2024-2025 / ARCH0585-1

Architecture projects 4th term - Theme 2 Habitat / Living: Settings


256h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in architecture, professional focus in architecture and urban planning20 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Articulating theoretical knowledge, critical methods, creative and imaginative approaches, at the end of the master's program students will demonstrate their ability to design built and unbuilt space in a projective and/or productive manner through multi-scale architectural compositions inscribed in an environmental, historical, cultural, social, economic and political context. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the context in order to argue for sensitive, comprehensive and sustainable solutions.

While maintaining a generalist approach in order to cover the many dimensions of the architectural profession, the proposed teaching allows for a deepening of the subjects and requires more commitment and position-taking on the part of the students.

The workshop approaches projects of a significant scale by considering them in relation to a global scale. They place the student in a position to approach all aspects of architectural design with an awareness of urban, cultural, social, environmental and global issues, and by developing critical thinking.

The workshop develops not only a capacity to manage all the fields taught, but also a capacity for personal appropriation of these data in order to develop and communicate a qualitative, synthetic and coherent architectural response.

The student's scope of intervention will be based on the foundations of a reflection carried out on the scale of an extended Liège territory that is in a state of flux; more specifically, in a developing district. These architectural projects will necessarily integrate, on the given sites, a mixed programming defined by, on the one hand, a constant linked to the question of housing (with a particular attention on the typological variations linked to the new ways of living) and, on the other hand, one or several variables linked to the collective life of the district (collective equipment, public spaces, ...).

The theme will be addressed at all scales of intervention, from the wider landscape to the detailed resolution of the private cell.


Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The practice of the master workshops aims to give students:

The tools to observe the built world 
The tools of projection in an environment in a state of perpetual transformation 
Tools for graphic, verbal and written communication 
Tools for self-evaluation 
The student must demonstrate the ability to produce the project at its various stages, with sufficient critical reflection, argumentation and autonomy to approach the practice of architecture in a professional environment or in a more specific specialization or research course.

The projects are intended to exercise and verify the student's ability to manage and produce a project of significant importance concerning a complex type of function and/or an elaborate set of functions, in an effective and well-hierarchical synthesis between the different aspects involved: the concept and architectural party, the functionality, the organization, the structure, the spatial quality, the architectural expression, the elementary integration of equipment, the construction and communication of the project's argumentation

The student must be able to summon, exploit and put into constructive and creative relationship, the learning outcomes of all the subjects taught during the bachelor and master courses.

The learning outcomes are :

The requirement of the inscription of the architectural approach in a historical, cultural and societal reflection. 
The development of the ability to integrate and synthesize the various parameters that form the basis of a balanced design. 
The emergence of the maturity, work methodology, autonomy and critical spirit necessary for a future architect. 
The acquisition of a capacity for personal reflection and its enunciation through the architectural project in the broadest sense of the term (built and urbanized world) 
The progressive acquisition of a self-critical sense. 
The ability to construct an argument for the presentation of the project. 
The acquisition of sufficient bases as regards the tools of verbal, written and graphic communication allowing to approach the profession of architect in its various facets
The workshop must allow the student to demonstrate a systemic resolution of the questions and issues with which he is confronted, here focused on the qualities of habitability of the built environment with which man is associated.

The practice of the workshop aims to give the student the tools of observation of the built world and the tools of projection in an environment in perpetual state of transformation.


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

In general, the prerequisites are all the theoretical or practical notions and methodologies learned in the previous courses and workshops, which are exploited and extended by the project practice. This concerns the subjects and skills developed in all areas of teaching at the faculty.

With some exceptions (validated by the teachers and the direction), all students have participated in the Q2 Habitat/Postures d'Habiter workshop and validated this course.

The workshop requires the demonstration of a coherent approach integrating the assimilation and appropriate use of all the prerequisites, in a global approach to project design.


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The main teaching device is the workshop: a place of individual or collective exchange between the various students and the teachers, based on the regular production of the students and their pro-activity. The work is individual or in groups for certain aspects. The workshop organizes the learning process in various and free means: collective reflection sessions, instruction or debriefing sessions, round-table discussions to share questions and disseminate information, personalized interviews based on the student's personal work, presentations and collegial critiques.

In addition to the development of the projects themselves, some other pedagogical devices may be interspersed, such as internal workshop presentations, quick isolated exercises, internal or external workshops, study trips, visits, external conferences, and the intervention of lecturers within the workshop; the participation of students in these particular devices is compulsory and some are evaluated.

Work may be done individually, in small or large groups depending on the phase and nature of the questions.

Students may also be involved in project exhibition, presentation and communication activities, writing and publication exercises, and contact with field actors or the general public, all of which will prepare them for professional life in its cultural and societal dimensions.

In general, the workshop develops pedagogies that prepare students for the current conditions of the practice of the profession of architect, by making them aware of the cultural, social, economic and environmental realities, which today overturn the classic and linear models of reflection and action on the built environment (a need / a client / a site / a project)

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Under normal circumstances, instruction will take place face-to-face in the workshop. Special learning arrangements will be specified if necessary.

The pedagogy tends to develop the student's initiative, autonomy, critical spirit, rigor and efficiency in order to lead him/her in a coherent way in realistic projects as much at the level of the urban and architectural options as at the level of the programmatic, constructive, normative and environmental stakes.

In general, students are encouraged to engage in their own research and to pursue their own curiosity (library, travel, etc.) in order to form a critical judgment.

Indicative bibliography :

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Out-of-session test(s)

Other : XXX

Additional information:

Attendance and participation in all activities organized within the workshop are mandatory.

Personal and/or group work is monitored and commented on weekly, according to the workshop's operating procedures and stages.

The progress of personal and/or collective work is subject to cumulative evaluation by the workshop team, at pre-defined phases, and according to pre-established criteria that may vary according to the nature of the stages: preparatory analyses, thematic approaches, preparatory work, sketch, preliminary project, developed project. In some cases, self-evaluation will be advocated by the teachers in order to develop the student's autonomy and sense of self-criticism and organization of thought and work progression.

When certain stages of preparatory work or projects are carried out in groups, the teachers check the nature and quality of the contribution of each student, and adapt the individual evaluations.

Assessments are weighted fairly according to the type of work (individual work, duos, trios, groups of different sizes)

The evaluation steps are specified at the start of each project.

At the beginning of each project or project phase, the teachers will clearly specify the work or evaluation methods (individual work, in groups, etc.), as well as the expected content.

The weighting between the project stages is established by the teachers in proportion to the duration and importance of the phases.

The results of the intermediate evaluation stages are communicated to the students within a short period of time (in the form of ECTS evaluation)

The evaluation of Master 2 students must require a higher degree of mastery in the different areas of evaluation (design, theoretical foundations, composition and architectural expression, argumentation of the party and choices, constructive and technical development, programming, level of general development of all aspects, level of quality and development of documents produced)

The quality of the synthesis is an overriding criterion of appreciation: the technical choices as well as the formal and structural parties must support, confirm and legibly accompany the project in a unity of means put at the service of an integrated overall purpose.

The end-of-year project is evaluated by an extended final jury made up of the teaching team, other teachers and outside experts from the professional world (architects, urban planners, resource persons in specific fields), the administration, and architectural education; this jury has an impact of 50% of the total points for the year.

Separate evaluations may be made, depending on the specificity of the projects, on particular aspects of the project such as expression, construction, graphic communication, the accompanying synopsis of the project. 
Students must attend the workshops: the absence of a student from more than 20% of the workshops, even if justified, may be grounds for refusal.


Sketch = 10
AP = 10
JURY = 60
Continuous assessment = 10% (progress and active participation in the workshop)

Procedure in case of absence or lateness :

Modality in case of absence or lateness in an intermediate or final submission (jury). A late submission or an unjustified absence is penalized by the non-receivability of the work and a grade of "0". In the event that the student is unable to be present on the day and at the time of a submission, the protocol to follow is as follows

Notify the teacher in charge of the group as well as the teachers coordinating the course by email before the date and time of the presentation;
Submission of the work (in the state it is in) by a third party, on the day, at the time and in the place provided. In addition, documents must be submitted digitally (including scans and/or photos) via the MIRO or eCampus platform by the due date and time;
Submission to the secretary's office of a receipt for the day of absence, with a copy to the referring teacher and the coordinators;
The jury will deliberate on the admissibility or not of the documents, as well as on all the measures it deems necessary for their examination;

In case of admissibility and on the scheduled date of the examination, the work will be evaluated on the basis of the documents as they are.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The cost of reproducing graphic documents and making models is the responsibility of the students: the cost of collective models (site) is the responsibility of the group of students concerned.


Fabienne COURTEJOIE : fcourtejoie@uliege.be
Bernard DEFFET: bernard.deffet@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs