2024-2025 / ARCH0590-1

Heritage: contemporary questions


40h Th

Number of credits

 Master in architecture, professional focus in architecture and urban planning5 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The theme of this year's course is 'ruins, fragments, disappearance'. The choice of theme was inspired by that of the Q4 'Relectures' workshop, during which students will be confronted with ruined sites. However, the course is not linked to the workshop and is open to all.

The theme is approached in a theoretical and practical way, and is nourished by lectures, readings, visits and the active participation of the students. Over the course of the semester, students work in small groups on case studies in Liège linked to the theme (including the fragments of La Populaire and the Hôtel de Cortenbach, the chapel and outbuildings of Colonster Castle, the Bavière Hospital, the "archaeological block", the Hôtel Rigo, etc.).

Ideally, a small exhibition and/or publication will be produced at the end of the term.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

By the end of this course, students will be able to think critically about a topical heritage issue, and more specifically to research, investigate, structure and present their thoughts in collaboration with their peers.


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The theory and history of architecture courses of the baccalaureate cycle as well as the course about intervention principles on existing architecture. 

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Presentations and lectures, visits, fieldwork, library/archive research, group discussions and presentations

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

The sessions are organised face-to-face as long as health conditions allow it. 

Arboleda, Pablo. « Reimagining Unfinished Architectures: Ruin Perspectives between Art and Heritage ». Cultural Geographies 26, no 2 (1 avril 2019): 227-44. 
Ashurst, John, ed. Conservation of Ruins. 1st ed. Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Conservation and Museology. Amsterdam?; Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007.
Bilsel, Can. Antiquity on Display: Regimes of the Authentic in Berlin's Pergamon Museum. Oxford?; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Cairns, Stephen. Buildings Must Die: A Perverse View of Architecture. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2014.
Conde-Reis, Guy, ed. Victor Horta. Ho^tel Aubecq, Brussels, 2011

Darmon, Olivier. Habiter les ruines: transformer, réinventer. Paris: Alternatives, 2016.
Harbison, Robert. Ruins and Fragments: Tales of Loss and Rediscovery. London: Reaktion Books, 2015.
Houbart, Claudine. « De(con)struction/(re)construction : urban scenography in Belgium in the 1960's " dans Gremium, 6.11, janvier-juin 2019, pp. 46-61.
Houbart Claudine, Hallot, Pierre. "May digital reconstruction tools help preserving the material and evocative value of fragments? The case of Victor Horta's Hôtel Aubecq in Brussels." In Das Fragment im Digitalen Zeitalter. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen neuer Techniken in der Restaurierung, edited by U. Schädler-Saub and A. Weyer, Berlin, Germany: Hendrik Bässler Verlag, 2021, p. 107-123.
Kunze, Donald, et David Bertolini. Architecture Post Mortem. New edition. Burlington: Routledge, 2013.
Lichtenstein, Jacqueline. « The Fragment. Elements of a Definition ». In The Fragment: An Incomplete History, édité par William Tronzo, Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2009, pp. 114-29.
Pressouyre, Léon. Faut-il restaurer les ruines?: entretiens du patrimoine. Actes des colloques de la Direction du patrimoine?; 10, Paris: Ministère de la culture, Direction du patrimoine?: Diffusion, Picard, 1991.
Ryynänen, Max, et Zoltán Somhegyi. Learning from Decay: Essays on the Aesthetics of Architectural Dereliction and Its Consumption. Berlin?; New York: Peter Lang, 2018.
Mörsch, Georg. « Das Fragment in der Denkmalpflege ». In Das Denkmal als Fragment - das Fragment als Denkmal: Denkmale als Attraktionen, édité par Karen Schmitt, Stuttgart: Theiss, 2008, pp. 81-89.
Velios, Athanasios, et John Harrison. « Digital Reconstruction of Fragmented Archaeological Objects ». Studies in Conservation 52, no 1 (mars 2007), pp. 19-36.
Whitehouse, Tanya. How Ruins Acquire Aesthetic Value: Modern Ruins, Ruin Porn, and the Ruin Tradition. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Active participation in sessions, intermediate presentations of research work.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course




Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online

01. Modern heritage - Introduction

01b. Après 1945 - Tout casser, tout classer
Introduction - second part

02. Le Corbusier Maison Guiette - VIDEO - Quoc Anh Bach Corentin Werrie
02. Le Corbusier Maison Guiette - VIDEO - Quoc Anh Bach Corentin Werrie

02. Maison Guiette - Le Corbusier
02. Maison Guiette - Le Corbusier

02a. Maison Guiette, restauration - La revue de la renovation
02a. Maison Guiette, restauration - La revue de la renovation

02b. G. Baines - Conservation de l'oeuvre de LC - Maison Guiette.1990
02b. G. Baines - Conservation de l'oeuvre de LC - Maison Guiette.1990

02c. G. Baines - Du système DOM INO au type Citrohan.1997
02c. G. Baines - Du système DOM INO au type Citrohan.1997

02d. AA 275, Dec.1991
02d. AA 275, Dec.1991

03. Villa à Garches - Auguste Perret
03. Villa à Garches - Auguste Perret

03a. Villa à Garches - Article DOCOMOMO
03a. Villa à Garches - Article DOCOMOMO

T03. Ieder zijn huis - Willy van der Meeren
T03. Ieder zijn huis - Willy van der Meeren

T03. Maison Dotremont - Louis Herman De Koninck
T03. Maison Dotremont - Louis Herman De Koninck

T03a. DOCOMOMO Journal - 54_Maurizio Cohen_
T03a. DOCOMOMO Journal - 54_Maurizio Cohen_

T03a. Maison Dotremont - B. Baines - Projet restauration, 2006
T03a. Maison Dotremont - B. Baines - Projet restauration, 2006

T03b. Maison Dotremont - F. Hossey - Historique et note explicative
T03b. Maison Dotremont - F. Hossey - Historique et note explicative

T03b.Ieder zijn huis - Article DocomomoMC.FR
T03b.Ieder zijn huis - Article DocomomoMC.FR

T03c. Maison Dotremont - Etude sur la maison - Guillot & Molina - ULB 2106-2017
T03c. Maison Dotremont - Etude sur la maison - Guillot & Molina - ULB 2106-2017

T03c. Verdonck, Verswijer, De Meyer - Ieder Zijn Huis - fr
T03c. Verdonck, Verswijer, De Meyer - Ieder Zijn Huis - fr

T03d. JM - Ieder zijn huis, Evere, Le Béton
T03d. JM - Ieder zijn huis, Evere, Le Béton

T03d. Maison Dotremont - Maison Lenglet de LHDK - ULB 2013-2014-
T03d. Maison Dotremont - Maison Lenglet de LHDK - ULB 2013-2014-

T03e. Ieder zijn huis, Evere in 45+
T03e. Ieder zijn huis, Evere in 45+

T03e. Maison Dotremont - La Cité- Février 1927, Oeuvres de LHDK
T03e. Maison Dotremont - La Cité- Février 1927, Oeuvres de LHDK

T03f. ARCHI URBAIN (1334) Charlotte Nys, Origin Architecture & Engineering
T03f. ARCHI URBAIN (1334) Charlotte Nys, Origin Architecture & Engineering

T03f. Maison Dotremont - La Cité - Décembre 1932, Maison à Auderghem, LHDK
T03f. Maison Dotremont - La Cité - Décembre 1932, Maison à Auderghem, LHDK

T04. Casa Malaparte
T04. Casa Malaparte

T04. Fallingwater - La maison et sa restauration
T04. Fallingwater - La maison et sa restauration

T04. Maison de verre
T04. Maison de verre

T04a. Maison de Verre
T04a. Maison de Verre

T04b. Maison de verre
T04b. Maison de verre

T04c. Maison de verre
T04c. Maison de verre

T05. Sanatorium Zonnestraal et Fabrique Van Nelle
T05. Sanatorium Zonnestraal et Fabrique Van Nelle