2024-2025 / ARCH0557-1

Sciences and techniques 3: Performance-based approach to existing constructions


40h Th

Number of credits

 Master in architecture, professional focus in architecture and urban planning5 crédits 



Sophie Trachte

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course «Science and Techniques 3, Performance approach in existing constructions» aims  to consider the renovation of the existing built stock in a global approach combining comfort improvement and energy performance, limiting the environmental impact of this renovation and promoting the reuse and circularity of buildings materials and components.

The question asked is: How can we today renovate the existing built stock taking into account the following issues:

  • The issue of Maintenance and Conservation, including structural elements;
  • The issue of Comfort and energy performance improvement
  • The issue of circularity and reuse: how to make the most of existing elements in situ, how to reintroduce reuse materials, how to envisage reversible solutions, how to avoid waste
  • The Environmental issues: how to reduce the overall environmental impact
The course aims at the acquisition of a reflexive approach to renovation allowing to integrate and combine these different issues in the architecture project. The  approach is based on a practical case, and is supported by theoretical inputs and the use of tools/software that promote the continuous evaluation of conceptual choices.

Students will work in groups to promote the development of collaborative intelligence used in architecture offices as well as argumentation and dialogue.


  • Introduction to renovation: challenges, regulatory framework, multi-criteria approach;
  • Building's surveys and diagnostics: understanding the building and its specificities (assets and/or weaknesses)
  • Analysis of existing structures and relation to the building use and a network of technical systems: conservation, demolition, modification and/or reinforcement
  • Programmatic potential (how to maintain and adapt) and comfort analysis;
  • Circular design, waste management, and reuse of materials in renovation
  • Measures to improve the energy envelope: measures, techniques, materials
  • Environmental and circular assessment of proposed measures
  • Building renovation and integration of a ventilation system
  • Development of a strategy and roadmap
All of these theoretical contents will be directly manipulated and exercised during the workshop sessions.



Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this teaching unit, students will be able to:

  • Identify, analyze and understand the existing building and all of these material and technical components;
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of a building in terms of spatial organization and future adaptability, structure, comfort and energy performance;
  • Identify and analyse an existing structure and propose, according to use and techniques, the modifications to be considered;
  • Propose pertinent renovation objectives;
  • Formulate and prioritize retrofit and/or optimization measures on the envelope and on the technical systems and justify their interest;
  • Develop a comprehensive (and phase by phase) renovation strategy combining envelope and systems measures and including constructive and technological choices;
  • Assess the impact of a renovation strategy on the environment (environmental assessment via TOTEM) and on the circularity of materials.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The reflexive approach proposed is based on set of skills and knowledge acquired by students in the three main areas of construction/ structure/ comfort during the years of bachelor and master 1, and this, through the Building Technology  (1 to 6) and Science and Technology (1 and 2) lectures.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

By group, you will be put in a situation of a consulting office in sustainable and energy-efficient renovation. You have to submit a renovation strategy, based on a case study and justify the programmatic, structural, energy and environmental interest.

This continuous exercise in designing a renovation strategy is the common thread of the teaching unit and the basis of the evaluation. The learning activities organized during the course will allow you to properly formulate and justify this renovation strategy.

The courses are structured in 10 sessions of 4h00. The first session is an introductive   session to renovation and diagnosis. This session is followed by a (during afternoon) building survey and diagnosis session on site. The following eight other sessions are organized as a workshop, with:
- 1 hour of theoretical input or manipulation of tools/software (in audience)
- 3 hours of supervised exercise to develop the reflexive process based on a case study

The 10 course sessions are complemented by individual and independent work, outside the sessions organized by the teachers.

Different learning activities will be proposed and organized during the course. They will allow you to properly formulate and justify this renovation strategy.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Presentation slides are provided for each course on eCampus.

A bibliography adapted to theorical content provided  is indicated during courses.

Technical documents and/or tools, such as Excel spreadsheets, to be used during certain sessions, are sent a week in advance and available online on eCampus.

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

The course is evaluated on the basis of

  • a Group work - proposal and justification of a renovation strategy (65%)
  • a Individual work - critical analysis of a scientific article on energy renovation (35%)
Group work(65%)

After each workshop, your progress will be posted on MIRO so that we can regularly give you feedback and redirect your choices if necessary. The respect and consistency of these deposits as well as the quality of the documents filed will count for 5% in the evaluation.

The intermediate report (20%) must be submitted in the middle of the term on eCampus, for the 19/11/23. It will integrate all your design reflection on diagnosis and structure and programming.

The synthesis of your results and your reflexive approach, in the form of a technical report as well as a graphic report (plans, details and diagrams) will be submitted in January session and will account for 40%. A unique rating is assigned to the entire group. A more detailed desription of the work will be available on eCampus.

Individual work(35%)

On the basis of a series of articles that will be proposed to you, you are asked to produce individually, in two to three A4 pages maximum, a critical analysis of an article of your choice (3 different articles per group) which will include:

  • A brief description of the objectives, methodology and results
  • A critical analysis relating the article to the knowledge provided during the course

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

In order to simplify and optimize exchanges between teachers and students, all communications and questions relating to this teaching will be carried out only during the different sessions of courses.

In order to best organize your group functioning, you are advised to

  • choose your teammates according to your respective architecture workshops: it will be more easy for three students with the same architecture workshop to find moments of exchange between the sessions
  • participate and work actively in groups during the workshop sessions and ask all your questions to your teachers. In this way, there will remain only a work of synthesis and of putting to order to realize in autonomy
If ERASMUS students are present, we ask you to include them in your groups so that they can have a real support in the organization of the course and students referring to the Faculty


Sophie Trachte - sophie.trachte@uliege.be

François Laurent - flaurent@uliege.be 

Association of one or more MOOCs