2024-2025 / BIOL0006-2



30h Th, 40h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in ancient and modern languages and literatures5 crédits 
 Bachelor in ancient languages and literatures : classics5 crédits 
 Bachelor in information and communication5 crédits 
 Bachelor in modern languages and literatures : German, Dutch and English5 crédits 
 Bachelor in history of art and archaeology : general5 crédits 
 Bachelor in history5 crédits 
 Bachelor in modern languages and literatures : general5 crédits 
 Bachelor in history of art and archaeology : musicology5 crédits 
 Bachelor in philosophy5 crédits 
 Bachelor in French and Romance languages and literatures : general5 crédits 
 Bachelor in biology8 crédits 


Marc Thiry

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The teaching activities of the Cell Biology course take place during the first semester. Three main types of activities are organized: theoretical courses, practical work sessions and study aids. Students are evaluated on these activities during the first semester. The final evaluation is a written examination organized during the January session.
Theoretical courses (14 chapters) :

  • Chemical unity of life
  • Structural unity of life and methods of cell study
  • The cellular periphery
  • The nucleus
  • Endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes
  • The Golgi apparatus
  • Lysosomes
  • Peroxisomes
  • Mitochondria
  • Chloroplasts
  • Cell filaments
  • Prokaryotes
  • Cell multiplication
  • Reproduction of organisms
Practical work (8 sessions) :
  • How to use the microscope and the binocular lens
  • Osmosis and membrane permeability
  • Cellular energy
  • Mitosis
  • Reproduction in animals
  • Reproduction in plants
  • Plant tissues
  • Animal tissues
Study aids (7 sessions) :
  • Composition and structural organization of life
  • Osmosis and membrane permeability
  • Replication / Transcription / Translation
  • Cellular energy 1: cellular respiration
  • Cellular energy 2: photosynthesis
  • Cell Division and Reproduction
  • Integrative view of the cell

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

This introductory course in cell biology is devoted to the study of the structure and functions of the cell, the common denominator of life. Cell multiplication and reproduction are also examined. Study and understanding cells working are the essential bases for the understanding of the living world that surrounds us. These bases are part of the general training in science, all disciplines combined. Application of the concepts studied in this teaching unit makes it possible to explain a large number of biological phenomena observed, in particular in everyday life.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Mastery of the French language and a good knowledge of basic mathematics from secondary school are necessary for an optimal approach to the course.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Three main types of learning activities are organized:

- Theoretical courses (16x2h) are given in amphitheater (ex cathedra). Students are asked to answer questions from the teacher.

- Practical works (8x4h) illustrate concrete aspects of the theoretical course. Practical work sessions take place in the Institute of Zoology (Building I1, Quai Van Beneden, 22. 4020 Liège) and last 4 hours. During these sessions, the students carry out different experimental protocols and observations under the microscope. They constitute an important aid in the acquisition of knowledge, in the acquisition of a critical spirit and in the development of the sense of observation. At each session, an assessment is submitted to the students.

- The study aids (7x2h) are organized in small groups of students (25-30). These sessions allow students to practice application exercises, which are an integral part of the exam. The active participation of the students in the thinking and the resolution of the exercises is the basis of these sessions. A detailed document containing all the information necessary for this activity (distribution of groups, schedules, local, work to prepare ...) is provided to students at the beginning of the year.

- Mandatory online formative tests will be organized every week.

For each student, a personalized longitudinal follow-up of these activities is carried out during the first semester. If signs of stalling are highlighted, the pedagogical team can contact the student concerned in order to help, advise or refer the student to the appropriate department.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Students have to attend the main activities. Presence at theoretical courses is not obligatory, but strongly advised. Presence at the practical work sessions and study aids is obligatory (presence is checked at each session).

In addition, obligatory preparatory activities (to do at home) are requested from students, in particular for:

- Access to practical work: conducting an online test before each session. This test focuses on the content of the session introduction, in order to encourage students to prepare the sessions. For each session, the non-performance of this test results in a penalty for the evaluation of the concerned session, while a success in the test results in a bonus. The practical modalities of these tests will be presented to the students at the beginning of the year.

- Access to study aids: preparation of a homework for each session (provided to students at the beginning of the year, in the document described in the previous section). This preparation will be checked by the supervisor, who may, if necessary, refuse the session access to the student who has not fulfilled this homework.

Finally, various optional activities are also offered to students on the eCampus platform of the University of Liège : discussion forum, exercises, glossary ...

Four books are essential for this course:

- « Biologie cellulaire - Illustrations. Marc Thiry » : illustrations syllabus of the theoretical course, available from the educational team at the beginning of the year.

- « Guide de travaux pratiques de Biologie. Marc Thiry » : practical work guide, available in eCampus.

- « Biologie cellulaire - Exercices et méthodes. M. Thiry, P. Rigo et S. Racano. 2ème Éd. Dunod » : reference book for the theory course and study aids sessions. This book is available in bookstores. 

- "Biologie cellulaire" M Thiry P. Rigo, N. Thelen et V. Goosse. 1ère Ed. Dunod in the collection "Je me trompe donc j'apprends". reference book for the study aids sessions. This book is available in bookstores.

Other interesting optional works:

- Biologie générale. P. Van Gansen Ed. Masson

- Biologie cellulaire. M. Maillet. Éd. Masson

- Biologie et physiologie cellulaires. A. Berkaloff et al. Éd. Hermann

- Une visite de la cellule vivante. Ch. De Duve. Éd. De Boeck

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

- Each TP session is evaluated. These evaluations relate to the subject matter of the session concerned. The performance and quality of the online pre-test can modify the results of these evaluations.

- An attendance rating is assigned to students for their attendance at completing the formatests.

- The final evaluation is a written examination, covering all the subjects seen during the different teaching activities (theoretical course, practical work and study aids). A examination will be organized during each session.

The overall rating (for deliberation) for the teaching unit takes into account the different types of evaluations outlined above. As a reminder, a score greater than or equal to 10/20 will be automatically credited.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

For obligatory activities (practical work and study aids), any absence must be justified by an official certificate. In case of repeated and unjustified absences, sanctions will be imposed:

- Beyond one unjustified absence during the practical work sessions and/or study aid sessions, the access to written examination of cell biology will be denied to the concerned student.

All course announcements, last minute changes or other useful information for students are available on the eCampus website of the University of Liège in the Cell Biology course (BIOL0006-2).


THIRY Marc - Biologie cellulaire et tissulaire. Institut A. Swaen (Building L3). Rue de Pitteurs 20, 4020 Liège OR Centre de Neurobiologie cellulaire et moléculaire. CHU (Building B36). Pharmacy tour, 1st floor. Avenue de l'Hôpital 1, 4000 Liège. Tél. : 04 366.51.66 - E-mail : mthiry@ulg.ac.be 

The persons supervising the practical work and the study aids:

COMPÈRE Philippe - E-mail : pcompere@uliege.be 
GOOSSE Véronique - E-mail : V.Goosse@uliege.be
LEBRUN Marielle - E-mail : mlebrun@uliege.be
PALMAERS Amélie - E-mail :  apalmaers@uliege.be
THELEN Nicolas - E-mail : nthelen@uliege.be

Secretariat :

BROUWERS Sébastien - Tél. : 04 366.50.98 - E-mail : s.brouwers@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs