endocrine glands
8. Sense organs

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

By the end of the physiological part of the course, the students will have learnt the bases of animal physiology et various strategies seen in the animal kingdom to adapt to some physical or chemical stresses occuring in the environment.
The main aim are : To study the relationships between the cell structure and their functions To give a general view of the structure of animal tissues and organs To emphasize how the organisation of tissues and organes confirm their functions

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic notions in cell biology and in general histology

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Practical course in animal physiology will be given in november and december. 

Every theoretical courses are followed in the same room by a session of practical works where the student examine different histological preparations illustrating the course.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

The theorical courses of animal physiology will be given on line.
The theoretical courses of animal histology are given in the first quadrimester, on Friday from 8:30 am to 10 am, in the Great Hall of practical work (1st floor) of the Institute of Zoology (Bldg. I1, quai Van Beneden 22 in Liege). Each theoretical course is followed in the same room with a session of practical work (10 to 13h), where students examine different histological preparations illustrating the course.

Notes and powerpoint presentations concerning Animal Physiology will be accessible through ecampus. The course follows selected chaptrers of the following textbook:
Physiologie animale- Sherwood, Klandorf, Yancey. Ed. Deboeck.
Access through Uliège Library  https://explore.lib.uliege.be/permalink/32ULG_INST/oao96e/alma9920433981702321  ]
Other useful textbooks: -Animal Physiology- Hill, Wyse, Anderson. Sinauer Associates. -Physiologie Animale-Gilles. Ed. DeBoeck. -Principles of Animal Physiology- Moyers, Schulte. Pearson Education International. - Physiologie animale- Eckert. Ed. DeBoeck.

Reference books in Histology : - Histologie fonctionnelle- Wheater, Burkitt, Daniels. MEDSI/McGRAW-HILL - Basic Histology- Junqueira, Carneiro, Contopoulos. Lange Medical Publications - Sobotta, Atlas d'Histologie- Welsch. Editions Médicales Internationales Web sites : http://www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/Histo/frames/histo_frames.html http://cim.ucdavis.edu/courseware/histoquiz; http://www.chups.jussieu.fr/polys/histo/TPhisto http://www.usc.edu/hsc/dental/ghisto; http://cal.vet.Upenn.edu/histo http://astro.temple.edu/~sodicm/labs/index.htm; http://www.medinfo.ufl.edu/year1/histo http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medecine/anatomy/histoweb http://www.udel.edu/Biology/Wags/histopage/histopage.htm

Exam(s) in session

January exam session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

August-September exam session

- In-person

written exam

Additional information:

The examination will be split into two parts:

- A presential written exam. It will consist of 50 questions (25 questions for the physiology part and 25 questions for the histology part) under different forms.

The student will have 50 minutes to answer. 

Only students with at least 8/20 will be allowed to take the second test.

- An oral examination in presential. It will include a physiology question and a histological section to be diagnosed.

For students taking the oral examination, the final mark will be calculated according to the formula: 20% mark obtained in the written examination + 40% mark obtained for the physiology question + 40% mark obtained for the diagnosis of the histological section. For other students, the final grade will be the score obtained in the written exam.

If required by COVID19 pandemia, the exam will be offered on-line and the organisation might be modified.

Written exam. The exam will consist in two parts : a part on histology (50%) and a part on physiology (50%).

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Plumier Jean-Christophe
Animal Physiology
InBioS - PHYTOsystems
Institut de Botanique (B22)
Chemin de la Vallée 4 (Sart Tilman)
4000 Liège

Tél : 04 366 3843
E-mail : jc.plumier@uliege.be

Thiry Marc
Laboratory of cell and tissue biology
Institut A. Swaen (Building L3) 20, rue de pitteurs, 4020 Liège or Center of Cell and molecular Neurobiology, CHU (Building B36), firth floor of pharmacy tower, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège

Phone number : 32 4 3665166
E-mail : mthiry@uliege.be

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