2024-2025 / BICP2211-2

University programme

Seminars on medical chemistry

Seminars on microbiology and infectiology

Seminars on hematology

Seminars on medicamentous toxicology

Blood group serology

Biostatistics II

Study of the human genome in normal and pathological methods of molecular biology

Quality insurance


Seminars on medical chemistry : 25h Th, 120h SEM
Seminars on microbiology and infectiology : 25h Th, 120h SEM
Seminars on hematology : 25h Th, 120h SEM
Seminars on medicamentous toxicology : 15h Th, 120h SEM
Blood group serology : 15h Th, 90h Pr
Biostatistics II : 15h Th, 15h Pr
Study of the human genome in normal and pathological methods of molecular biology : 10h Th, 10h Pr
Quality insurance : 10h Th, 10h Pr

Number of credits

 Advanced Master in Clinical Biology (health)10 crédits 
 Advanced Master in Clinical Biology (pharmacy)10 crédits 


Seminars on medical chemistry : Etienne Cavalier
Seminars on microbiology and infectiology : Marie-Pierre Hayette
Seminars on hematology : André Gothot
Seminars on medicamentous toxicology : Corinne Charlier
Blood group serology : Mélanie Monfort
Biostatistics II : Anne-Françoise Donneau
Study of the human genome in normal and pathological methods of molecular biology : Vinciane Dideberg, Frédéric Lambert
Quality insurance : Etienne Cavalier

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long, with partial in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Seminars on microbiology and infectiology

Supplement of clinical microbiology through clinical cases.

Specific lectures covering pathologies not described during the first year (Tropical diseases, rare diseases, other).

Seminars on hematology

Hematology is the study of cellular and molecular elements of the blood. The course is dedicated to the physiopathology of hematological illnesses and the laboratory tests used for their diagnosis.

Seminars on medicamentous toxicology

Specific cursus on chromatographic methods in a clinical, forensic and environmental toxicology department.

Biostatistics II

This course is the second part of the teaching of Biostatistics at the Faculty of Medicine. It addresses more advanced statistical methods, such as one-way and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), contingency tables,  non-parametric statistical techniques, survival analysis, sampling method and principal components analysis.
Each lesson consists of a theoretical exposition of the method followed by a session of practical applications with R software, where the student will get used to solve statistical problems encountered in daily practice.

Study of the human genome in normal and pathological methods of molecular biology


Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Seminars on microbiology and infectiology

At the end of the course, the future specialist will be able to

  • discuss clinical presentation and propose appropriate diagnostic analysis
  • interpret the results of microbiological analysis and provide relevant comments.

Seminars on hematology

1. physiology of hematopoiesis and normal blood cells
2. pathology of red blod cells
3. pathology of white blood cells
4. pathology of platelets
5. hemostasis and coagulation

Biostatistics II

The course is intended to improve and enhance the use of biostatistics in health sciences, by insisting on statistical reasoning and problem solving rather than on the mathematics and the complexity of formula. Students should be able to carry out an in-depth statistical analysis of a dataset resulting from an experiment or a survey, in particular with respect to the thesis they will prepare later on in their cursus.

Study of the human genome in normal and pathological methods of molecular biology


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Seminars on microbiology and infectiology

Previous courses in infectiology and clinical microbiology

Seminars on hematology

Human and pathological biochemistry. Histology.

Biostatistics II

Prerequisite: STAT1001-1 or some equivalent statistical course.

Study of the human genome in normal and pathological methods of molecular biology


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Seminars on microbiology and infectiology

Ex-cathedra courses or podcasts.

Interpretation of clinical cases and comments upon scientific papers.

Interpretation of susceptiility testing methods in clinical microbiology (including Vitek) during the 2 first two years of specialisation in CHU. 

Seminars on hematology

Online course.

Biostatistics II

Total: 15 hours
In statistics, practice is most important. Students are therefore requested to attend the practicals. 

Study of the human genome in normal and pathological methods of molecular biology


Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Seminars on microbiology and infectiology

Face to face and distant learning

  • Interpretation of clinical cases (Tutorial groups)
  • Ex-cathedra short courses on specific topics
  • Review of scientific papers

Seminars on hematology

Online course.

Biostatistics II

 All courses will take place at Salle informatique Lapière (CHU, B36) during the first four months.

