2024-2025 / ARCH3272-2

Building performance simulation and monitoring, Part 1


15h Th, 15h Pr

Number of credits

 Master MSc. in Electromechanical Engineering, professional focus in energetics (Inscriptions closes)3 crédits 


Shady Attia

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Given the increasing demand for higher levels of sustainability in the built environment, and the growing complexity of smart and integrated design solutions to achieve this, there is a need for design support methodologies that facilitate efficient and effective smart and sustainable building operation. Future architectural engineers need to be able to make informed decisions based on a thorough understanding of the governing physical principles, and awareness of the dynamic interactions between climate conditions; building shape and structure; (renewable) energy systems; building controls; the building user; and the integration in the urban environment. The objectives of this course are to present the underlying theoretical and operational principles of building performance simulation and monitoring. Also, the course seeks to introduce performance-based analysis to support data-driven or performance-based design. Validation plays an essential tool to validate the virtual simulation models and help in assessing the trade-offs between indoor climate, cost-effectiveness, and environmental performance. An energy model will be created during the course to highlight the opportunities and challenges of state-of-the-art building performance simulation techniques and to provide hands-on training in the use of such tools in resilient and high-performance building design.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Given the increasing complexity of energy/environmental performance in the building sector, building performance modeling and monitoring are emerging as a viable approach to design and performance evaluation. This course aims to give an introduction to the theoretical and operational principles underlying those new technologies. By selecting DesignBuilder, a series of exercises introduces the concepts, assumptions, and limitations which underlie the methods currently used to perform building performance simulations.
The objectives of this course are to:

  • Introduce performance-based analysis as a useful tool for assessing the trade-offs between indoor climate, cost-effectiveness, and environmental performance.
  • Highlight the opportunities and challenges of state-of-the-art building performance simulation and to provide hands-on training in the use of such software.
  • Apply the presented concepts in order to create a valid building simulation model and test the influence of parametric variations.
  • Compare the performance of different design measures and validate a building performance simulation model through calibration in order to assess the uncertainty of simulation outcomes for building design decision support.
Finally, a building energy model will be created during the course to highlight the opportunities and challenges of active/passive design measures on a case study to provide hands-on training in the use of such tools for design decision making.
The complete list of learning outcomes for my course is defined on:https://www.programmes.uliege.be/cocoon/20182019/en/formations/descr/A2UARC01.html

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

ARCH0080-1: Physique du bâtiment et climatization or equivalent (e.g. heat transfer)
This course is taught in English. It is assumed that all English courses attended earlier are considered as a prerequisite for this course.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course will be based on ex-cathedra lectures, discussions, readings, practical exercises, and project (case study).

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

  • Lectures introduce the main theories and concepts. There are to be attended by all participants.
  • Self-study: reading articles, studying, applying, and reflecting on principles. Students are required to read articles before lectures. A list of eight articles will be provided during the course. Readings will be discussed weekly in class. A summary of each article should be prepared for each class. The summary should demonstrate a deep understanding, analysis, and include a critique.
  • Group exercises enable participants to discuss, apply, compare and contrast different academic perspectives and modeling techniques presented in plenary lectures. Exercises take place within groups. Students are asked to present and discuss readings and/or case studies.
  • Case Study: Participants are graded based on the quality of their monitored and simulated case study. They are required to select a case study and monitor its performance (e.g. temperature, humidity, monthly energy use). Teams will create a simulation model that represents the geometry, envelope, and systems characteristics. Teams will get additional points, according to how accurate they represented the model input and calibrated the model. Since the objective is to learn from the experience of creating a simulation model, there required to submit a report and their simulation files. Participants will write a report on the model, which will be graded.

 Check the reading list provided by the teacher.

Students who did not attend the course session (more than two unjustified absences) may not be admitted to the exam. 
Closed book:           80% of grade
Case study:             20%
Group exercise:    Pass/fail
Exam: A three hour closed book exam raises open questions related to the lectures, readings, and case study. The exam comprises nine main questions: once on each of the academic lectures and one on the linkage between concepts. Each question has sub-questions that test whether students understand the main concepts and simulation techniques related to the application of theory. Participants choose four questions to answer.
Case study: Participants are graded for their application of course principles in the final report. They are required to participate actively during the case study briefing. Attendance during the case study briefing is compulsory.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

GMAIL: Class notes will be placed in the class folder on GMAIL. A set of reference manuals is available on the course link, and in electronic form in the class folder. Ready access to the complete set of manuals is necessary for the best performance in this class.
Office Hours: Friday 15:00 - 17:00 a.m.
or by appointment,
Dr. Attia can be reached in the B52 building, room # +0/542,
or by email: shady.attia@uliege.be
Helpful hints for doing well in this class:

  • Attend the lectures. Download the lecture notes from GMAIL before class. Keep your notes in a well-organized notebook, or bring them on your laptop. Try not to fall behind.
  • Ask questions in class. Make sure that you understand the course material and reading papers.
  • Drop-by during office hours and ask questions, make an appointment and drop-by, or email me if you have questions.
  • You are allowed to work in groups to obtain a better understanding of the assignments. However, your performance on your project will be based on what you know and therefore it is good idea to make sure you understand how to read/ analyze /synthesize /criticize the assignment reading by yourself.
  • Visit your case study building as early as possible and prepare your model input. Start the measurements campaign early to be able to calibrate your case study.


Shady Attia, Ph.D., USGBC Faculty and LEED Accredited Professional  Prof. in Sustainable Architecture & Building Technology Head of Sustainable Building Design (SBD) Lab
ArGEnCo Dept., Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Liège
Batiment 52, Bureau: (0/542)  Quartier Polytech 1, Allée de la Découverte 9 4000 Liège, Belgique
Tél:  +32 - email: shady.attia@uliege.be http://www.sbd.ulg.ac.be/ 

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