2024-2025 / BIOC0204-1

Biochemistry and thermodynamics of biological systems


40h Th, 20h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in biology5 crédits 


Moreno Galleni

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

- Thermodynamic
Free energy and activation energy
Free energy and oxydoreduction potential
Reversibility of the biochemical reaction
chemical potential
Osmose phenomenon
Introduction to the mechanism of diffusion
- Nature of the non covalent interactions between biomolecules
-Organisation levels of proteins
- Enzymes
Co-enzymes, co-factors and co-substrates
Introduction to enzymatic kinetic
Introduction to allosteric mechanism
Example of catalysis: chymotrypsin and the family of active site serine proteolytic enzymes
- Proteins of interest
Myoglobin and hemoglobin
- Carbohydrates and glycoproteins
- Lipids and lipoproteins
-Introduction to bioenergetics
-Carbohydrate catabolism
Glycolysis and its regulation
Destiny of pyruvate in anaerobic conditions
Destiny of pyruvate in aerobic condition
Oxydative phosphorylation
- Gluconeogenesis and its regulation
destiny of carbohydrates in the organism
-Degradation of fatty acids and lipids
-Protein degradation and destiny of amino acids
- Biochimistry of the gene - DNA
DNA composition
Structure of DNA
Gentic information and DNA
DNA organisation in chromosomes
- Dynamic of genes
DNA replication in prokaryotes
DNA replication in eukaryotes
Genetic code
Transcription and messager RNA
- Protein biosynthesis
Transfer RNA or tRNA
mechanism of protein synthesis
Destiny of proteins
-Control of gentic expression

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The lectures will be devoted on :
- physical and chemical basis of biochemistry
- molecular basis of metabolic pathways involved in the regulation of biological process

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic lecture in inorganic and organic chemistry
Courses of general biology

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

3 lectures
- kinetic
- Determination od protein concentration
- Dyalisis and molecular sieve
Place: Batiment de chimie (B6 - sart Tilman) pour des travaux pratiques de candidature

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

20 lecture of 2 hours
3 laboratory sessions
1 exercice session

Overheads and Power Point presentation

Exam(s) in session

May-June exam session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

August-September exam session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions ) AND oral exam

Additional information:

Written and oral examination

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

f the overall mark for the General Biochemistry exams is less than 10/20, students will sit the exam in the September session. Partial exemptions may be granted if the oral or written examination was passed in the June session. However, with the exception of practical work, exemptions from the oral or written examination are not carried over to the following academic year.


Lectures: Galleni Moreno, Local 3/7, Institut de Chimie , B6. Sart Tilman Phone:04/3663549 - Fax:04/3663364 - Email:mgalleni@ulg.ac.be Practical lectures:
Mercuri Paola, Chargé de Recherche local 2/10, institut de Chimie, B6a. Sart Tilman Phone: 04/3669220- Fax: 04/3663396 - Email:pmercuri@uliege.be

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