2024-2025 / BIOC9221-2

Biochemistry of the mouth cavity


15h Th

Number of credits

 Bachelor in dentistry2 crédits 


Dorien Van hede

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Diagnosis, treatment, and dental care require knowledge and understanding of certain notions of human biochemistry, and in particular of the oral cavity. The theoretical concepts taught in the Biochemistry of the Oral Cavity course include all of the notions of special biochemistry which can intervene in the intra-oral environment and which can influence the healthy or pathological state of the teeth and the surrounding dental structures. 

The different themes covered will be:

- bone and its remodeling

- bone mineralization

- enamel and amelogenesis

- dentin and odontogenesis

- cementum and cementogenesis

- saliva, its formation, and functions

- crevicular fluid

- biofilm, dental plaque, and tartar

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of the Special Biochemistry course, you

- know all the biochemical mechanisms that are present in the oral cavity.

- know the biochemical mechanisms that are present in the healthy individual, all the biochemical balances that allow the maintenance of good oral health.

- know the different roles played by saliva and the biochemical mechanisms associated with it.

- know the mechanisms of the formation of dental plaque and dental calculus.

- know the biochemical composition of dental plaque and dental calculus.

- be able to list the differences between dental plaque, supragingival and
subgingival calculus.

- know the main pathologies that can be linked to biochemical disorders within the oral cavity 

You will know and have assimilated the role that a dentist must play in the management of different pathologies seen during Special Biochemistry of the oral cavity.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

general biochemistry

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Transmissive teaching (face-to-face and/or Teams) 
slides available on ecampus platform.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:


Course materials and recommended or required readings

Slides referenced as course material on ecampus.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

- Remote

written exam

Other : Written exam in person and/or remotely

Additional information:

Questions of the MCQ make it possible to verify knowledge and understanding of the concepts taught. Open questions assess the understanding of the concepts taught. Half of the points will be awarded to the MCQs and the second half to the OQs.This exam will be organized face-to-face and/or remotely via the ecampus platform. 

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Bureau pédagogique : Madame Anne COLLARD

Institut de Dentisterie, Policlinique Lucien Brull

Quai G. Kurth, 45

4020  Liège

Tél : 04 270 31 01  Courriel : acollard@uliege.be    

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