Study of the human genome in normal and pathological methods of molecular biology

Blended learning

Additional information:


Seminars on microbiology and infectiology

Recommended books:

  • Lippincott's illustrated reviews-Microbiology 2d edition- R. Harvey and P. Champe Ed.
  • Moisissures-Dermatophytes-Levures. Chabasse D. et al. Biomérieux Ed. 2005
  • Médecine tropicale. Marc Gentilini. Flammarion Ed. 2012
  • Fungal infection. Diagnosis and management. Richardson and Warnock. Wiley-Blackwell Ed. 2012
  • Bactériologie médicale - Techniques usuelles 
    2ème édition 
    François DENIS, Marie-Cécile Ploy, Christian Martin, Edouard Bingen, Roland QUENTIN
    Editeur: Elsevier Masson. 11/2011
    ISBN: 9782294096686 
  • Numerous files, papers concerning varied domains of microbiology can be found on the ASM website (American Society of Microbiology) A consulter et télécharger du site de l'ASM :
  • The  Cumitech series provides consensus recommendations regarding the judicious use of clinical microbiology and immunology laboratories and their role in patient care. Each Cumitech is written by a team of clinicians, laboratorians, and other interested stakeholders to provide a broad overview of various aspects of infectious disease testing. These aspects include a discussion of relevant clinical considerations; collection, transport, processing and interpretive guidelines; the clinical utility of culture-based and non-culture-based methods and emerging technologies;
    They are edited and published by the ASM.

Seminars on hematology

Distribution of slides presented during the lessons.

Seminars on medicamentous toxicology

Slides available

Biostatistics II

Slides and databases will be available to the students

Textbook P. Dagnelie. Statistique Théorique et Appliquée. De Boeck Université, Bruxelles, 1999. D. Schwartz. Le jeu de la science et du hasard. La statistique et le vivant. Flammarion, Paris, 1994. D.G. Altman. Practical statistics for medical research. Chapman & Hall, London, 2000.

Study of the human genome in normal and pathological methods of molecular biology


Seminars on microbiology and infectiology

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

- Remote

oral exam

Other : In-session polling

Additional information:

Oral exam

Seminars on hematology

Oral exam by opened questions selected among a list communicated to the students at the end of the course. True/false questions on the whole course content.

Biostatistics II

A written test will take place in January and last about 3hours. 

Study of the human genome in normal and pathological methods of molecular biology

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Other : Lecture

Additional information:


Work placement(s)

Seminars on microbiology and infectiology

6 month internship in microbiology within the first 2 years of master in clinical biology

Seminars on medicamentous toxicology

The students will stay for a 2 - 3 monthes in the lab and participate to technical validations, protocol signatures, etc....

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Seminars on microbiology and infectiology

Clinical Microbiology Department
University Hospital of Liège, 
B-23 Sart Tilman, 
4000 LIEGE


For any contact or to fix an appointment, please contact the secretary Mrs

Stéphanie Wauquier (stephanie.wauquier@chuliege.be)

  • Tél.:
  • Fax:
  • email: micromed@uliege.be
Professors and lecturers

Cécile Meex
C.Meex chuliege.be

Marie-Pierre Hayette

Others lecturers

Rosalie Sacheli (R.Sacheli@chuliege.be)

Sébastien Bontems (sbontems@chuliege.be)


Seminars on hematology

Hematobiology and Immuno-Hematology

CHU, Tower 2, 6th floor, room 19.

Tel: 04/366 75 36 (Mrs Henet)

e-mail: hematobio@ulg.ac.be

Seminars on medicamentous toxicology

Prof. Corinne CHARLIER
Service de toxicologie clinique, médicolégale, de l'environnement et en entreprise
Bloc central +3 porte 166 CHU
Tél secrétariat 04/3667683 (secretoxico@chuliege.be)
Associates : Raphaël DENOOZ, Marine DEVILLE

Biostatistics II

* Anne-Françoise DONNEAU (Professor), Quartier Hôpital, Avenue Hippocrate, 13 - Bât 23, 4000 Liège - Belgique. Tél: 04-366.47.90 Email: afdonneau@uliege.be 

* Assistant : Justine MONSEUR, Quartier Hôpital, Avenue Hippocrate, 13 - Bât 23, 4000 Liège - Belgique - Tél: 04-366.24.67 - Email:jmonseur@uliege.be

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